Events overview and event-based segment generation tool
The Events overview and event-based segment generation tool (EOE) is a very powerful tool to analyze the distribution and the geometry of events (Flybys, Transits and Earth, Stellar and Sun Occultations) in order to generate opportunity segments.
EOE is part of The Events and Segments Visualisation and Coverage Tool (ESVCT) suite that consists of three complementary tools that support the science segmentation of the Jupiter Tour. In this context these tools are a perfect complement to the JUICE SOC Timeline tool. The three tools are briefly described hereunder.
Events overview and event-based segment generation tool: Analyze the distribution of events (Flybys, Transits and Earth, Stellar and Sun Occultations) in the geometry space of interest; select the most interesting ones and create the corresponding opportunity segments outputs.
Opportunity Segments Coverage Tool: Analyze the coverage of opportunity segments in the geometry space of interest within a selected time window. Identify the most relevant ones to export and use it in the timeline tool.
Segmentation Coverage Tool: Explore the coverage of a given segmentation in the geometry space of interest and compare it to theoretical opportunities.
Tool Audience
The main audience of ESVCT are the SOC Operations Scientists, the Working Groups leads and the Instrument Teams scientists involved in the trajectory science segmentation.
The Operations Scientists serve as first users of the functionalities developed by the SOC such as the ESVCT.
The Events overview tool is accessible from the
in Science Operations Planning Tools > Science Opportunity Analysis >
Events Overview and Segment Coverage Tools
. This takes you to the Events and
Segments Visualization and Coverage Tool
and then you need to select the Crema instance of the Events overview and event-based
segment generation tool
. E.g.: Crema 5.0.
Geometrical Events
An event is a time window over which certain geometric conditions are met.
Most geometry computations performed involve calculating quantities of interest – such as distances, vectors, angles, or orientations – for specified times. When calculating events the inverse problem is solved: find times when specified geometric conditions are met.
An event can be instantaneous, such as an observer attaining its minimum distance to a target, or it can have finite duration – and therefore define a time window, or interval – as does an occultation.
EOE displays all events as instantaneous: for events with finite duration such as an occultation or a transit it provides the “start” and the “end” events as different instantaneous events.
Visualizing the Events
EOE allows you to visualize and analyze a number of events by providing you access to a the events pre-computed in a database for a given Crema. Each event can have different targets, a number of geometrical criteria associated to them, and different geometrical quantities that can be displayed on a plot.
The geometrical criteria are used to filter a given event, e.g.: we want to see
the Earth Occultations by Callisto between to dates (occultation calendar time
) and for a given sub-spacecraft latitude range (ssc point
longitude (ssc_lon)
The geometrical quantities for plots can be the Occultation time (occultation
ephemeris time
) for the X axis, the distance between JUICE and the point at
the occulting body limb (distance
) for the Y axis, and the distance to Earth
(distance to Earth
) for the Color Serie.
Available Events
The currently available events are:
Earth Occultations
Stellar Occultations
Perijoves and Apojoves
Sun Occultations
The following sections describe the available events with further detail and provides the description of some of the particularities of each event. Some descriptions involve how events are displayed in the Event Geometry Plots.
Earth Occultations
Earth occultation by one of the jovian system major bodies: Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Europa or Ganymede as seen from the JUICE s/c.
When Earth occultations event are selected, you need to choose one of the occulting bodies; the equirectangular map will be set to the occulting body and will display the occultation ingress (blue triangle) and egress (orange circle) surface points.
Transit of an occulted body by an occulting body as seen from the JUICE s/c. The body can be one of the jovian system major bodies: Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Europa or Ganymede.
In the table that lists events, the occulted (back) and occulting (front) bodies are added to the available columns.
Stellar Occultations
Stellar occultation by one of the jovian system major bodies: Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Europa or Ganymede as seen from the JUICE s/c.
The available stellar occultations are defined by a star catalog provided by the JUICE UVS team. The names are from the Henry Daper catalog. The catalogue with star names and coordinates is available for the JUICE SOC at the JUICE Gitlab conf repository.
When Stellar occultations event are selected, you need to choose one of the occulting bodies; the equirectangular map will be set to the occulting body and will display the occultation ingress (blue triangle) and egress (orange circle) surface points.
