The Timeline Tool
The Timeline Tool, also known as Segment Harmonization Tool (SHT) is a web-based tool supporting the collaborative and assisted creation of the science segmentation of a JUICE trajectory.
If you want to start using the SHT you can jump directly to Working with SHT.
The Timeline Tool is intended to support the strategic science planning which encompasses all the activities of segmenting the Jupiter Tour to define time windows – segments – where the conditions for specific science objectives are met with the ultimate goal to elaborate a segmentation plan. This analysis is performed by the JUICE Science Operations Center (SOC), the Science Working Groups (WGs), and the instrument teams.
The Segmentation Process
The Science Working Team (SWT) and Project Scientist (PS) mandate the WGs and the SOC to propose a trajectory science segmentation for the Jupiter Tour. The high-level definition of science objectives and campaigns is defined by the WGs. The computation of segment opportunities and first instantiation is then performed by the SOC, including the required operational segments (such as TCMs, WOLs and NAVCAM observations slots for navigation and ephemeris refinement) and the operational applicable constraints, defining the operational segments. Segment opportunities can also be provided by the working groups in absolute time, when not computed by the SOC.
The harmonization of the science segments is performed by the WGs following the SOC coordination, under supervision of the SWT and PS. When deemed necessary, detailed operational analysis of specific segments are implemented; the detailed knowledge gained from the detailed analysis is fed back into the high-level segmentation harmonization.
The incremental operational realism of the trajectory segmentation and supporting detailed scenario gradually build the Science Activity Plan of the mission’s science phase.
Ultimately the segmentation plan is a number of continuous segments with full coverage that divide the JUICE Jupiter Tour by science objectives.
Tool Audience
The main audience of SHT are the SOC Operations Scientists, the WGs leads and the IT scientists involved in the trajectory science segmentation.
The Operations Scientists serve as first users of the functionalities developed by the SOC such as the SHT.
The SHT is accessible from the JUICE SOC Website
in Science Operations Planning Tools > Trajectories > Crema X Y > Timeline
. It
is also available at the
JUICE Core System Toolkit menu in the
panel. There is an instance available for each JUICE candidate
trajectory (Crema). Each instance has a unique link, e.g.:
Crema 5.0
The value of the crema can be easily changed in the URL to change the SHT
The Timeline tool is public or it can be accessed with a private user provided by the SOC. Not all the functionalities and Plans are publicly available. This manual provides information on the differences in between the public and “private” features.
If you need to have a private user of the SHT please contact the JUICE SOC.
User interface
The SHT user interface is divided in a top horizontal menu bars, a left vertical menu and the timeline dashboard. These elements and their functionalities are described hereunder.
Timeline Dashboard
The timeline dashboard is the central part of the SHT and consists of a dynamic table. This table is divided in dynamic columns that correspond to a time axis or a timeline, the granularity of which – years, months, days, etc. – depends on the zoom specified by the user and a number of rows that contain different types of time windows – or time intervals. These time windows can be geometric, science or operational events, segments or observations. In general, we call them segments.
The available timelines are:
Working Group 1
Working Group 2
Working Group 3
Working Group 4
Working Group X
Instrument timeline (one per “instrument”)
The Prime Timeline is the resulting segmentation plan of the segmentation process while the other timelines provide the opportunities grouped by their specific science domain. These timelines can also be used for practical reasons during the development of a segmentation and can also be used to account for rider science objectives. The timelines are accessible for private users from the JUICE Core System Configuration Database Timelines
Within a timeline segments can have different sources. These sources describe the working group or science domain originator of the segment.
Dashboard Controls
The following actions are available in the SHT dashboard:
Zoom in/out: Use the mouse scroll functionality from left to right or bottom to top to zoom in the dashboard and change the time horizontal axis.
Pan left/right: Left click the mouse and move it left/right to move across the time horizontal axis.
Create a segment: Double left click the mouse to create a segment. The “Create Segment” window will appear. More details in Working with Segments.
Segment name: Hoover the mouse over a segment to display the segment mnemonic/name on the dashboard.
Move a segment: Single right click the mouse and drag the segment to move it around the horizontal axis of the dashboard.
Select a segment: Single left click the mouse on a segment to select it. A red
will appear with which you can delete the segment.Select multiple segments: Press Command/Control and single left click the mouse on a multiple segments to select them. When doing so the top horizontal bar
Group Segment
option will appear. More details in Create a Segment Group.Segment Context Menu: Single right click the mouse on a segment to display a context menu with different options. More details in Working with Segments.
Event Context Menu: Single right click the mouse on an event to display a context menu. The “Display Info” will provide all the information available of the event. “Show in Graph” will draw to vertical lines in the Geometry Series of the SHT dashboard to display the event duration. Only one event can be displayed at a time.
Sandbox Timeline
The Sandbox timeline allows you to load a user-defined segmentation. The particularity of this timelines is that the segments present in the sandbox are for visualization purposes only and therefore they do not need to be segments defined in the database.
These segments are mainly designed to validate segments from other timelines with user-defined “segments”. This also implies that the sandbox timeline is not available for anything else within SHT and cannot be exported.
Top Horizontal Bar
The top horizontal bar has two rows and provides a number of top-level functionalities for the segmentation process.
The top upper bar provides the Crema version in use and if a Science Segmentation Plan is loaded with the Plans Database, the name of the segmentation plan.
In addition, it includes a compass icon that allows the user to download the Trajectory PTR in PTX format. Finally, there is a crank icon to include the Engineering Blocks timeline.
In addition, on the right you can sign-in with your user and access the SHT documentation
(this documentation) with the interrogation
The top lower bar provides the following icons with different actions:
Clean all segments
trash bin
icon: Removes all the segments.Verify
checked case
icon: Opens a window that reports the segmentation status, Verify.EPS Package
checked case
icon: Opens the EPS Package menu.Generate Skeleton PTR
icon: Opens the PTR Generator menu.Group Segment
icon: Present if a number of segments are selected from the dashboard; opens the Group Segment menu.Calendar operations
icon: Opens the Calendar Operations calendar.
Some of the actions are described in detail hereunder.
