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J_SATjupiter satellite GENERICWorking Group 2
OPNAV_CALOPNAV_CAL Optical navigation window, targeting Callisto. Pointing is Callisto trackingGENERIC
OPNAV_EUROPNAV_EUR Optical navigation window, targeting Europa. Pointing is Europa tracking (MPAD)GENERIC
OPNAV_GANOPNAV_GAN Optical navigation window, targeting Ganymede. Pointing is Ganymede trackingGENERIC
RING_PHASECURV_10Opportunity implementation in geopipeline SC distance to Jupiter larger than 8e5 km SC elevation above the rings lower than 0.5 deg Only one Ansae tested for phase conditions - value must be between 10 deg and 20 degWorking Group 2
RING_PHASECURV_5Opportunity implementation in geopipeline SC distance to Jupiter larger than 8e5 km SC elevation above the rings lower than 0.5 deg Only one Ansae tested for phase conditions - value must be between 5 deg and 10 degWorking Group 2
SOC_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder for SOC Prime ObservationSOC
SOC_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder for SOC Rider ObservationSOC
NAVCAM_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.NAVCAM
NAVCAM_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.NAVCAM
NAVCAM_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.NAVCAM
RADEM_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RADEM
GALA_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.GALA
GALA_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.GALA
3GM_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.3GM
3GM_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.3GM
RPWI_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RPWI
RPWI_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RPWI
RPWI_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RPWI
JMAG_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JMAG
JMAG_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JMAG
JMAG_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JMAG
SWI_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.SWI
RIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RIME
PEPLO_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.PEPLO
PEPLO_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.PEPLO
UVS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.UVS
UVS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.UVS
UVS_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.UVS
MAJIS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.MAJIS
MAJIS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.MAJIS
MAJIS_RIDER_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.MAJIS
JANUS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JANUS
JANUS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JANUS
J_FD_WOLRegular Wheel off loading s Pointing is TBDGENERIC
RING_HPRing high phaseWorking Group 2
RING_LPRing low phaseWorking Group 2
RINGMATTERRINGMATTER. Observations of the main rings and the gossamer rings, imaging the ring ansae from moderately large elevation. The moderatly large elevation will reveal azimuthal structure in the rings and the presence of clumps at the resolution limit of the imaging.Working Group 2
RINGMOSAICRINGMOSAIC (Janus definition). impression of the extent of the whole ring systemWorking Group 2
HIGHPHPROFILErings high phase profile (JANUS DEF)Working Group 2
SHADOWEDGErings SHADOWEDGE. Imaging of the ring region intersected by the planetary shadow at moderate elevation and very high phase. Especially for the very faint gossamer rings and the Thebe extensionWorking Group 2
RINGSPIRAL_HPRINGSPIRAL_HP (high phase, Janus def)Working Group 2
RINGSPIRAL_MPRINGSPIRAL_MP (medium phase: JANUS Def)Working Group 2
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_STANDARDSegment to allow for battery recharge. Attitude should be default power optimised.GENERIC
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_FASTSegment to allow for battery recharge. Pointing should be default power optimisedGENERIC
JM_PE13share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE15share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE17share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE19share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE21share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE23share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE25share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE27share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE29share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE31share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
JM_PE33share prime high lat PJ between WG3 and WG4Working Group 3
SUN_OCCSolar occultation by Jupiter, as seen from the SC.Working Group 4
JA_PE1test 3_2Working Group 4
G_GPH_1G1test 3_2Working Group 1
J_FD_TCMTrajectory Correction Manoeuvre Pointing is TBDGENERIC
EUR_CAL_GAN_TRANSIT_PRTriple transit in front of JupiterWGX
J_FD_WOL_FBWheel off loading post flyby. Pointing is TBDGENERIC
JA_PE19work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE23work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE27work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE29work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE31work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE33work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE35work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE13work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE15work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4

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