Flyby is the closest approach of JUICE with respect to a target body over a
specified time window. These time windows are defined in such a way that all the
relevant flybys are considered. The targets are the jovian system major bodies:
Jupiter (jupiter_ca
Type in the Event table), Io, Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede,
and all available Jovian Inner and Irregular Satellites (peri
Type in the Event
The complete list of jovian system minor bodies is available at the SPICE JUICE Science Frames Kernel.
For convenience, Flybys also include the Jupiter far approaches or apocenter
events (jupiter_fa
Type in the Event table) and the Ganymede apocenter
events (apo
Type in the Event table), further distance to Ganymede per
orbit, useful during the Ganymede phase.
In the equirectangular map and in the plot, moons closest approaches
Type in the Event table) are considered ingress events whereas
The Ganymede apocenter event (apo
) and the Jupiter Closest and Far approach
events (jupiter_ca
and jupiter_fa
) are considered egress events.
Peijoves are the point in the orbit of JUICE s/c nearest the Jupiter’s center and Apojoves the further point in the orbit.
Perijoves are numbered: 1PJ
, 1AP
, 2PJ
, etc., as described in the Target
column of the Event table. Perijoves are considered ingress events in the
plots and apojoves egress events.
Sun Occultations
Sun occultation by one of the jovian system major bodies: Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Europa or Ganymede as seen from the JUICE s/c.
User Interface
EOE consists of a top bar and an event display dashboard with three columns.
A timeline table at the bottom can be displayed by clicking the top
level bar button Show Timeline
. This table provides events and the
segmentation of a chosen segmentation plan.
These elements are described in detail hereunder.
Top bar
The top bar is divided in three sections. From left to right, the first section
provides information of the Crema version, the selected event being displayed,
and the event target(s). The next element is the Show timeline
button that
allows you to show/hide the timeline at the bottom. Finally the last element
are the buttons to select the event type that will be displayed in the tool.
A target always has to be chosen although some only have one option (All
In addition the saturn
left most icon of the top bar takes you back to the
ESVCT suite tool selection menu.
Event Display Dashboard
The event display dashboard is the central element of the tool and consists of three different columns.
The left column is to filter events, the central column event geometry plots in a equirectangular map projection and in a plot window, the right column lists events, controls their exports, and controls the plots.
Event Geometry Plots
The center of the dashboard has two different plots: a equirectangular map projection at the top and in a plot window in the bottom.
The equirectangular map provides the latitude and longitude coordinates of a relevant quantity associated with the event as follows:
Earth Occultations
occulted point latitude/longitude
: Lat/Lon of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg).Transits
ssc latitude/longitude at Jupiter
: Lat/Lon of the sub-spacecraft point at the occulting body (deg).Stellar Occultations
occulted point lat/lon
: Lat/Lon of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg).Flybys
: Sub-spacecraft lat/lon at the flyby epoch on the target (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg).Perijoves and Apojoves
: Sub-spacecraft lat/lon (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg).Sun Occultations
occulted point latitude/longitude
: Sub-spacecraft point lat/lon at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg).
The Plot at the bottom is able to display different geometrical quantities depending
on the event, the X axis, Y axis, and Color Series values can be controlled from
the bottom box of the right column of the dashboard with the X Serie
Y Serie
, and Color Serie
drop down menus. When a quantity is chosen, its
description is displayed at the bottom of its drop down menu.
The available geometrical parameters correspond to the ones that are eligible
from the Filter Menu on the left that
have a [number]
field type. These can be checked per event on Event Parameters.
or on the private user files of the JUICE SciGit conf repository.
Both the map and the plot are interactive as per the functionalities provided by the package in use, Plotly. This interactive capabilities are important because they allow you to choose events from the plots and from the map that allows you to better contextualize them with the geometrical parameters of interest.
When hoovering the mouse over both the map and the plot, a number of icons will appear on the top right section of the plot with the following actions:
Download plot as png
icon: Download the plot.Zoom
magnifying glass
icon: Zoom the plot with a box.Pan
Cross arrow
icon: Pan through the plot.Box select
dashed square
icon: Select the events inside a box.Lasso select
icon: Select the events inside the lasso.Reset axes
icon: Reset a zoomed and/or panned plot view.Deselect
crossed box
icon: Deselect all selected events.
