Stellar Occultations
occultation type (occ_type) [text] Egress or ingress occultation ()
occultation time (occ_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC format ()
occultation ephemeris time (occ_et) [number] Occultation time in ephemeris time ()
star identifier (star_id) [text] ()
** star name** (star_name) [text] Identification number (Henry Daper catalog) of the star being occulted ()
** distance ** (mnp_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the point at the moon or planet limb where the occultation occurs (km)
solar zenith angle (mnp_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at the occultation point and the Sun (deg)
solar phase angle (mnp_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at the occultation point (deg)
** local time in time format** (mnp_loctime) [text] Local time at the occultation point (hh:mm:ss)
local time in hour (mnp_hour_ang) [number] Local time at the occultation point (hours)
solar longitude (mnp_ls) [number] Angle between the Jupiter-Sun line and the vernal equinox direction of Jupiter’s orbit (deg)
occulted point longitude (mnp_lon) [number] Longitude of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
occulted point latitude (mnp_lat) [number] Latitude of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
angle line-of-sght to Sun (ang_los_sun) [number] Angle between a theoretical pointing of the SC Z axis to the occulted point and the Sun (deg)
radial velocity (star_target_radial_vel) [number] Radial component of the velocity of the line SC to the occulted star with respect to the occulting body (km/s)
SC pointing cartesian (sp_z_j2000) [blob] Cartesian coordinates of the SC Z axis pointing to observe the occultation (km)
** SC pointing Radec** (sp_z_j2000_radec) [blob] Right ascension and declination of the SC Z axis pointing to observe the occultation (deg)
Earth Occultations
occultation type (occ_type) [text] Egress or ingress occultation ()
occultation time (occ_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC format ()
occultation calendar time (occ_utc_cal) [text] Occultation event time in calendar format ()
occultation ephemeris time (occ_et) [number] Occultation event time in ephemeris time ()
body name (body_id) [text] Name of the occulting body ()
** distance ** (mnp_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the point at the moon or planet limb where the occultation occurs (km)
solar zenith angle (mnp_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at the occultation point and the sun (deg)
solar phase angle (mnp_phase) [number] solar phase angle at the occultation point (deg)
local time in time format (mnp_loctime) [text] Local time at the occultation point (hh:mm:ss)
local time in hour (mnp_hour_ang) [number] Local time at the occultation point (hours)
angle line-of-sight to Sun (ang_los_sun) [number] Angle between a theoretical pointing of the HGA to the occulted point and the Sun (deg)
solar longitude (mnp_ls) [number] Angle between the Jupiter-Sun line and the vernal equinox direction of Jupiter’s orbit (deg)
occulted point longitude (mnp_lon) [number] Longitude of the occulted point (in IAU_BODY), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
occulted point latitude (mnp_lat) [number] Latitude of the occulted point (deg)
SC pointing cartesian (sp_x_j2000) [blob] Cartesian coordinates of the HGA axis pointing to observe the occultation (km)
** SC pointing Radec** (sp_x_j2000_radec) [blob] Right ascension and declination of the HGA axis pointing to observe the occultation (deg)
time to pericenter (time2peri) [number] Time between the occultation and the next pericenter time (s)
ground station availability (gs_av) [text] Flag indicating whether one ground station used for signal reception is visible at occultation time ()
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 43 visibility (gdsd43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 45 visibility (gdsd45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 63 visibility (gdsd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 65 visibility (gdsd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
distance to Earth (planet_earth_dist) [number] Distance between SC and Earth at occultation time (km)
station setup (station_updown) [text] Flag indicating the uplink and downlink setup of the visible station ()
ssc point longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude on the occulting body at the occultation time (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc point latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude on the occulting body at the occultation time (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
event type (evt_type) [text] Egress (TRANSIT_END) or ingress (TRANSIT_START) occultation ()
time (evt_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (evt_utc_cal) [text] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
ephemeris time (evt_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
occulting body (body_front) [text] Name of the body occulting the S/C-Target line ()
occulted body (body_back) [text] name of the body occulted ()
