Opportunity Segments Coverage Tool
The Opportunity Segments Coverage tool (OSC) is a tool to analyze the coverage of opportunity segments in the geometry space of interest within a selected time window. Identify the most relevant ones to export and use then in the Timeline Tool.
OSC is part of The Events and Segments Visualisation and Coverage Tool (ESVCT) suite that consists of three complementary tools that support the science segmentation of the Jupiter Tour. In this context these tools are a perfect complement to the JUICE SOC Timeline tool. The three tools are briefly described hereunder.
Events overview and event-based segment generation tool: Analyze the distribution of events (Flybys, Transits and Earth, Stellar and Sun Occultations) in the geometry space of interest; select the most interesting ones and create the corresponding opportunity segments outputs.
Opportunity Segments Coverage Tool: Analyze the coverage of opportunity segments in the geometry space of interest within a selected time window. Identify the most relevant ones to export and use it in the timeline tool.
Segmentation Coverage Tool: Explore the coverage of a given segmentation in the geometry space of interest and compare it to theoretical opportunities.
Tool Audience
The main audience of OSC are the instrument teams members involved in the trajectory science segmentation process. In addition, the Operations Scientists serve as first users of the functionalities developed by the SOC such as the OSC.
The Opportunity Segments Coverage Tool is accessible from the
in Science Operations Planning Tools > Science Opportunity Analysis >
Events Overview and Segment Coverage Tools
. This takes you to the Events and
Segments Visualization and Coverage Tool
and then you need to select the Crema instance of the Opportunity segments
coverage tool
. E.g.: Crema 5.0.
Opportunity Segments
Opportunity segments are bare segments that do not have any resource allocation but do have scheduling rules associated with them and are generated and scheduled by the JUICE SOC for every trajectory in order to indicate the opportunity to perform a science observation due to a favorable geometrical or operational condition.
These segments are listed as non prime in the
JUICE Core System Segment definition database
where segments are filtered By Prime Segment
as No
On top of the pre-defined opportunity segments, instrument teams might request to add additional opportunity segments defined by themselves.
User Interface
OSC consists of a top bar and an opportunity display dashboard with two columns: the Filter Menu and the Opportunity Timeline and Table Widows. These elements are described in detail hereunder.
Top bar
The top bar is divided in three sections. From left to right, the first section is the tool icon; by clicking it you go back to the ESVCT suite tool selection menu. The next section is displays the Crema version for the Segment Opportunities, and the last one allows you to choose the opportunity segmentation. Multiple options will be available when instrument teams have requested to add more opportunities or by new opportunity segmentations performed by the SOC for the same trajectory.
Opportunity Segment Timeline and Table
The Opportunity Segment Timeline allows you to dynamically display the Segmentation
Opportunities across time, you can pan the timeline left to right to move in time
and up to down to display all the opportunities, you can also scroll up and down to move
vertically across the timeline. Finally, you can zoom in and out by pressing
the control
button and scrolling up and down. Opportunities have a light-blue
background by default.
By left clicking in one of the opportunities a context menu will appear with the following options:
Mark as Selected
: Checks the Opportunity Segment asTo Be Exported
in the Opportunity table. When doing so the opportunity background changes to green.
Explore Plots
: also known asExplore Graphs
, this functionality is described later in this document.
The Opportunity table consists of the following seven columns:
: Opportunity segment id staring from1
. The Id is ordered first by Soruce (WG) and then by time.
To be Exported
: Indicates whether if the segment opportunity is selected to be exported.
: Start time of the opportunity segment.
: End time of the opportunity segment.
: Opportunity segment name, e.g.:CALLISTO_FLYBY
: Opportunity segment source:WG1
: Opportunity segment type, e.g.:CALLISTO_FLYBY
By double clicking an opportunity in the table, the timeline will be automatically centered on it.
The number of total or filtered opportunity segments is provided at the end of the table.
Explore Graphs
This is a very powerful feature of the OSC that allows you to “explore” segment opportunities by plotting different quantities for the time span of one or multiple opportunities.
This option is activated either when a filter is applied or from the context menu of an opportunity from the timeline. From the timeline, the plots will correspond to a single opportunity whereas if done from the Filter Menu, the plots will be shown for all filtered opportunity segments.
Either way when the Explore Graphs
option is selected a window is expanded
from the right side of the dashboard on top of the timeline and the table. This
window provides different information messages, either green for information or
yellow for a warning concerning the number of opportunity segments selected.
You can then add a number of plots that will be displayed in different tabs.
The plots are added after choosing a parameter for the X axis and another one
for the Y axis and then clicking the green button Add new plot
. The available
parameters depend of the opportunity segment type.
TThe available parameters depend of the segment type. The parameters are described in Segment Parameters.
The parameters are also defined and are available for private users at the JUICE Gitlab event-tool repository.
The mapping of the parameters to the different opportunity segments are described in Segment Mapping.
The mapping is also defined and is available for private users at the JUICE Gitlab event-tool repository.