These actions are triggered with a left click with the mouse. The selection and deselection actions are important because are interlinked with the Event List Table.
Also when you hoover your mouse over events, the event id (see Event List Table) and the X and and Y series value will be displayed.
About Coordinate Systems and Reference Frames
For all cases coordinates are in the latitudinal or planetocentric coordinate system, with a spheroidal model of Jupiter and unless indicated contrarily all reference frame used are IAU body-fixed reference frames based on the SPICE Planetary Constants Kernel in use, as available from the JUICE SPICE repository.
Event List and Controls
The right most column of the dashboard consists of three different windows.
The first window is a table that lists all the events, the second window allows you to export events, and the third window is the plot control window. The plot control window is described in Event Geometry Plots whereas the other windows are described hereunder.
Event List Table
The Event List Table lists the events of the selected type. It can list all the events or the ones filtered with the Filter Menu. The event list has six columns:
Id: Is the event id and corresponds to the id that is displayed in the central column plots.
To be Exported: Indicates whether if the event is selected to be Exported by the Export Window.
Date: Provides the date of the event in UTC calendar format.
Target: Indicates the event target. The target is different for each event and is further explained in Geometrical Events.
Type: Indicates the event type within the events being displayed. For Example for Perijoves/Apojoves it can be either, for transits it can be a transit start or transit end, for a flyby it can be the closest approach or the further approach, etc.
Display: Some events have the option to be visualized with the Pointing Tool. This is a very powerful tool that starts the Pointing Tool at the time of the event with default attitude and for an interval of 60 seconds.
The Pointing Tool display for Sun Occultations provides the S/C-Sun direction with the default pointing; it is recommended to use the Spacecraft View option. The display for Earth Occultations Sun Occultations and Earth Occultations. The reason is because the principal axis of these observations is not the +Z S/C axis but rather the -X axis of the S/C and the Pointing Tool cannot accomodate these axis for visualization.
The event list is complemented by an Unmark all
button at the top that
deselects all the events and an event count at the bottom of the table
) that indicates the number of events or the ones present after
filtering them.
Export Window
Allows you to export the selected events. The selected events are indicated by
a green tick in the To Be Exported
column of the Event List Table.
When at least one event is selected there are two export options (green buttons):
Timeline Tool Export
: Exports the events in a JSON file with a format that is loadable by the JUICE SOC Timeline Tool. This file can then be loaded in a timeline of the Timeline Tool. The generated filename issegments_YYYY-MM-DDTHH_MM_SS.json
CSV Export
: Exports the events in a CSV table. The generated filename isevents_YYYY-MM-DDTHH_MM_SS.csv
The JSON file events have the following format:
"creationDate": "2022-08-21T20:44:40.262Z",
"name": "Export 2022-08-21T20:44:40.262Z",
"segments": [
"start": "2031-01-20T07:44:35.000Z",
"end": "2031-01-20T09:44:35.000Z",
"segment_definition": "TRANSIT_ET",
"name": "TRANSIT_ET_3134",
"overwritten": false,
"timeline": "LOCAL",
"source": "GENERIC",
"resources": []
"segmentGroups": [],
"trajectory": "CREMA_5_0",
"localStoragePk": "segmentation-1661114680262"
whereas the CSV file have a simplified one:
For the Timeline Tool JSON exports, you can choose the Delta for the event Start
and End times. The Delta Time Start
is a negative delta to the event
(by default is 1 hour), the Delta Time End
is a positive delta to the event
(by default is 1 hour). By default the exported events will become segments
with a duration of 2 hours with the event at the center of the segment.
Timeline Table
The Timeline Table is activated by clicking on the Show Timeline
button of
the top bar.
The Timeline table allows you to load a Segmentation plan and display it along with all the events of the event type being visualized. Only the Prime timeline of the segmentation plan is displayed. The Science Segmentations plans are available from the Timeline tool and also from the JUICE Core System Plan Database.
Please note that both only the public segmentation plans are available.
The table header indicates the epoch, the second row displays the events and the third row the segmentation. You can pan the table left to right to move across time.
The events are displayed as circles and have a label with the event target and event id, an example for each event is provided hereunder:
Earth Occultations e.g.:
Transits e.g.:
io 3866
Stellar e.g.:
HD116658 1
Flybys e.g.:
amalthea 4
Perijoves/Apojoves e.g.:
1PJ 1
Sun Occultations e.g.:
jupiter 66
If you double click an event in the Event List Table, the Timeline Table will be automatically moved to the event epoch.