Engineering Blocks
This is a special timeline with a trajectory dependant only “segmentation” or blocks that provide the power profiles that are later used by the EPS Package.
These blocks containing the S/C “thermal” segments driving the geometrically dependent thermal components of the platform power for Flybys, Eclipses, etc. These blocks do not contain the power information of the Downlink or of the NAVCAMs.
The Verify window provides a report of the segmentation status. The report includes a “Summary” Section with the number of Segments, Groups, Gaps, and Overlaps, a “Source Distribution” that provides some time statistics of the distribution of segments per source (Generic, WG1, WG2, etc.), a “Segment Definition Distribution” thar provides the time allocated by segment type, and the “Scenario Detail Integrations”.
EPS Package
The EPS package generator menu allows to generate an EPS Package from the segmentation. There are four different tabs: All, Visible, Filter by phases, Filter by dates:
All: Export all contents without any time filtering
Visible: Export the contents completely visible in the current timeline.
Phases: Filter by mission phase. Mission phases depend on the trajectory in use (Crema) and their definitions are available for registered users in the JUICE Core System Configuration Database Phases. Please note that Phases are also available from the Timeline Configuration and can be displayed in the SHT dashboard.
Date: Export the contents filtered by a start and finish date.
You can also choose the timelines (groups) you want to export as defined in Timeline Dashboard.
When you Export the package a
is generated.
More details on the EPS Package are provided in EPS Package.
PTR Generator
The PTR generator menu allows you to generate a skeleton Planning Timeline Request XML file (PTR) from the segmentation.
This PTR is generated based on the Pointing description of the segments present in the chosen timeline(s) and therefore Prime and Riders are taken into account. If a PTR snippet is not available for a given segment the default attitude provided by the trajectory PTR will be used.
In addition, it is important to outline a number of rules that are followed for the generation of these skeleton PTRs which are as follows.
The Skeleton PTR blocks include the following comments in the observation blocks meta-data:
- <metadata>
<comment> PRIME=<prime_instrument> </comment> <comment> RIDER=<list_of_riders> </comment> <comment> OBS_ID=<obs_number> </comment> <comment> OBS_NAME=<obs_name> </comment>
prime_instrument is the name of the observation’s instrument
list_of_riders is a list of the instruments that are riding along the observation. They are listed with underscores, e.g.: JANUS_MAJIS_PEP
obs_number is the science observation number (count) within the PTR.
obs_name is the actual name of the observation
for example:
- <metadata>
<comment> PRIME=JANUS </comment> <comment> RIDER=MAJIS_JMAG_PEP </comment> <comment> OBS_ID=002 </comment> <comment> OBS_NAME=JAN_POI </comment>
In addition the Skeleton PTR follows these rules:
OBS blocks which are SOC Prime must include the start and stop times defined in the timeline
OBS blocks which are NOT SOC Prime must not include the stop time, and if they are preceded by a SOC Prime must not include the start time either.
More details on PTR syntax are provided in JUICE Pointing Tool.
When the PTR generator menu appears, it provides four different tabs: All, Visible, Filter by phases, Filter by dates:
All: Export all contents without any time filtering
Visible: Export the contents completely visible in the current timeline.
Phases: Filter by mission phase. Mission phases depend on the trajectory in use (Crema) and their definitions are available for registered users in the JUICE Core System Configuration Database. Please note that Phases are also available from the Timeline Configuration and can be displayed in the SHT dashboard.
Date: Export the contents filtered by a start and finish date.
You can also choose the timelines (groups) you want to export as defined in Timeline Dashboard.
When you Export the PTR a ptr_skeleton_<date>.xml
file is generated, e.g.: ptr_skeleton_2023-08-28T14_53_39.xml
Group Segment
The Group Segment Menu, available when several segments are selected in the SHT dashboard, allows you to define a segment group. You must provide a segment group Name and Mnemonic. Optionally you can provide a Platform Power Profile and the Instrument Power and Data profiles, that are an envelope for all the segments included in the group.
The Platform Power area allows you to either manually set a Platform power value for the segment or to choose a Platform power profile from the ones defined in the JUICE Core System Configuration Database Power Profile.
the Instrument Area allows you to view or update “Instrument Type” (science discipline) or “Instrument” resources (Data and Power). The available types are:
Geophysics (RIME, GALA, 3GM)
Remote Sensing (JANUS, MAJIS, UVS, SWI)
Navigation (NAVCAM)
These types are are defined for private users in the JUICE Core System Configuration Database Instrument Type.
The available resources categories are divided in rates and in segment values: Data rate (bits per second) and Energy (watt hour) for rates and Data volume (bits) and Power (watts) for values.
A Science Target can also be specified in between:
Rings and satellites
Jupiter atmosphere
These targets are are defined for private users in the JUICE Core System Configuration Database.
In the last column of the Instrument Area, you can add new rows with the Plus
icon and when you are editing an entry you can save it or delete it. There is
also a button to reset to the original entries and a button to Compare
changes with the original values.
Calendar Operations
This calendar menu allows you to choose a time range with a calendar where you can select the year and month, click on a start date then on an end date, and finally either filter the segments by the date range or set the view of the SHT dashboard to the selected range.
Working with SHT
Getting Started
When TLT is started or the first time the TimeLine Configuration menu is displayed for the user to setup the initial configuration of the SHT by selecting a number of events to be displayed in the timeline dashboard.
The next step is to load a Segmentation Plan. You can do so with the
Plans Database Menu. Depending on whether if you are
logged in with your private user or not different segmentation plans will be
available. There should always be a default segmentation plan
called juice_sc_sat_<crema_version>_spice_segmentation
. If you load this
plan, the segments defined by the attitude profile of JUICE are in the generic
timeline in the dashboard.
The next step is to create or to update a segment but before let’s add some geometry series to the SHT dashboard.
Geometry series can be added as described in Geometry Series and
provide a geometrical context that along with certain events can be really
helpful when working on a segmentation plan. E.g.: The Jupiter Distance
plot can help us assess when is reasonable to have certain segments around a
perijove event.
Working with Segments
Creating a segment is as easy as double-clicking with the mouse left button the timeline dashboard. By doing so the “Create Segment” window will appear allowing you to choose a segment definition, choosing a timeline and to specify the start time and then either the duration or the end time of the segment. The default values for the start time is where you clicked in the dashboard and one day of duration.