separation angle (sc2body_sc2jup_ang) [number] Angle between vectors S/C-Jupiter and S/C-occulting body (deg)
distance (sc_dist_to_fbody) [number] Distance between S/C and occulting body (km)
distance (body radii) (sc_dist_to_fbody_br) [number] Distance between S/C and occulting body (body radii)
distance to jupiter (sc_dist_to_jup) [number] Distance between S/C and Jupiter (km)
distance to jupiter (body radii) (sc_dist_to_jup_jr) [number] Distance between S/C and Jupiter (Jupiter radii)
angular size (jup_ang_size) [number] Jupiter angular size seen from S/C (deg)
body angular size (fbody_ang_size) [number] Angular size of occulting body seen from S/C (deg)
ssc longitude at Jupiter (ssc_jup_lon) [number] Longitude of sub-SC point at Jupiter (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at Jupiter (ssc_jup_lat) [number] Latitude of sub-SC point at Jupiter (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
ssc altitude (ssc_jup_alt) [number] SC altitude at Jupiter (km)
local time (ssc_jup_loctime) [number] Local time of sub-SC point at Jupiter (hours)
phase (sc_jup_phase) [number] Solar phase angle (deg)
ssc longitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_lon) [number] Longitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_lat) [number] Latitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
sc altitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_alt) [number] Altitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (km)
occulting body local time (ssc_fbody_loctime) [number] Local time of sub-SC point at occulting body (hours)
occulting body phase angle (sc_fbody_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at occulting body (deg)
ground station visibility (mal_vis) [text] Malargue ground station visibility ()
event type (evt_type) [text] Furthest distance or closest approach ()
target (target) [text] Body name for which the event is provided ()
ephemeris time (time_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
time (time_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (time_utc_cal) [text] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
event crema reference name (crema_name) [text] Name of the event when listed in the Crema ()
distance (sc_tar_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the target body at event time (km)
distance (body radii) (sc_tar_dist_rbody) [number] Distance between the SC and the target body at event time (body radius)
longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude at the flyby epoch on the target (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude at the flyby epoch on the target (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase (ssc_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point (deg)
altitude (ssc_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above surface (km)
solar zenith angle (ssc_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point and the sun direction (deg)
angular size (tar_ang_size) [number] Angular size of the target body at event time (deg)
local time (ssc_loctime) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point (hours)
jupiter sun angle (sun_jup_moon) [number] Angle between the direction Jupiter to Sun and Jupiter to moon at event time (deg)
moon true anomaly (moon_true_anom) [number] True anomaly of the moon at closest approach time (deg)
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 43 visibility (cand43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 45 visibility (cand45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 63 visibility (madd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 65 visibility (madd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible at closest approach time ()
Cebreros visibility (ceb_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Cebreros is visible at closest approach time ()
Gnd Seg available (gs_av) [text] Flag indicating whether GS is available at closest approach time ()
distance to Earth (jup_earth_dist) [number] Distance between Jupiter and Earth at event time (km)
distance to Sun (jup_sun_dist) [number] Distance between Jupiter and Sun at event time (km)
spacecraft target velocity (sc_tar_vel_at_ca) [number] Velocity between the spacecraft and the center of the planetary body (km/s)
Gnd track vel. along-track (gt_vel_rad) [number] Along-track component of the velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
Gnd track vel. across-track (gt_vel_tan) [number] Across-track component of the velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
Gnd track velocity (gt_vel) [number] Velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
flyby in jupiter shadow flag (shadow_flag) [number] Flag indicating whether the flyby occurs while in Jupiter’s shadow ()
integrated power 12 hours (energy_generated_ca_12) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] The integrated power generated by the solar panels for the default attitude nadir +- 12 h around CA (Wh)
integrated power 1 hour (energy_generated_ca_1) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] The integrated power generated by the solar panels for the default attitude nadir pushbroom +- 1 h around CA (Wh)
