ECLIPSE_BATTERY_RECOVERY_STANDARD | Battery recharge after eclipse
pointing should be default power optimised pointing | GENERIC |
ECLIPSE_BATTERY_RECOVERY_FAST | Battery recharge after eclipse | GENERIC |
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_STANDARD | Segment to allow for battery recharge.
Attitude should be default power optimised. | GENERIC |
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_FAST | Segment to allow for battery recharge.
Pointing should be default power optimised | GENERIC |
CALIB | all calibrations activities to be included as part of the segmentation (e.g. calibration roll etc...) | WGX |
G_RS_36G11 | G_RS_36G11 | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_35G10 | G_RS_35G10 | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_34G9 | G_RS_34G9 | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_32G8 | G_RS_32G8 | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_28G7 | G_RS_28G7 | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_27G6 | G_RS_27G6 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_33C23 | C_RS_33C23 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_31C22 | C_RS_31C22 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_30C21 | | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_26C19 | | Working Group 2 |
C_GPH_29C20 | C_GPH_29C20 | Working Group 1 |
G_GPH_27G6 | G_GPH_27G6 | Working Group 1 |
C_GPH_26C19 | C_GPH_26C19 | Working Group 1 |
C_GPH_17C10 | | Working Group 1 |
SOC_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder for SOC Prime Observation | SOC |
JUICE_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder for JUICE SOC Observations. | JUICE |
GALA_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | GALA |
GALA_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | GALA |
3GM_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | 3GM |
RPWI_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | RPWI |
RPWI_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | RPWI |
JMAG_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | JMAG |
JMAG_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | JMAG |
SWI_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | SWI |
RIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | RIME |
PEPLO_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | PEPLO |
PEPLO_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | PEPLO |
UVS_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | UVS |
UVS_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | UVS |
NAVCAM_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | NAVCAM |
NAVCAM_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | NAVCAM |
RADEM_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | RADEM |
MAJIS_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | MAJIS |
MAJIS_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | MAJIS |
JANUS_PRIME_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | JANUS |
JANUS_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | JANUS |
STAR_OCC_OBS | STAR_OCC_OBS | Working Group 4 |
E_IS_OBS | E_IS_OBS | Working Group 3 |
C_IS_OBS | C_IS_OBS | Working Group 3 |
G_IS_OBS | G_IS_OBS | Working Group 3 |
C_GPH_18C11 | C_GPH_18C11 | Working Group 1 |
C_GPH_16C9 | C_GPH_16C9
Geophysics prime segment, defined based on GALA (transmitting) operational range of altitude above Callisto < 2000 km.
Assumed Nadir pointing | Working Group 1 |
C_GPH_10C3 | C_GPH_10C3 | Working Group 1 |
G_GPH_5G5 | G_GPH_5G5 | Working Group 1 |
JA_PE35 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE33 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE31 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE29 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE27 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE25 | JA_PE25 | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE23 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE21 | JA_PE21 | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE19 | work around for segmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE17 | Jupiter Atmosphere prime segment around perijove pass.
Pointing target is Jupiter although pointing details are TBD (track, limb, nadir etc) | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE15 | work-aroudn for aegmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE13 | work-aroudn for aegmentation scheduler | Working Group 4 |
G_IS_3G3 | Ganymede in-situ observations around closest approach | Working Group 3 |
E_GPH_OBS | Europa geophysics generic containing obs database link | Working Group 1 |
E_RS_OBS | Europa remote sensing generic segment containing obs database link | Working Group 2 |
C_GPH_OBS | Callisto geophysics generic containing obs database link | Working Group 1 |
C_RS_OBS | Callisto Remote sensing GENERIC containing obs database link | Working Group 2 |
G_RS_OBS | G_RS GENERIC | Working Group 2 |
G_GPH_OBS | Generic G_GPH containing link to obs def | Working Group 1 |
EARTH_OCC | Earth occultation by Jupiter | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE_OBS | JA_PE generic for link obs<-> segments | Working Group 4 |
JM_PE_OBS | Jupiter Magnetosphere perijove segments containing link to observations database | Working Group 3 |
JA_PE62 | JA_PE62 | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE61 | JA_PE61 | Working Group 4 |
JA_PE60 | JA_PE60 | Working Group 4 |
G_GPH_3G3 | G_GPH_3G3 | Working Group 1 |
C_RS_29C20 | C_RS_29C20 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_25C18 | C_RS_25C18 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_24C17 | C_RS_24C17 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_23C16 | C_RS_23C16 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_22C15 | C_RS_22C15 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_21C14 | C_RS_21C14 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_20C13 | C_RS_20C13 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_19C12 | C_RS_19C12 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_18C11 | C_RS_18C11 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_17C10 | C_RS_17C10 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_16C9 | C_RS_16C9: Prime surface and exosphere segment defined as 24 hours centered at CA.
WG1 (gravity) is rider.
Pointing is mainly surface and/or limb (details TBD) | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_15C8 | C_RS_15C8 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_14C7 | C_RS_14C7 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_13C6 | C_RS_13C6 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_12C5 | C_RS_12C5 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_11C4 | C_RS_11C4 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_10C3 | C_RS_10C3 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_9C2 | C_RS_9C2 | Working Group 2 |
C_RS_6C1 | C_RS_6C1 | Working Group 2 |
E_RS_8E2 | E_RS_8E2 | Working Group 2 |