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SHADOWEDGErings SHADOWEDGE. Imaging of the ring region intersected by the planetary shadow at moderate elevation and very high phase. Especially for the very faint gossamer rings and the Thebe extensionWorking Group 2
C_IS Working Group 3
C_IS_OBSC_IS_OBSWorking Group 3
CALLISTO_ENAFar approach energetic neutral atom imaging of CallistoWorking Group 3
CALLISTO_IONOCALLISTO_IONO In situ Callisto ionosphere observationWorking Group 3
CALLISTO_WAKEIn situ Callisto wake observationWorking Group 3
E_IS Working Group 3
E_IS_OBSE_IS_OBSWorking Group 3
EUROPA_ENAFar approach energetic neutral atom imaging of EuropaWorking Group 3
EUROPA_IONO_ISEUROPA_IONO_IS In situ Europa ionosphere observationWorking Group 3
EUROPA_TOR_ISIn situ Europa torus observationWorking Group 3
EUROPA_WAKEIn situ Europa wake observationWorking Group 3
G_IS Working Group 3
G_IS_3G3Ganymede in-situ observations around closest approachWorking Group 3
G_IS_OBSG_IS_OBSWorking Group 3
GANYMEDE_ENAFar approach energetic neutral atom imaging of GanymedeWorking Group 3
GANYMEDE_GMIn situ mapping of global configuration and monitoring dynamics of Ganymede's magnetospheric environmentWorking Group 3
GANYMEDE_IONOGANYMEDE_IONO In situ Ganymede ionosphere observationWorking Group 3
GANYMEDE_WAKEIn situ Ganymede wake observationWorking Group 3
JM_CB Working Group 3
JM_ENA Working Group 3
JM_GMJupiter Magnetosphere global monitoring. Large pointing flexibility, constraints mainly driven by PEPWorking Group 3
JM_INCL Working Group 3
JM_PE_OBSJupiter Magnetosphere perijove segments containing link to observations databaseWorking Group 3
JM_PE13share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE15share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE17share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE19share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE21share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE23share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE25share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE27share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE29share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE31share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE33share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE35 Working Group 3
JUPITER_CBIn situ Jupiter corotation breakdown region and plasma transport observation. Maximize the intervals for which co-rotation is measured to build spatial and temporal coverage of corotation profiles across the magnetosphere and also in the local moon environments.Working Group 3
JUPITER_CPSIn situ Jupiter current/plasma sheet observationWorking Group 3
JUPITER_ENAImaging of Jupiter's magnetosphere in energetic neutral atoms (ENAs).Maximize pitch angle coverage with PEP JEI,JDC,JoEE, JENI (ion mode) a) JENI has a broad FoV and captures Jupiter and the Io/Europa torus and magnetosphere at most times. No special pointing design required for JENI besides requiring an approximate nadir pointing (considerable offsets can still be acceptable) b) JNA disk-shaped/slit FoV has a slight offset from the XZ spacecraft plane, meaning that during nadir pointing, it images preferentially the northern or southern extension of the Europa/Io torus, whereas Jupiter may be in the edge or outside of the FoV, especially at large distances. Scans (small rotations around Sc-X) or periods with stable, small offset of the SC-xz plane from Nadir can help to better image stronger emissions from the equatorial torusWorking Group 3
JUPITER_GMIn situ mapping of global configuration and monitoring dynamics of the Jovian magnetospheric environment. corotation should be in the FoV of PEP/JDC or PEP/JEI. Conditions for coverage: ◦ Minimum angle less than about 11.25 deg (half-azimuthal sector size) of a JEI or JDC pixel from corotation ◦ Boresight angle of JDC or JEI less than ˜90 deg Conditions for ideal coverage: ◦ Minimum angle less than about 11.25 deg (half-azimuthal sector size) of a JEI or JDC pixel from corotation ◦ Boresight angle less than ˜75 deg (JEI) or 70 deg (JDC): corotation away from the FoV edge JDC is preferred for monitoring corotation, over JEI, when possible.Working Group 3
JUPITER_NULLIn situ Jupiter magnetic null searchWorking Group 3
JUPITER_PDTIn situ Jupiter particle distribution transition region observation. Maximize pitch angle coverage for PEP/JEI, JDC,JoEE, JENI (ion mode)Working Group 3
JUPITER_TAILIn situ search for signatures of local magnetic reconnection in the Jovian magnetotailWorking Group 3
TOR_RS Working Group 3
EARTH_OCCEarth occultation by JupiterWorking Group 4
EARTH_OCC_EGRESSEarth occultation by Jupiter. EgressWorking Group 4
EARTH_OCC_INGRESSEarth occultation by Jupiter. IngressWorking Group 4
INCLINED_NORTH Working Group 4
INCLINED_SOUTH Working Group 4
J_AURORA Working Group 4
JA_INCLJupiter Atmosphere Inclined segments: at maximum (Northern) and/or minimum (Southern) latitudes. Pointing target uis Jupiter although pointing details are TBD (track, limb etc...)Working Group 4
JA_MJupiter Atmosphere Monitoring segments: at regular interval during the tour. Pointing taregt is Jupiter, although pointing type is TBD (slew scan, raster, nadir etc)Working Group 4
JA_PE_OBSJA_PE generic for link obs<-> segmentsWorking Group 4
JA_PE1test 3_2Working Group 4
JA_PE10 Working Group 4
JA_PE11 Working Group 4
JA_PE12 Working Group 4
JA_PE13work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE14 Working Group 4
JA_PE15work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE16 Working Group 4
JA_PE17Jupiter Atmosphere prime segment around perijove pass. Pointing target is Jupiter although pointing details are TBD (track, limb, nadir etc)Working Group 4
JA_PE18 Working Group 4
JA_PE19work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE2 Working Group 4
JA_PE20 Working Group 4
JA_PE21JA_PE21Working Group 4
JA_PE22 Working Group 4
JA_PE23work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE24 Working Group 4
JA_PE25JA_PE25Working Group 4
JA_PE26 Working Group 4
JA_PE27work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE28 Working Group 4
JA_PE29work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE3 Working Group 4
JA_PE30 Working Group 4
JA_PE31work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE32 Working Group 4
JA_PE33work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE34 Working Group 4
JA_PE35work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE36 Working Group 4
JA_PE37 Working Group 4
JA_PE38 Working Group 4
JA_PE39 Working Group 4
JA_PE4 Working Group 4
JA_PE40 Working Group 4
JA_PE41 Working Group 4
JA_PE42 Working Group 4
JA_PE43 Working Group 4
JA_PE44 Working Group 4
JA_PE45 Working Group 4
JA_PE46 Working Group 4
JA_PE47 Working Group 4
JA_PE48 Working Group 4
JA_PE49 Working Group 4

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