When a segmentation plan is loaded it can be cleared with the red Clean
Working with EOE
Getting Started
When EOE is started the default event displayed are the Stellar Occultations by Europa.
Quick Guide
During the segmentation harmonization process, you should visualize the relevant event type (e.g. solar occultation) and select the ones that provides the best geometry conditions:
Geometry conditions associated to each event occurrence can be displayed (lower right panel for plot selection) and box selection allows to limit the selection to the occurrences of interest. The filtered selection is reflected on the upper right panel.
Alternatively, the user can select filtering criteria for the relevant even* type on the left panel using filters conditions (each computed fields can be selected). Within the resulting plot, box selection allows to limit the selection to the occurrences of interest. The filtered selection is reflected on the upper right panel. Pointing display of each event can be done through direct link to the pointing tool.
The user can display the event occurrences of interest on top of the segmentation timeline to check for overlaps with prime segments to refine his/her selection further.
The user can then select a delta time around the event of interest and export either the event list with associated time, or the created segments (JSON export) to be ingested in the timeline tool.
Selecting Events
An important feature of EOE is the ability to select a number of events to be displayed/exported. This selection is interactive and interlinked in between the central plots and the Event List Table on the right.
Firstly it is important to distinguish in between a marked and a selected event. Marked events are events to be exported while selected events are highlighted in the Event List Table.
You can select events from the Event List Table with a left click with the mouse. When doing so, the event will be highlighted in blue in the table and it will become the only event shown in the plots. You can then select more events in the event list and one by one they will be highlighted and shown in the plots.
You can unselect an event from the Event Table List by right clicking on it again.
Although these events are selected, they are not marked, marked events are
those that are selected in the To Be Exported
column of the Event List Table
Marking an event (left click on the red X icon for it to become a green tick)
does not select it to be visualized in the plots or highlighted in the table.
Marked events can be unmarked by clicking on the Unmark all
button on
top of the Event List Table.
You can also mark one or multiple events from the plots by using the Box
and Lasso Select
options. When doing so is best to have all the
events available, regardless of if events have already been selected from the
event list or not. To unselect all the events in the plots – but not in the
Event List Table –, you can click the Deselect
button on either plot.
Afterwards you can either use the lasso or the box tool to mark a number of
events. A message will be displayed for you to confirm the event selection,
these will be added to the already marked events in the Event List Table
(if events had been marked). When you do so, only the marked events will be
visible in the plots.
By default no event is selected. Currently there is no way to unselect all selected events, you need to do so by cliking them on the Event List Table one by one.
If you want to select all the events the best option is to select them from the plot as there is no “Mark all” option in the Event List Table.
Finally, if you double click an event in the Event List Table, the Timeline Table will be automatically moved to the event epoch.
Associated SOC Use Cases
These SOC Use Cases might not be available if you do not have a JUICE Confluence account.
UC-24: Top level Harmonize Segmentation: Procedure for SOC to iterate a segmentation with PIs, includes brief instructions on how to use EOE.
UC-22_3: Top level Create Review and Update Event-Tool Event Parameters: Procedure to create and update the event parameters for EVT.