Once you created the segment, it will appear along with the defined timeline. You can now select and/or update the segment by clicking the left button of your mouse. By doing so the Segment Context Menu will appear with the following options:
Show in graphs
Display info
Update item
Adjust Time
Clone in …
Group in …
Propagate data (only in Detailed Plan segments)
The Display info
option will provide you the basic information of the segment:
its instance, start and end time, and duration. Adjust Time
will allow you to
reset its start and/or end times. Update Segment
allows you to change the
segment definition, Platform Power, Pointing information and Instrument Resources.
Detailed information on these options is available at
The Clone in ...
option allows to clone the segment in a different timeline and
the Group in ...
option allows you to add the segment to an already defined
Segment group (more info in Create a Segment Group).
With Show in graphs
you can see where the segment is in the geometry series
loaded in the dashboard.
If you right click and drag the segment, you can move it around the horizontal axis of the timeline and modify its start and end times preserving its duration.
A segment can be Prime or Not Prime. Prime segments define the science priority for a time period during the tour and usually define the pointing for the segment duration. Not-Prime segments are opportunity segments or segments of a reference segmentation and are only based on geometry consideration. Opportunity segments windows can be used to identify the prime segment to be included in the segmentation
Finally, the Propagate data
option, that is only available for
Detailed Scenario segments (see Detailed Scenario Integration),
opens a window to propagate the resources, power and data, from one of the detailed
scenario segments (for which the power and data have been thoroughly analysed). This
is described in detailed hereunder.
Segment Data Propagation
Segment Data Propagation is only available from Detailed Scenario segments. This window allows you to propagate the resources, power and data, from one of the detailed scenario segments (for which the power and data have been thoroughly analysed).
The window provides a table that lists all the segments in the segmentation plan, providing the option to select them, their start and end times, their definition and three options:
magnifying glass
blue icon: Moves the timeline where the segment is.Update
blue icon: You can update the segment as indicated in Segments.Resource Selector
blue icon: Allows you to select instrument individual power and data profiles to propagate to the segment (instead of propagating all). The menu allows you to filter by selected instrument, resource type, and target. You need to tick the box on the lef most column for each resource entry and then press the bluePropagate
The window allows you to filter the segments to propagate the profiles to (top right of the table) by a Starting after date, End before date and by segment definition name (or rather pattern).
You can then select a number of segment ticking the boxes on the left of the table of the
individual segments. To propagate the profiles you need then to click the bottom right
Apply to selected
orange button. You can also click the option to Apply to all
Once choosing either of the options, the same window of the Resource Selector will
be displayed allowing you to choose which individual resources to propagate.
The menu allows you to filter by selected instrument, resource type, and target.
You need to tick the box on the lef most column for each resource entry and then
press the blue Propagate
Finally an important option of the data propagation is the Review
option which
is on the left-most bottom right icon. This option opens the Update Segment
that is explained in Segments.
Segment Definitions
Segments have a mnenomic, a name, and a description. For most of the semgents the mnemonic and the name are the same; in fact the system assumes so and it is convenient that is like this. It is also common that segments have the Description also set to the name or mnemonic which is less convenient.
The segment definition is implicit in the segment name which in fact is an acronym. In general segments will contain one of the following parts in their name:
: Ganymede geophysics
: Ganymede remote sensing
: Ganymede in-situ
: Ganymede distant observations
: Europa geophysics
: Europa remote sensing
: Europa in-situ
: Europa distant observations
: Callisto geophysics
: Callisto remote sensing
: Callisto in-situ
: Callisto distant observations
: Jupiter atmosphere perijove segment
: Jupiter atmosphere monitoring segment
: Jupiter atmosphere phase segment
: Jupiter atmosphere inclined segment
: Jovian magnetosphere perijove segment
: Jovian magnetosphere inclined segment
: Jovian magnetosphere global monitoring
: Jovian magnetosphere ENA imaging
: Jovian magnetosphere co-rotation breakdown
: Jupiter auroral and footprint observations
: Jovian satellites remote sensing
: Stellar occultation
: Earth occultations
: Downlink
: Calibration
: Public relations images
: Jovian ring remote sensing
: Remote sensing observation of tori
: Io remote sensing observations
Characters after these keywords will refer either to the number of perijove, the Crema, the flyby reference number, the minor moon target, etc. For example:
: Jupiter atmosphere Perijove 1
: Callisto geophysics flyby 25C18
Global Segments
There is a set of observation definitions that include the _OBS
These are “global” definitions that are used to propagate information, such
as the observations assigned (or linked) to a segment, its resources, etc.
These segments are not to be used unless for that specific purpose for which,
internally, the Operations Scientist will communicate to the SOC System
Engineer to propagate an update on JM_PE_OBS
to all JM_PE_*
Currently the global segment definitions available are:
Segment Parameters
There is a number of other parameters defined the segments that are described hereunder. If the segment resources are known they are included in the definition and associated with a science target and an instrument or an instrument type (IT). In such way you can identify which instrument is riding along (given that the riders will have a different target.)
The pointing of the segment is another dedicated segment attribute, although currently no prime segment has a Pointing Request (PTR) attached to it, the context menu allows the user to define a PTR snippet for a segment, to define the PRIME and RIDER instruments.
The scheduling rules are a misleading piece of information because it should be based on the opportunity identification and the opportunity segments (also known as reference segments) are the ones that must carry the scheduling rules information information.
Opportunity Segments
Opportunity segments are bare segments that do not have any resource allocation but do have scheduling rules associated with them and are generated and scheduled by the JUICE SOC for every trajectory in order to indicate the opportunity to perform a science observation due to a favorable geometrical or operational condition.
These segments are listed as non prime in the
JUICE Core System Segment definition database
where segments are filtered By Prime Segment
as No
On top of the pre-defined opportunity segments, instrument teams might request to add additional opportunity segments defined by themselves.
Create a Segment Group
You can group segments by creating a segment group. This can be useful when a number of segments share the same amount of resources (platform power, data and power envelopes, etc.) or simply in order to group segments with similar science/engineering objectives.