energy bal. 12h (energy_for_science_ca_12) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Energy balance for science over 12h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption (Wh)
energy bal. 1h (energy_for_science_ca_1) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Energy balance for science over 1h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption (Wh)
energy bal. 1h (NIM obst min) (energy_for_science_ca_1_sadm_nim) [number] Energy balance for science over 1h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption and a sadm position that minimizes the NIM FOV obstruction (Wh)
solar power (solar_input) [number] The Sun power delivered at the time of the flyby depending on the distance to the Sun (W)
yaw steering susp. max. dev. (max_y_sun_off_angle_pusbroom) [number] Maximum deviation of y axis to sun during the +-1 h yaw steering suspension around CA (deg)
max. sc/sun angle pushbroom (max_sc_sun_to_yz_plane_pusbroom) [number] Maximum angle between the SC to Sun direction and the SC YZ plane during pushbroom (deg)
Time to closest Perijove (delta_time_to_perijove) [number] Time to the Perijove nearest in time to the closest approach (hours)
Y axis to flight direction (flight_direction) [number] Solar panel direction (plus or minus sign of the Y axis) that needs to be put toward the SC velocity vector with respect to the target body in order to avoid the illumination of +X ()
SAA max energy pushbroom (sadm_ang) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Orientation of the solar arrays that maximizes the energy generated by the solar panel assuming two hours pushbroom around closest approach (deg)
% of the NIM FOV obstructed (nim_obstr) [number] Percentage of the PEP-NIM FOV obstructed during the pushbroom attitude if using the optimum SADM angle ()
ra j2000 sc target (sc_tar_dir_ra_j2000) [number] RA of the spacecraft to target direction vector in J2000 (deg)
dec j2000 sc target (sc_tar_dir_dec_j2000) [number] DEC coordinates of the spacecraft to target direction vector in J2000 (deg)
**jupiter-moon elongation ** (jupiter_tar_sc_ang) [number] Jupiter-sc-moon angle at closest approach time (deg)
Moon mean anomaly (moon_mean_anom) [number] Moon mean anomaly (deg)
JANUS data volume on pushbroom (janus_pushbroom_dv_gb) [number] JANUS produced data volume on pushbroom (gbits)
Radial position uncertainty (radial_pos_uncertainty) [number] Radial position uncertainty (km)
Minimum RIME produced data volume (rime_dv_min) [number] Minimum RIME produced data volume (gbits)
Maximum RIME produced data volume (rime_dv_max) [number] Maximum RIME produced data volume (gbits)
Maximum Boom angular speed (max_boom_ang_speed) [number] Maximum Boom angular speed (deg/s)
Maximum Dish angular speed (max_dish_ang_speed) [number] Maximum Dish angular speed (deg/s)
MGA boom angle (mga_boom_ang) [number] MGA boom angle (deg)
SC/Earth elevation (sc_earth_elevation) [number] SC/Earth elevation (deg)
SC/Earth azimuth (sc_earth_azimuth) [number] SC/Earth azimuth (deg)
MGA dish angle (mga_dish_ang) [number] MGA dish angle (deg)
Earth occultation during flyby (earth_occ_during_fb) [text] Flag indication Earth occultation during flyby (-)
event type (evt_type) [text] Furthest distance or closest approach ()
ephemeris time (time_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
time (time_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (time_utc_cal) [text] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
event crema reference name (crema_name) [text] Name of the event when listed in the Crema ()
SC-Jupiter distance (sc_jup_dist) [number] Distance between JUICE and Jupiter (km)
SC-Jupiter distance in Jupiter radii (sc_jup_dist_rj) [number] Distance between JUICE and Jupiter in Jupiter radii (Rj)
longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase (ssc_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter (deg)
solar zenith angle (ssc_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the Sun direction (deg)
Jupiter angular size (jup_ang_size) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE (deg)
local time (ssc_loctime) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point (hours)
UTC doy time two days before (time_utc_2dear) [text] UTC time two days earlier than the current event ()
UTC calendar time two days before (time_utc_cal_2dear) [text] UTC calendar time two days earlier than the current event ()
JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days before event (sc_jup_dist_2dear) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days before event (km)
JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days before event (sc_jup_dist_rj_2dear) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days before event (km)
longitude two days before event (ssc_lon_2dear) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude two days before event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude two days before event (ssc_lat_2dear) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase two days before event (ssc_phase_2dear) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter two days before event (deg)