Event Parameters
Stellar Occultations
occultation type (occ_type) [text] Egress or ingress occultation ()
occultation time (occ_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC format ()
occultation ephemeris time (occ_et) [number] Occultation time in ephemeris time ()
star identifier (star_id) [text] ()
** star name** (star_name) [text] Identification number (Henry Daper catalog) of the star being occulted ()
** distance ** (mnp_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the point at the moon or planet limb where the occultation occurs (km)
solar zenith angle (mnp_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at the occultation point and the Sun (deg)
solar phase angle (mnp_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at the occultation point (deg)
** local time in time format** (mnp_loctime) [text] Local time at the occultation point (hh:mm:ss)
local time in hour (mnp_hour_ang) [number] Local time at the occultation point (hours)
solar longitude (mnp_ls) [number] Angle between the Jupiter-Sun line and the vernal equinox direction of Jupiter’s orbit (deg)
occulted point longitude (mnp_lon) [number] Longitude of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
occulted point latitude (mnp_lat) [number] Latitude of the occulted point (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
angle line-of-sght to Sun (ang_los_sun) [number] Angle between a theoretical pointing of the SC Z axis to the occulted point and the Sun (deg)
radial velocity (star_target_radial_vel) [number] Radial component of the velocity of the line SC to the occulted star with respect to the occulting body (km/s)
SC pointing cartesian (sp_z_j2000) [blob] Cartesian coordinates of the SC Z axis pointing to observe the occultation (km)
** SC pointing Radec** (sp_z_j2000_radec) [blob] Right ascension and declination of the SC Z axis pointing to observe the occultation (deg)
Earth Occultations
occultation type (occ_type) [text] Egress or ingress occultation ()
occultation time (occ_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC format ()
occultation calendar time (occ_utc_cal) [text] Occultation event time in calendar format ()
occultation ephemeris time (occ_et) [number] Occultation event time in ephemeris time ()
body name (body_id) [text] Name of the occulting body ()
** distance ** (mnp_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the point at the moon or planet limb where the occultation occurs (km)
solar zenith angle (mnp_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at the occultation point and the sun (deg)
solar phase angle (mnp_phase) [number] solar phase angle at the occultation point (deg)
local time in time format (mnp_loctime) [text] Local time at the occultation point (hh:mm:ss)
local time in hour (mnp_hour_ang) [number] Local time at the occultation point (hours)
angle line-of-sight to Sun (ang_los_sun) [number] Angle between a theoretical pointing of the HGA to the occulted point and the Sun (deg)
solar longitude (mnp_ls) [number] Angle between the Jupiter-Sun line and the vernal equinox direction of Jupiter’s orbit (deg)
occulted point longitude (mnp_lon) [number] Longitude of the occulted point (in IAU_BODY), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
occulted point latitude (mnp_lat) [number] Latitude of the occulted point (deg)
SC pointing cartesian (sp_x_j2000) [blob] Cartesian coordinates of the HGA axis pointing to observe the occultation (km)
** SC pointing Radec** (sp_x_j2000_radec) [blob] Right ascension and declination of the HGA axis pointing to observe the occultation (deg)
ground station availability (gs_av) [text] Flag indicating whether one ground station used for signal reception is visible at occultation time ()
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 43 visibility (gdsd43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 45 visibility (gdsd45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 63 visibility (gdsd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
DSN 65 visibility (gdsd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) at occultation time ()
distance to Earth (planet_earth_dist) [number] Distance between SC and Earth at occultation time (km)
station setup (station_updown) [text] Flag indicating the uplink and downlink setup of the visible station ()
ssc point longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude on the occulting body at the occultation time (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc point latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude on the occulting body at the occultation time (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
delta time to perijove (delta_time_to_perijove) [number] Proximity to the nearest perijove in hours (hours)
delta time to flyby (delta_time_to_flyby) [number] Proximity to the nearest flyby in hours (hours)
event type (evt_type) [text] Egress (TRANSIT_END) or ingress (TRANSIT_START) occultation ()
time (evt_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (evt_utc_cal) [date] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
ephemeris time (evt_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
occulting body (body_front) [text] Name of the body occulting the S/C-Target line ()
occulted body (body_back) [text] name of the body occulted ()
separation angle (sc2body_sc2jup_ang) [number] Angle between vectors S/C-Jupiter and S/C-occulting body (deg)
distance (sc_dist_to_fbody) [number] Distance between S/C and occulting body (km)