To create a segment you need to select multiple segments, by left-clicking the mouse with the Control/Command key pressed. After that the Group Segment will appear in the top horizontal bar and you will be able to create the segment, later on you can modify the group in the same manner as indicated in Group Segment.
Grouped segments are displayed in the SHT dashboard in the background with dashed horizontal lines and a light blue background colour.
Please note that the modification of the segments of a group does not automatically update the group, E.g.: if a segment start time is modified to be earlier, the group is not expanded.
The Segmentation Plan
The starting point of the segmentation is the Segmentation Proposal File (accessible only to JUICE SOC users). This file contains a set of non-overlapping segments from a set of opportunity segments by applying a set of simple rules of for merging/cutting segments that are available in SHT and constitutes the basis of the start any segmentation plan.
A Segmentation Plan, or simply, a Plan, might take a number of iterations before is ready. Whenever we need to iterate the plan we need to evaluate it and ensure that it complies with a minimum set of requirements. In order to do so we can make use of the Verify functionality, check the conflicts with Last Verification, or evaluate it with EPS or with other JUICE SOC tools.
To navigate through the plan it is usually handy to do so by opening the Segments
Menu, and chose the option to search for a specific segment with the
magnifying glass
Once the plan is ready to be shared we need to save it.
Segmentation Plan naming convention
Although strict rules are not applied to the segmentation plan names, the SOC tries to follow a convention in order to facilitate the segmentation harmonization process. In principle each segmentation plan name consists of:
Crema version, or any other descriptive word or phrase.
Segmentation plan version (v1, v2, etc.): Only updated when the segmentation changes.
Segmentation plan letter (a, b, c, et.): Only updated when resources withing segments are updated.
For example the latest version of the Crema 5.0 segmentation might be CREMA_5_0_SEGMENTATION_v6_a
Save a Segmentation Plan
In order to save a new Segmentation Plan, click on the Plans Database
and then click on the Save New Plan
button. A new window will open providing
some fields to fill along with a number of informative tabs. Please follow the
Segmentation Plan naming convention described above.
You need to provide a Name
and Mnemonic
to the plan. The current
recommendation is to use the same and for both and use a mnemonic. A
can also be provided, and is recommended to do so. Finally
choose if the plan will be public or not.
The informative tabs provide information on:
Source Distribution (Generic, Prime, etc.)
Segment Definition Distribution
Scenario Detail Integrations
If you need to modify a Plan, you can do so from the Plan Database.
Only plans that can be shared with the rest of the SGS should be set to Public
Update a Segmentation Plan
The modification of some parameters of a Segmentation Plan is not performed within the timeline tool. If you want to change the Public or Private status, description, Name or Mnemonic you will have to do so from the JUICE Core System Plan Database Entity Database Plan.
Please refer to the help of the Plan Database for more information.
There are a number of documents, most of which are only accessible to private users, that provide more information on SHT and that can be useful or that have been used as reference. These are listed hereunder:
Associated SOC Use Cases
These SOC Use Cases might not be available if you do not have a JUICE Confluence account.
UC-24: Top_level_Harmonize Segmentation: Procedure for SOC to iterate a segmentation with PIs, the main tool used is SHT.
UC-22_1: Top level Create Review and Update SHT Event Definitions: Procedure to create or update Event Definitions available to SHT.
UC-22_1: Top level Create Review and Update SHT Geometry Series Definitions: Procedure to create or update the Geometry Series available to SHT.
UC-21: Top level Review and Update Segment Definitions: Procedure to create or update Segment Definitions.
UC-22: Top level Compute Science Segment Opportunities: The Opportunity Segmentation is visualised and evaluated with SHT.
UC-23: Top level Prepare Skeleton Segmentation Proposal: The skeleton segmentation is visualised and evaluated with SHT.
Event Definitions
Downlink (Downlink): Downlink contact. The name of the ground station is used as identifier. Assuming 9 hours duration (including spacecraft slew) from start of station visibility (defined when topographic elevation > 10 deg).
Ganymede Antijovian start (ANTIJOV_SEG_START): This event corresponds to a theoretical shielding of Jupiter radio noise by Ganymede, during the Ganymede orbital phase.
Io Transit (start/end) (IO_TRANSIT_(START/END)): Transit of Io as seen from the JUICE s/c. When Io (occulting body) is occulting Jupiter (occulted body) as seen from the JUICE s/c. Partial transits (i.e.: if the moon is never fully in front of Jupiter) are also included. Start time, end time, and duration are provided.
Europa Transit (start/end) (EUROPA_TRANSIT_(START/END)): Transit of Europa as seen from the JUICE s/c. When Europa (occulting body) is occulting Jupiter (occulted body) as seen from the JUICE s/c. Partial transits (i.e.: if the moon is never fully in front of Jupiter) are also included. Start time, end time, and duration are provided.
Ganymede Transit (start/end) (GANYMEDE_TRANSIT_(START/END)): Transit of Ganymede as seen from the JUICE s/c. When Ganymede (occulting body) is occulting Jupiter (occulted body) as seen from the JUICE s/c. Partial transits (i.e.: if the moon is never fully in front of Jupiter) are also included. Start time, end time, and duration are provided.
Jupiter Latitude Crossing (LATITUDE_XING_+/-(nn)_(S/N)2(N/S)): JUICE sub-satellite point crosses a latitude mark over Jupiter.The identifier is composed by the signed latitude value in degrees and the crossing direction (S2N: South to North, N2S: North to South)
Jupiter/Spacecraft Solar phase angle xxx (PHASE_xxx): Solar phase angle for the Sun-Jupiter-spacecraft system - this is the angle between the Sun, the sub-spacecraft point on Jupiter, and the spacecraft. XXX encodes the phase angle value between 0 and 180 deg.
Flyby Ganymede (FLYBY_GANYMEDE): Flyby to Ganymede moon. The event contains information about:
Crema name and exact Time
Altitude and Sub-SC position, phase and local time
Energy production and solar array orientation
PEP-NIM FOV obstruction for optimum solar array
Ground station visibilities
Perijove number nn (PERIJOVE_nnPJ): Pericenter of the spacecraft orbit around Jupiter, number nn
Callisto Transit (start/end) (CALLISTO_TRANSIT_(START/END)): Transit of Callisto as seen from the JUICE s/c. When Callisto (occulting body) is occulting Jupiter (occulted body) as seen from the JUICE s/c. Partial transits (i.e.: if the moon is never fully in front of Jupiter) are also included. Start time, end time, and duration are provided.