When clicking on a plot its options are activated. When hoovering the mouse over the plot, a number of icons will appear on the top right section of the plot with the following actions:
Download plot as png
icon: Download the plot.Zoom
magnifying glass
icon: Zoom the plot with a box.Pan
Cross arrow
icon: Pan through the plot.Zoom in
plus box
icon: Zoom in the plot.Zoom out
minus box
icon: Zoom out the plot.Autoscale
arrows box
icon: Scale the plot appropriately for the shown data.Reset axes
icon: Reset a zoomed and/or panned plot view.Toogle Spike Lines
corner lines
icon: Activate/Deactivate dahsed lines intersecting the X and Y axis from the plot data points.Show closest data on hover
box arrow
icon: Show the plot data only when hovering over the plot. Deactivates “Compare data on hover”.Compare data on hover
double box arrow
icon: Show the plot data continuously corresponding to the X axis coordinate. Deactivates “Show closest data on hover”.
These actions are triggered with a left click with the mouse.
Finally, there is a legend with the plotted opportunity segments, if you right
click on them, a context menu will appear with Mark as Selected
allowing you
to select them in the Opportunity segments table to export them. By doing so,
the plot will change the format of the line to a line with dots. If you right
clik on a selected segment the context menu will show the option Unmark as
to de-select it.
Working with OSC
Getting Started
When OSC is started the default Science Study case Segment Opportunities is
and all opportunity segments are available, in the case of Crema
5.0, this is about 8578 opportunities.
Quick Guide
You can select an opportunity segment type for the period of interest, explore the corresponding plot coverage in the geometry space of interest, and export the relevant segments in json format to be importer in the Timeline tool as candidate for segmentation.
You can select the relevant opportunity segment type (e.g.: CALLISTO_IONO
and select the ones that provides the best geometry conditions:
either from the timeline of opportunities for specific segment instances coverage visualization
or by filtering by time and opportunity type (left panel), and explore the corresponding graphs.
Export of relevant instances can be done directly from the plot legend
or from the instances lists. Using the Export
button will generate the
corresponing JSON file that can be imported in the Timeline Tool for segmentation
conflict discussion.
Working Example
Say that we are interested in Jupiter Atmosphere Monitoring opportunities. The
first thing we need to do is to filter the opportunities. In this case we only
need to apply a definition filter. By typing JUPITER_
we will get a number of
options; we are only interested in monitoring so JUPITER_M
will narrow it
, we choose it and we apply the filter. In this
particular case we get a total of 367 opportunities.
To narrow it down, we select the dates we are interested on: 2033
Start after: 2032-12-31
, End Before: 2034-01-01
. We are now down to
131 opportunities. It is still a lot to explore with the plots but we go on.
We now click on the Explore Graphs
in order to understand the observations
that cover the latitudes that we are interested about. First note that we
obtain the following warning message in yellow:
Selected 131 items
Too many segment instances. Please, consider adding time filters to limit the results
For the X Parameter
we choose Time
and for the Y Parameter
we choose
Jupiter Latitude
, then we click on Add new plot
. We are only interested
on latitudes higher than 30 degrees. We zoom in that area, by clicking the Zoom
icon on the plot. Immediately after we return to the pan button not to mess with
the zoom. We now check the times by hoovering the mouse on the plot and then
we right click the corresponding opportunities in the legend to mark them as
selected. Once these are selected (13) we can now check another geometrical
quantity of interest: for the X Parameter
we choose Time
and for the
Y Parameter
we choose Distance to Jupiter
. The new plot preserves the
selected opportunities so now we can choose the one closer to Jupiter at
about ~23 Jupiter radii distance. What we do is that we unselect the other ones
– that conveniently have a dotted line in the legend – by right clicking on
We now close the plot window and in the Opportunity table we sort the entries
by the To Be Exported
column to have the marked one on top. If we double click
on it, the timeline centers on the opportunity. We can now export it, obtaining
a JSON file with the following segment:
"creationDate": "2022-08-22T22:32:03.455Z",
"name": "Export 2022-08-22T22:32:03.455Z",
"segments": [
"start": "2033-02-17T22:33:51",
"end": "2033-02-18T08:33:51",
"segment_definition": "JUPITER_MONITORING",
"overwritten": false,
"instrument_overwritten": false,
"timeline": "EVENT_IMPORT",
"source": "WG4",
"resources": [],
"instrument_resources": []
"segmentGroups": [],
"trajectory": "CREMA_5_0",
"localStoragePk": "segmentation-1661207523455"
Ideally, we want to export more than just a single opportunity, but now we are ready to load this JSON file in the Timeline Tool for our Science Segmentation activities.
Associated SOC User Cases
These SOC Use Cases might not be available if you do not have a JUICE Confluence account.
UC22_Top_level_Compute_Science_Segment_Opportunities: Procedure for SOC for the preparation of the segment opportunities.
UC-24: Top_level_Harmonize Segmentation: Procedure for SOC to iterate a segmentation with PIs, the main tool used is TLT and OSC supports its development.