distance (body radii) (sc_dist_to_fbody_br) [number] Distance between S/C and occulting body (body radii)
distance to jupiter (sc_dist_to_jup) [number] Distance between S/C and Jupiter (km)
distance to jupiter (body radii) (sc_dist_to_jup_jr) [number] Distance between S/C and Jupiter (Jupiter radii)
angular size (jup_ang_size) [number] Jupiter angular size seen from S/C (deg)
body angular size (fbody_ang_size) [number] Angular size of occulting body seen from S/C (deg)
ssc longitude at Jupiter (ssc_jup_lon) [number] Longitude of sub-SC point at Jupiter (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at Jupiter (ssc_jup_lat) [number] Latitude of sub-SC point at Jupiter (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
ssc altitude (ssc_jup_alt) [number] SC altitude at Jupiter (km)
local time (ssc_jup_loctime) [number] Local time of sub-SC point at Jupiter (hours)
phase (sc_jup_phase) [number] Solar phase angle (deg)
ssc longitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_lon) [number] Longitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_lat) [number] Latitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
sc altitude at occulting body (ssc_fbody_alt) [number] Altitude of sub-SC point at occulting body (km)
occulting body local time (ssc_fbody_loctime) [number] Local time of sub-SC point at occulting body (hours)
occulting body phase angle (sc_fbody_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at occulting body (deg)
ground station visibility (mal_vis) [text] Malargue ground station visibility ()
separation angle front/back body (sc2fbody_sc2bbody_ang) [number] Angle between vectors S/C-occulting body and S/C-occulted body (deg)
event type (evt_type) [text] Furthest distance or closest approach ()
target (target) [text] Body name for which the event is provided ()
ephemeris time (time_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
time (time_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (time_utc_cal) [text] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
event crema reference name (crema_name) [text] Name of the event when listed in the Crema ()
distance (sc_tar_dist) [number] Distance between the SC and the target body at event time (km)
distance (body radii) (sc_tar_dist_rbody) [number] Distance between the SC and the target body at event time (body radius)
longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude at the flyby epoch on the target (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude at the flyby epoch on the target (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase (ssc_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point (deg)
altitude (ssc_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above surface (km)
solar zenith angle (ssc_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point and the sun direction (deg)
angular size (tar_ang_size) [number] Angular size of the target body at event time (deg)
local time (ssc_loctime) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point (hours)
jupiter sun angle (sun_jup_moon) [number] Angle between the direction Jupiter to Sun and Jupiter to moon at event time (deg)
moon true anomaly (moon_true_anom) [number] True anomaly of the moon at closest approach time (deg)
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 43 visibility (cand43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 45 visibility (cand45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 63 visibility (madd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 65 visibility (madd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible at closest approach time ()
Cebreros visibility (ceb_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Cebreros is visible at closest approach time ()
Gnd Seg available (gs_av) [text] Flag indicating whether GS is available at closest approach time ()
distance to Earth (jup_earth_dist) [number] Distance between Jupiter and Earth at event time (km)
distance to Sun (jup_sun_dist) [number] Distance between Jupiter and Sun at event time (km)
spacecraft target velocity (sc_tar_vel_at_ca) [number] Velocity between the spacecraft and the center of the planetary body (km/s)
Gnd track vel. along-track (gt_vel_rad) [number] Along-track component of the velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
Gnd track vel. across-track (gt_vel_tan) [number] Across-track component of the velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
Gnd track velocity (gt_vel) [number] Velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the sub-spacecraft point (km/s)
flyby in jupiter shadow flag (shadow_flag) [number] Flag indicating whether the flyby occurs while in Jupiter’s shadow ()
integrated power 12 hours (energy_generated_ca_12) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] The integrated power generated by the solar panels for the default attitude nadir +- 12 h around CA (Wh)
integrated power 1 hour (energy_generated_ca_1) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] The integrated power generated by the solar panels for the default attitude nadir pushbroom +- 1 h around CA (Wh)
energy bal. 12h (energy_for_science_ca_12) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Energy balance for science over 12h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption (Wh)
energy bal. 1h (energy_for_science_ca_1) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Energy balance for science over 1h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption (Wh)