Apojove number nn (APOJOVE_nnAP): Apocenter of the Juice orbit around Jupiter, number nn
Flyby Callisto (FLYBY_CALLISTO): Flyby to Callisto moon. The event contains information about:
Crema name and exact Time
Altitude and Sub-SC position, phase and local time
Energy production and solar array orientation
PEP-NIM FOV obstruction for optimum solar array
Ground station visibilities
Flyby Europa (FLYBY_EUROPA): Flyby to the Europa moon. The event contains information about:
Crema name and exact Time
Altitude and Sub-SC position, phase and local time
Energy production and solar array orientation
PEP-NIM FOV obstruction for optimum solar array
Ground station visibilities
Visibility Malargue (start) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_START): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 10 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Sun superior conjunction (start) (SUN_CONJUNCTION_SUP_START): Jupiter at superior conjunction lies along the same line as the Earth and the Sun, but on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth.
Earth Occultation by Jupiter (Ingress) (JUP_OCC_EARTH_000_DESC): Ingress Earth occultation by JUPiter as seen from the SC
Sun Occultation by Jupiter (ingress) (SUN_OCC_BY_JUPITER_TRANSIT_START): Sun occultation by Jupiter, as seen from the spacecraft. The event is triggered by entering the penumbra.
S/C +Z Axis Flip (FLIP_ZAXIS): S/C +Z axis flip events during the Tour. A flip is defined when the cross product of +Xsc in the Jupiter Tour and +Z of the “ECLIP2000” frame changes its sign.
Note that for the calculation of this event the S/C Default attitude during the Jupiter Tour is considered (excluding Downlink attitude, moon flybys, etc.) This attitude is defined as: S/C +Z along direction from JUICE to Jupiter and -X S/C along direction from JUICE to the Sun.
Downlink Elevation (DW_ELEV): The time when the topographic elevation of the ground station is greater than 20 and 50 degrees and when is less than 50 and 20 degrees.
Earth occultation by Jupiter (egress) (JUP_OCC_EARTH_000_ASCE): The Earth is occulted by Jupiter, as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultation by Ganymede (ingress) (GAN_OCC_EARTH_000_DESC): Earth is occulted by Ganymede, as seen from the SC
Earth occultation by Ganymede (egress) (GAN_OCC_EARTH_000_ASCE): Earth is occulted by Ganymede, as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultation by Europa (ingress) (EUR_OCC_EARTH_000_DESC): Earth occultation by Europa as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultations by Europa (egress) (EUR_OCC_EARTH_000_ASCE): Earth occultation by Europa as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultations by Callisto (ingress) (CAL_OCC_EARTH_000_DESC): Earth is occulted by Callisto, as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultations by Callisto (egress) (CAL_OCC_EARTH_000_ASCE): Earth occultation by Callisto, as seen from the spacecraft
Sun superior conjunction (end) (SUN_CONJUNCTION_SUP_END): Jupiter at superior conjunction lies along the same line as the Earth and the Sun, but on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth.
Visibility Malargue (end) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_END): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 10 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Cebreros (start) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_START): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by ascending values
Visibility Cebreros (end) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_END): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by ascending values
Visibility Malargue 20 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_START_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Malargue 20 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_END_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Malargue 50 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_START_50): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 50 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Malargue 50 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_MALARGUE_END_50): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 50 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Cebreros 20 deg (Start) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_START_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
visibility Cebreros 20 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_END_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
Visibility Cebreros 50 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_START_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility Cebreros 50 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_CEBREROS_END_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by descending values
visibility New Norcia (start) (VISIBILITY_NNO_START): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility New Norcia 20 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_NNO_START_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
visibility New Norcia 20 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_NNO_END_20): The SC-Ground station line of sight reaches 20 deg elevation above the topocentric plane
visibility New Norcia 50 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_NNO_START_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility New Norcia 50 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_NNO_END_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Canberra (start) (VISIBILITY_CANBERRA_START): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility Canberra 20 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_CANBERRA_START_20): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 20 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility Canberra 20 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_CANBERRA_END_20): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 20 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Canberra 50 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_CANBERRA_END_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Goldstone (start) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_START): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility Goldstone (end) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_END): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 10 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Goldstone 20 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_START_20): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 20 deg elevation by ascending values
visibility Goldstone 20 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_END_20): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 20 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Goldstone 50 deg (end) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_END_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by descending values
visibility Goldstone 50 deg (start) (VISIBILITY_GOLDSTONE_START_50): Ground station-spacecraft line crosses 50 deg elevation by ascending values
Downlink event (start) for ground station GS (DOWNLINK_GS_START): Downlink is assumed to start simultaneously to the station becoming visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) GS stands for ‘MALARGUE’, ‘NNO’, ‘CEBREROS’, ‘CANBERRA’, ‘GOLDSTONE’
Downlink event (end) for ground station GS (DOWNLINK_MALARGUE_END): Downlink is assumed to end 8 hours after the station becoming visible (10 deg topocentric elevation) GS stands for ‘MALARGUE’, ‘NNO’, ‘CEBREROS’, ‘CANBERRA’, ‘GOLDSTONE’
Sun occultation by Ganymede (ingress) (SUN_OCC_BY_GANYMEDE_TRANSIT_START): The Sun is occulted by Ganymede, as seen from the SC. The event is triggered when entering the penumbra
Sun occultation by Ganymede (egress) (SUN_OCC_BY_GANYMEDE_TRANSIT_END): The Sun is occulted by Ganymede, as seen from the SC. The event is triggered when exiting the penumbra
Earth occultation by Io (ingress) (IO_OCC_EARTH_000_DESC): Earth is occulted by IO, as seen from the spacecraft
Earth occultations by Io (egress) (CAL_OCC_EARTH_000_ASCE): Earth is occulted by Io, as seen from the spacecraft
Ganymede Antijovian (end) (ANTIJOV_SEG_END): This event corresponds to a theoretical shielding of Jupiter radio noise by Ganymede, during the Ganymede orbital phase.