solar zenith angle two days before event (ssc_sza_2dear) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the sun direction two days before event (deg)
Jupiter angular size two days before event (jup_ang_size_2dear) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE two days before event (deg)
local time two days before event (ssc_loctime_2dear) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point two days before event (hours)
UTC doy time two days after (time_utc_2dlat) [text] UTC time two days later than the current event ()
UTC calendar time two days after (time_utc_cal_2dlat) [text] UTC calendar time two days after the current event ()
JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days after event (sc_jup_dist_2dlat) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days after event (km)
JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days after event (sc_jup_dist_rj_2dlat) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days after event (km)
longitude two days after event (ssc_lon_2dlat) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude two days after event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude two days after event (ssc_lat_2dlat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude two days after event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase two days after event (ssc_phase_2dlat) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter two days after event (deg)
Solar zenith angle two days after event (ssc_sza_2dlat) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the Sun direction two days after event (deg)
Jupiter angular size two days after event (jup_ang_size_2dlat) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE two days after event (deg)
local time two days after event (ssc_loctime_2dlat) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point two days after event (hours)
integrated power +-50 h around CA (energy_generated_ca_50) [number] Integrated power +-50 h around CA (Wh)
integrated power for science +-50 h around CA (energy_for_science_ca_50) [number] Integrated power for science +-50 h around CA (Wh)
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 43 visibility (cand43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 45 visibility (cand45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 (Canberra)is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 63 visibility (madd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 65 visibility (madd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible at closest approach time ()
Jupiter-Earth distance (jup_earth_dist_au) [number] Jupiter-Earth distance (au)
Sun Occultations
occultation type (evt_type) [text] Egress (TRANSIT_END) or ingress (TRANSIT_START) occultation ()
occultation time (evt_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC (DOY) format ()
occultation time (evt_utc_cal) [text] Occultation event time in UTC (CAL) format ()
occultation ephemeris time (evt_et) [number] Occultation time in ephemeris time ()
Body occulting the Sun as seen from the spacecraft (body_front) [text] Body occulting the Sun as seen from the spacecraft ()
angle sc-body sc-jupiter (sc2body_sc2jup_ang) [number] Angle between the directions spacecraft-to-occulting body and spacecraft-to-Jupiter (deg)
distance sc to body (sc_dist_to_fbody) [number] Distance spacecraft to occulting body (km)
distance sc to body (body radii) (sc_dist_to_fbody_br) [number] Distance spacecraft to occulting body in body radii (body radii)
distance sc to jupiter (sc_dist_to_jup) [number] Distance spacecraft to Jupiter (km)
distance sc to jupiter (jupiter radii) (sc_dist_to_jup_jr) [number] Distance spacecraft to jupiter in Jupiter Radii (jup radii)
jupiter ang. size (jup_ang_size) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from spacecraft (deg)
body ang. size (fbody_ang_size) [number] Angular size of occulting body (deg)
ssc longitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude at Jupiter (deg)
ssc latitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude at Jupiter (deg)
ssc altitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above Jupiter (km)
ssc local time at jupiter (ssc_jup_loctime) [number] Sub-spacecraft point local time at Jupiter (hours)
jupiter phase angle (sc_jup_phase) [number] Jupiter solar phase angle (deg)
ssc longitude at body (ssc_fbody_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at body (ssc_fbody_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
ssc altitude at body (ssc_fbody_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above occulting body (km)
ssc local time at body (ssc_fbody_loctime) [number] Sub-spacecraft point local time at occulting body (hours)
body phase angle (sc_fbody_phase) [number] Occulting body solar phase angle (deg)
pointing cartesian coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (sp_z_j2000) [blob] SC pointing (+Z axis) cartesian coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (km)
pointing radec coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (sp_z_j2000_radec) [blob] SC pointing (+Z axis) RA/DEC coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (def)
visibility of Malargue (mal_vis) [text] Visibility of Malargue ()