energy bal. 1h (NIM obst min) (energy_for_science_ca_1_sadm_nim) [number] Energy balance for science over 1h taking into account solar panel energy and platform energy consumption and a sadm position that minimizes the NIM FOV obstruction (Wh)
solar power (solar_input) [number] The Sun power delivered at the time of the flyby depending on the distance to the Sun (W)
yaw steering susp. max. dev. (max_y_sun_off_angle_pusbroom) [number] Maximum deviation of y axis to sun during the +-1 h yaw steering suspension around CA (deg)
max. sc/sun angle pushbroom (max_sc_sun_to_yz_plane_pusbroom) [number] Maximum angle between the SC to Sun direction and the SC YZ plane during pushbroom (deg)
Time to closest Perijove (delta_time_to_perijove) [number] Time to the Perijove nearest in time to the closest approach (hours)
Y axis to flight direction (flight_direction) [number] Solar panel direction (plus or minus sign of the Y axis) that needs to be put toward the SC velocity vector with respect to the target body in order to avoid the illumination of +X ()
SAA max energy pushbroom (sadm_ang) [number] [WORK IN PROGRESS] Orientation of the solar arrays that maximizes the energy generated by the solar panel assuming two hours pushbroom around closest approach (deg)
% of the NIM FOV obstructed (nim_obstr) [number] Percentage of the PEP-NIM FOV obstructed during the pushbroom attitude if using the optimum SADM angle ()
ra j2000 sc target (sc_tar_dir_ra_j2000) [number] RA of the spacecraft to target direction vector in J2000 (deg)
dec j2000 sc target (sc_tar_dir_dec_j2000) [number] DEC coordinates of the spacecraft to target direction vector in J2000 (deg)
**jupiter-moon elongation ** (jupiter_tar_sc_ang) [number] Jupiter-sc-moon angle at closest approach time (deg)
Moon mean anomaly (moon_mean_anom) [number] Moon mean anomaly (deg)
JANUS data volume on pushbroom (janus_pushbroom_dv_gb) [number] JANUS produced data volume on pushbroom (gbits)
Radial position uncertainty (radial_pos_uncertainty) [number] Radial position uncertainty (km)
Minimum RIME produced data volume (rime_dv_min) [number] Minimum RIME produced data volume (gbits)
Maximum RIME produced data volume (rime_dv_max) [number] Maximum RIME produced data volume (gbits)
Maximum Boom angular speed (max_boom_ang_speed) [number] Maximum Boom angular speed (deg/s)
Maximum Dish angular speed (max_dish_ang_speed) [number] Maximum Dish angular speed (deg/s)
MGA boom angle (mga_boom_ang) [number] MGA boom angle (deg)
SC/Earth elevation (sc_earth_elevation) [number] SC/Earth elevation (deg)
SC/Earth azimuth (sc_earth_azimuth) [number] SC/Earth azimuth (deg)
MGA dish angle (mga_dish_ang) [number] MGA dish angle (deg)
Earth occultation during flyby (earth_occ_during_fb) [text] Flag indication Earth occultation during flyby (-)
event type (evt_type) [text] Furthest distance or closest approach ()
ephemeris time (time_et) [number] Ephemeris event time (s)
time (time_utc) [text] Event time (UTC) ()
event calendar time (time_utc_cal) [text] Event time (UTC calendar format) ()
event crema reference name (crema_name) [text] Name of the event when listed in the Crema ()
SC-Jupiter distance (sc_jup_dist) [number] Distance between JUICE and Jupiter (km)
SC-Jupiter distance in Jupiter radii (sc_jup_dist_rj) [number] Distance between JUICE and Jupiter in Jupiter radii (Rj)
longitude (ssc_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude (ssc_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase (ssc_phase) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter (deg)
solar zenith angle (ssc_sza) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the Sun direction (deg)
Jupiter angular size (jup_ang_size) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE (deg)
local time (ssc_loctime) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point (hours)
UTC doy time two days before (time_utc_2dear) [text] UTC time two days earlier than the current event ()
UTC calendar time two days before (time_utc_cal_2dear) [text] UTC calendar time two days earlier than the current event ()
JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days before event (sc_jup_dist_2dear) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days before event (km)
JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days before event (sc_jup_dist_rj_2dear) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days before event (km)
longitude two days before event (ssc_lon_2dear) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude two days before event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude two days before event (ssc_lat_2dear) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase two days before event (ssc_phase_2dear) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter two days before event (deg)
solar zenith angle two days before event (ssc_sza_2dear) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the sun direction two days before event (deg)
Jupiter angular size two days before event (jup_ang_size_2dear) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE two days before event (deg)
local time two days before event (ssc_loctime_2dear) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point two days before event (hours)
UTC doy time two days after (time_utc_2dlat) [text] UTC time two days later than the current event ()