(EPS) Ground Stations visibility (XYZ_vis_nn_START/END): Visibility of the Ground Station (MAL, NNO, CEB, GDS, CAN) from the spacecraft, for nn value of topocentric elevation (nn = 10, 15 or 20 deg)
(EPS) Closest Approach to Europa,Ganymede/Callisto/Io (CA_{EUR, GAN, CAL, IO}): Closest Approach to Europa,Ganymede/Callisto/Io
(EPS) PERIJOVE (PERIJOVE): Pericenter when the SC is in orbit around Jupiter
(EPS) Stellar Occultation (STELL_OCC_{BODY}_000_{type}): Stellar occultation as seen from the SC for BODY = Jupiter, Ganymede, Callisto, Io or Europa, of type ‘ASC’ (egress) or ‘DES’ (ingress) The occultation time is calculated when the start-SC Boresight crosses the reference ellipsoid of the body (000 km altitude)
(EPS) Latitude crossings Jupiter (LATCROSS_jupiter_{N/S}{nn}_{S/N}2{N/S}): This event is calculated when the sub-SC point at Jupiter crosses latitudes values nn, North or South, from North to South or South to North Example: LATCROSS_jupiter_N01_S2N corresponds to the crossing of 1 deg latitude north going from south to north
(EPS) Eclipses (SUN_OCC_{BODY}_TRANSIT_{START/END}): The Sun is occulted (even partially) by the BODY as seen from the spacecraft. Exit of eclipses are identified by (END) and entering an eclipse by (START)
Geometry Series Definitions
Minor moons
S/C distance to Thebe (dist2thebe): S/C distance to Thebe (km)
Thebe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2thebe): Thebe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Amalthea (dist2amalthea): S/C distance to Amalthea (km)
Amalthea-S/C solar phase angle (phase2amalthea): Amalthea-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Himalia (dist2himalia): S/C distance to Himalia (km)
Himalia-S/C solar phase angle (phase2himalia): Himalia-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Lysithea (dist2lysithea): S/C distance to Lysithea (km)
Lysithea-S/C solar phase angle (phase2lysithea): Lysithea-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Themisto (dist2themisto): S/C distance to Themisto (km)
Themisto-S/C solar phase angle (phase2themisto): Themisto-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Elara (dist2elara): S/C distance to Elara (km)
Elara-S/C solar phase angle (phase2elara): Elara-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Leda (dist2leda): S/C distance to Leda (km)
Leda-S/C solar phase angle (phase2leda): Leda-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Callirrhoe (dist2callirrhoe): S/C distance to Callirrhoe (km)
Callirrhoe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2callirrhoe): Callirrhoe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Magaclite (dist2magaclite): S/C distance to Magaclite (km)
Magaclite-S/C solar phase angle (phase2magaclite): Magaclite-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Taygete (dist2taygete): S/C distance to Taygete (km)
Taygete-S/C solar phase angle (phase2taygete): Taygete-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Chaldene (dist2chaldene): S/C distance to Chaldene (km)
Chaldene-S/C solar phase angle (phase2chaldene): Chaldene-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Harpalyke (dist2harpalyke): S/C distance to Harpalyke (km)
Harpalyke-S/C solar phase angle (phase2harpalyke): Harpalyke-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Kalyke (dist2kalyke): S/C distance to Kalyke (km)
Kalyke-S/C solar phase angle (phase2kalyke): Kalyke-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Iocaste (dist2iocaste): S/C distance to Iocaste (km)
Iocaste-S/C solar phase angle (phase2iocaste): Iocaste-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Erinome (dist2erinome): S/C distance to Erinome (km)
Erinome-S/C solar phase angle (phase2erinome): Erinome-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Isonoe (dist2isonoe): S/C distance to Isonoe (km)
Isonoe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2isonoe): Isonoe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Praxidike (dist2praxidike): S/C distance to Praxidike (km)
Praxidike-S/C solar phase angle (phase2praxidike): Praxidike-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Autonoe (dist2autonoe): S/C distance to Autonoe (km)
Autonoe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2autonoe): Autonoe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Thyone (dist2thyone): S/C distance to Thyone (km)
Thyone-S/C solar phase angle (phase2thyone): Thyone-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Hermippe (dist2hermippe): S/C distance to Hermippe (km)
Hermippe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2hermippe): Hermippe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Aitne (dist2aitne): S/C distance to Aitne (km)
Aitne-S/C solar phase angle (phase2aitne): Aitne-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Eurydome (dist2eurydome): S/C distance to Eurydome (km)
Eurydome-S/C solar phase angle (phase2eurydome): Eurydome-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Euanthe (dist2euanthe): S/C distance to Euanthe (km)
Euanthe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2euanthe): Euanthe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Euporie (dist2euporie): S/C distance to Euporie (km)
Euporie-S/C solar phase angle (phase2euporie): Euporie-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Orthosie (dist2orthosie): S/C distance to Orthosie (km)
Orthosie-S/C solar phase angle (phase2orthosie): Orthosie-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Sponde (dist2sponde): S/C distance to Sponde (km)
Sponde-S/C solar phase angle (phase2sponde): Sponde-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Kale (dist2kale): S/C distance to Kale (km)
Kale-S/C solar phase angle (phase2kale): Kale-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Pasithee (dist2pasithee): S/C distance to Pasithee (km)
Pasithee-S/C solar phase angle (phase2pasithee): Pasithee-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Hegemone (dist2hegemone): S/C distance to Hegemone (km)
Hegemone-S/C solar phase angle (phase2hegemone): Hegemone-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Mneme (dist2mneme): S/C distance to Mneme (km)
Mneme-S/C solar phase angle (phase2mneme): Mneme-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Aoede (dist2aoede): S/C distance to Aoede (km)
Aoede-S/C solar phase angle (phase2aoede): Aoede-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Thelxinoe (dist2thelxinoe): S/C distance to Thelxinoe (km)
Thelxinoe-S/C solar phase angle (phase2thelxinoe): Thelxinoe-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Arche (dist2arche): S/C distance to Arche (km)
Arche-S/C solar phase angle (phase2arche): Arche-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Kallichore (dist2kallichore): S/C distance to Kallichore (km)
Kallichore-S/C solar phase angle (phase2kallichore): Kallichore-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Helike (dist2helike): S/C distance to Helike (km)
Helike-S/C solar phase angle (phase2helike): Helike-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Carpo (dist2carpo): S/C distance to Carpo (km)
Carpo-S/C solar phase angle (phase2carpo): Carpo-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Eukelade (dist2eukelade): S/C distance to Eukelade (km)
Eukelade-S/C solar phase angle (phase2eukelade): Eukelade-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Cyllene (dist2cyllene): S/C distance to Cyllene (km)
Cyllene-S/C solar phase angle (phase2cyllene): Cyllene-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Kore (dist2kore): S/C distance to Kore (km)
Kore-S/C solar phase angle (phase2kore): Kore-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to Herse (dist2herse): S/C distance to Herse (km)
Herse-S/C solar phase angle (phase2herse): Herse-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255060 (dist255060): S/C distance to 255060 (km)
55060-S/C solar phase angle (phase255060): 55060-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255061 (dist255061): S/C distance to 255061 (km)
55061-S/C solar phase angle (phase255061): 55061-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255062 (dist255062): S/C distance to 255062 (km)
55062-S/C solar phase angle (phase255062): 55062-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255063 (dist255063): S/C distance to 255063 (km)
55063-S/C solar phase angle (phase255063): 55063-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255064 (dist255064): S/C distance to 255064 (km)
55064-S/C solar phase angle (phase255064): 55064-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255065 (dist255065): S/C distance to 255065 (km)
55065-S/C solar phase angle (phase255065): 55065-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255066 (dist255066): S/C distance to 255066 (km)
55066-S/C solar phase angle (phase255066): 55066-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255067 (dist255067): S/C distance to 255067 (km)
55067-S/C solar phase angle (phase255067): 55067-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255068 (dist255068): S/C distance to 255068 (km)
55068-S/C solar phase angle (phase255068): 55068-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255069 (dist255069): S/C distance to 255069 (km)
55069-S/C solar phase angle (phase255069): 55069-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255070 (dist255070): S/C distance to 255070 (km)
55070-S/C solar phase angle (phase255070): 55070-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255071 (dist255071): S/C distance to 255071 (km)
55071-S/C solar phase angle (phase255071): 55071-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255072 (dist255072): S/C distance to 255072 (km)
55072-S/C solar phase angle (phase255072): 55072-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
S/C distance to 255073 (dist255073): S/C distance to 255073 (km)
55073-S/C solar phase angle (phase255073): 55073-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
Angle Jupiter-Amalthea as seen from S/C (sc_jup_sc_ama_ang): Angle Jupiter-Amalthea as seen from S/C (deg)
S/C distance to Ganymede (dist2ganymede): S/C distance to Ganymede (km)
S/C distance to Ganymede (dist2ganymede_br): S/C distance to Ganymede (Rg)
S/C altitude at Ganymede (alt2ganymede): S/C altitude at Ganymede (km)
Ganymede-S/C solar phase angle (phase2ganymede): Ganymede-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Ganymede (ang_nim_fov_ram_gan): Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Ganymede (deg)
Ganymede angular diameter (ganymede_ang_diam): Ganymede angular diameter (deg)
Sub-S/C Ganymede longitude (ssc_ganymede_lon): Sub-S/C Ganymede longitude (deg)
Sub-S/C Ganymede latitude (ssc_ganymede_lat): Sub-S/C Ganymede latitude (deg)
Angle Jupiter-Ganymede-S/C (jup_gan_sc_ang): Angle Jupiter-Ganymede-S/C (deg)
Angle between S/C +Z axis and Ganymede center direction (ang_sc_z_2_gan): Angle between S/C +Z axis and Ganymede center direction (deg)
S/C distance to Callisto (dist2callisto): S/C distance to Callisto (km)
S/C distance to Callisto (dist2callisto_br): S/C distance to Callisto (Rc)
S/C altitude at Callisto (alt2callisto): S/C altitude at Callisto (km)
Callisto-S/C solar phase angle (phase2callisto): Callisto-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Callisto (ang_nim_fov_ram_cal): Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Callisto (deg)
Callisto angular diameter (callisto_ang_diam): Callisto angular diameter (deg)
Sub-S/C Callisto longitude (ssc_callisto_lon): Sub-S/C Callisto longitude (deg)
Sub-S/C Callisto latitude (ssc_callisto_lat): Sub-S/C Callisto latitude (deg)
Angle Jupiter-Callisto-S/C (jup_cal_sc_ang): Angle Jupiter-Callisto-S/C (deg)
Angle between S/C +Z axis and Callisto center direction (ang_sc_z_2_cal): Angle between S/C +Z axis and Callisto center direction (deg)
Distance to Jupiter (sp_body_dist): Distance to Jupiter (km)
Distance to Jupiter (sp_body_dist_rbody): Distance to Jupiter (Rj)
Sub-S/C Jovian longitude (ssc_lon): Sub-S/C Jovian longitude (deg)
Sub-S/C Jovian latitude (ssc_lat): Sub-S/C Jovian latitude (deg)
S/C altitude above Jupiter (ssc_alt): S/C altitude above Jupiter (km)
Solar phase angle at Jovian sub-S/C point (ssc_phase): Solar phase angle at Jovian sub-S/C point (deg)
Solar zenith angle at Jovian sub-S/C point (ssc_sza): Solar zenith angle at Jovian sub-S/C point (deg)
Local time at Jovian sub-S/C point (loc_time): Local time at Jovian sub-S/C point (h)
Angle S/C-Jupiter/S/C-Sun vectors (jup_sol_elon): Angle S/C-Jupiter/S/C-Sun vectors (deg)
Jupiter angular radius (ang_size): Jupiter angular radius (deg)
Jupiter angular diameter (ang_diameter): Jupiter angular diameter (deg)
S/C distance to Jupiter (dist2jupiter): S/C distance to Jupiter (km)
Angle between S/C +Z axis and Jupiter center direction (ang_sc_z_2_jup): Angle between S/C +Z axis and Jupiter center direction (deg)
Magnetic Field and Plasma
Angle S/C +Z axis to local B field (pitch_angle): Angle S/C +Z axis to local Magnetic Field. (deg)
Strength of the B field at S/C location (b_field_strength): Strength of the Magnetic Field (B) at the S/C location. The magnetic field model used is the one from Krishan Khurana.