UTC calendar time two days after (time_utc_cal_2dlat) [text] UTC calendar time two days after the current event ()
JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days after event (sc_jup_dist_2dlat) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance 2 days after event (km)
JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days after event (sc_jup_dist_rj_2dlat) [number] JUICE to Jupiter distance in body radii 2 days after event (km)
longitude two days after event (ssc_lon_2dlat) [number] Sub-spacecraft longitude two days after event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
latitude two days after event (ssc_lat_2dlat) [number] Sub-spacecraft latitude two days after event (in the Jupiter IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
phase two days after event (ssc_phase_2dlat) [number] Solar phase angle at sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter two days after event (deg)
Solar zenith angle two days after event (ssc_sza_2dlat) [number] Angle between the local zenith at sub-spacecraft point at Jupiter and the Sun direction two days after event (deg)
Jupiter angular size two days after event (jup_ang_size_2dlat) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from JUICE two days after event (deg)
local time two days after event (ssc_loctime_2dlat) [number] Local time at sub-spacecraft point two days after event (hours)
integrated power +-50 h around CA (energy_generated_ca_50) [number] Integrated power +-50 h around CA (Wh)
integrated power for science +-50 h around CA (energy_for_science_ca_50) [number] Integrated power for science +-50 h around CA (Wh)
New Norcia visibility (nno_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether New Norcia is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 14 visibility (gdsd14_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 14 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 15 visibility (gdsd15_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 15 (Goldstone) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 43 visibility (cand43_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 43 (Canberra) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 45 visibility (cand45_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 45 (Canberra)is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 63 visibility (madd63_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 63 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
DSN 65 visibility (madd65_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether DSN 65 (Madrid) is visible at closest approach time ()
Malargue visibility (mal_vis) [text] Flag indicating whether Malargue is visible at closest approach time ()
Jupiter-Earth distance (jup_earth_dist_au) [number] Jupiter-Earth distance (au)
Sun Occultations
occultation type (evt_type) [text] Egress (TRANSIT_END) or ingress (TRANSIT_START) occultation ()
occultation time (evt_utc) [text] Occultation event time in UTC (DOY) format ()
occultation time (evt_utc_cal) [date] Occultation event time in UTC (CAL) format ()
occultation ephemeris time (evt_et) [number] Occultation time in ephemeris time ()
Body occulting the Sun as seen from the spacecraft (body_front) [text] Body occulting the Sun as seen from the spacecraft ()
angle sc-body sc-jupiter (sc2body_sc2jup_ang) [number] Angle between the directions spacecraft-to-occulting body and spacecraft-to-Jupiter (deg)
distance sc to body (sc_dist_to_fbody) [number] Distance spacecraft to occulting body (km)
distance sc to body (body radii) (sc_dist_to_fbody_br) [number] Distance spacecraft to occulting body in body radii (body radii)
distance sc to jupiter (sc_dist_to_jup) [number] Distance spacecraft to Jupiter (km)
distance sc to jupiter (jupiter radii) (sc_dist_to_jup_jr) [number] Distance spacecraft to jupiter in Jupiter Radii (jup radii)
jupiter ang. size (jup_ang_size) [number] Angular size of Jupiter as seen from spacecraft (deg)
body ang. size (fbody_ang_size) [number] Angular size of occulting body (deg)
ssc longitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude at Jupiter (deg)
ssc latitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude at Jupiter (deg)
ssc altitude at jupiter (ssc_jup_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above Jupiter (km)
ssc local time at jupiter (ssc_jup_loctime) [number] Sub-spacecraft point local time at Jupiter (hours)
jupiter phase angle (sc_jup_phase) [number] Jupiter solar phase angle (deg)
ssc longitude at body (ssc_fbody_lon) [number] Sub-spacecraft point longitude at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame), direction of increasing longitude toward the East (deg)
ssc latitude at body (ssc_fbody_lat) [number] Sub-spacecraft point latitude at occulting body (in the IAU body-fixed reference frame) (deg)
ssc altitude at body (ssc_fbody_alt) [number] Spacecraft altitude above occulting body (km)
ssc local time at body (ssc_fbody_loctime) [number] Sub-spacecraft point local time at occulting body (hours)
body phase angle (sc_fbody_phase) [number] Occulting body solar phase angle (deg)
pointing cartesian coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (sp_z_j2000) [blob] SC pointing (+Z axis) cartesian coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (km)
pointing radec coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (sp_z_j2000_radec) [blob] SC pointing (+Z axis) RA/DEC coordinates to occulting body in J2000 (def)
visibility of Malargue (mal_vis) [text] Visibility of Malargue ()