This code is available on the website for the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets group at the Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder, associated with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics: (nT)
S/C magnetic longitude (sc_mag_lon): S/C magnetic longitude in the JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_1965 reference frame. (deg)
S/C magnetic latitude (sc_mag_lat): S/C magnetic latitude in the JUPITER_SYSTEM3RH_1965 reference frame. (deg)
S/C distance to current sheet (dist2cs): Distance of the S/C to the magnetic field current sheet. The magnetic field model used is the one from Krishan Khurana.
This code is available on the website for the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets group at the Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder, associated with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics: (Rj)
Angle JDC to corotation direction (ang_jdc_corotation): Angle JDC to corotation direction (deg)
Angle JEI to corotation direction (ang_jei_corotation): Angle JEI to corotation direction (deg)
Ground stations
Malargue topocentric elevation (mlg_elev_ang): Malargue topocentric elevation (deg)
Cebreros topocentric elevation (ceb_elev_ang): Cebreros topocentric elevation (deg)
New Norcia topocentric elevation (nno_elev_ang): New Norcia topocentric elevation (deg)
DSN-14 topocentric elevation (dss14_elev_ang): DSN-14 topocentric elevation (deg)
DSN-43 topocentric elevation (dss43_elev_ang): DSN-43 topocentric elevation (deg)
DSN-63 topocentric elevation (dss63_elev_ang): DSN-63 topocentric elevation (deg)
Angle HGA to Earth (ang_sc_hga_2_earth): Angle HGA to Earth (deg)
Angle HGA to Sun (ang_sc_hga_2_sun): Angle HGA to Sun (deg)
Maximum bit rate in X band (bitrate_xmax): Maximum bit rate in X band (kbits/s)
Maximum bit rate in Ka band (bitrate_kamax): Maximum bit rate in Ka band (kbits/s)
Maximum bit rate total (bitrate_total): Maximum bit rate total (kbits/s)
Angle S/C-Europa/S/C-Sun vectors (eur_sol_elon): Angle S/C-Europa/S/C-Sun vectors (deg)
S/C distance to Europa (dist2europa): S/C distance to Europa (km)
S/C distance to Europa (dist2europa_br): S/C distance to Europa (Re)
S/C altitude at Europa (alt2europa): S/C altitude at Europa (km)
Europa-S/C solar phase angle (phase2europa): Europa-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Europa (ang_nim_fov_ram_eur): Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Europa (deg)
Europa angular diameter (europa_ang_diam): Europa angular diameter (deg)
Sub-S/C Europa longitude (ssc_europa_lon): Sub-S/C Europa longitude (deg)
Sub-S/C Europa latitude (ssc_europa_lat): Sub-S/C Europa latitude (deg)
Angle Jupiter-Europa-S/C (jup_eur_sc_ang): Angle Jupiter-Europa-S/C (deg)
Angle between S/C +Z axis and Europa center direction (ang_sc_z_2_eur): Angle between S/C +Z axis and Europa center direction (deg)
Angle dust ram to S/C Velocity (dust_ram_sc_vel): Angle in between the S/C Velocity and the Dust ram direction. The Dust ram direction is aligned with the opposite direction of the velocity vector of dust particles on circular prograde orbits around Jupiter relative to the S/C. (deg)
Dust impact speed (dust_impact_vel): Dust impact speed (km/s)
Sun elevation above the rings (ring_sun_elevation): Sun elevation above the rings. Sun elevation above the ring is the angle between the Jupiter-Sun line and its projection on the ring plane, counted positive toward the Jupiter rotation’s axis. For the rings the model the Juergen Schmidt is used (code sent to JUICE SOC sent on 31/05/2019) (deg)
S/C elevation above the rings (ring_sc_elevation): S/C elevation above the rings. S/C elevation above the ring is the angle between the S/C-Sun line and its projection on the ring plane, counted positive toward the Jupiter rotation’s axis. For the rings the model the Juergen Schmidt is used (code sent to JUICE SOC sent on 31/05/2019) (deg)
Solar phase angle at Ansa1 (ansa1_phase): The Ansa is the portion of the edge of the ring. Ansa1 is the inner edge of the ring whereas Ansa2 is the outer edge of the ring. (deg)
Solar phase angle at Ansa2 (ansa2_phase): The Ansa is the portion of the edge of the ring. Ansa1 is the inner edge of the ring whereas Ansa2 is the outer edge of the ring. (deg)
Sun-Earth-S/C angle (ses): Sun-Earth-S/C angle (deg)
Angle between S/C Ganymede orbit plane normal vector and Sun direction (beta_angle): Angle between S/C Ganymede orbit plane normal vector and Sun direction (deg)
Trajectory inclination (traj_inc): Trajectory inclination (deg)
Trajectory eccentricity (traj_ecc): Trajectory eccentricity (-)
Distance of perijove (traj_rp): Distance of perijove (Rj)
S/C distance to Io (dist2io): S/C distance to Io (km)
S/C distance to Io (dist2io_br): S/C distance to Io (Ri)
S/C altitude at Io (alt2io): S/C altitude at Io (km)
Io-S/C solar phase angle (phase2io): Io-S/C solar phase angle (deg)
Sub-S/C Io longitude (ssc_io_lon): Sub-S/C Io longitude (deg)
Sub-S/C Io latitude (ssc_io_lat): Sub-S/C Io latitude (deg)
Io angular diameter (io_ang_diam): Io angular diameter (deg)
Angle Jupiter-Io-S/C (jup_io_sc_ang): Angle Jupiter-Io-S/C (deg)
Angle between S/C +Z axis and Io center direction (ang_sc_z_2_io): Angle between S/C +Z axis and Io center direction (deg)