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SOC_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder for SOC Prime ObservationSOC
NAVCAM_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.NAVCAM
NAVCAM_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.NAVCAM
RADEM_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RADEM
GALA_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.GALA
GALA_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.GALA
3GM_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.3GM
RPWI_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RPWI
RPWI_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RPWI
JMAG_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JMAG
JMAG_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JMAG
SWI_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.SWI
RIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.RIME
PEPLO_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.PEPLO
PEPLO_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.PEPLO
UVS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.UVS
UVS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.UVS
MAJIS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.MAJIS
MAJIS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.MAJIS
JANUS_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JANUS
JANUS_PRIME_OBSERVATIONPlaceholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process.JANUS
BATTERY_RECHARGE20.5 hour recovery segments to be scheduled after very demanding periods. For the moment only after flybys and eclipses. Duration is derived from
DL_Downlink communication prime segments. pointing: HGA pointing to EarthGENERIC
DL_EXTassuming: JMAG: 2.31 kbps RPWI: 1.7*2.167 kbps PEP: 2 kpbs (ball park number; discussion with Gabriella at WG3 F2F meeting in Sept 2018)GENERIC
ECLIPSE_BATTERY_RECOVERY_STANDARDBattery recharge after eclipse pointing should be default power optimised pointingGENERIC
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_FASTSegment to allow for battery recharge. Pointing should be default power optimisedGENERIC
FB_BATTERY_RECOVERY_STANDARDSegment to allow for battery recharge. Attitude should be default power optimised.GENERIC
J_FD_TCMTrajectory Correction Manoeuvre Pointing is TBDGENERIC
J_FD_WOLRegular Wheel off loading s Pointing is TBDGENERIC
J_FD_WOL_FBWheel off loading post flyby. Pointing is TBDGENERIC
OPNAV_CALOPNAV_CAL Optical navigation window, targeting Callisto. Pointing is Callisto trackingGENERIC
OPNAV_EUROPNAV_EUR Optical navigation window, targeting Europa. Pointing is Europa tracking (MPAD)GENERIC
OPNAV_GANOPNAV_GAN Optical navigation window, targeting Ganymede. Pointing is Ganymede trackingGENERIC
RECOVERY_FLYBY15.15 hours recovery segments to be scheduled after flybys/eclipse, when standard instrument mode is assumed Duration is derived from Pointing should be power optimizedGENERIC
SPICE_ATT_GANYMEDE_PHASEDefault attitude during the Ganymede phaseGENERIC
SPICE_ATT_GOTOJUPITER_TOUR_SUP_SOL_CONJDefault attitude during superior solar conjunctionGENERIC
SPICE_ATT_GOTOTRANSFER_COLD_SUP_SOL_CONJDefault attitude during cruise phase superior solar conjunctions 'cold'GENERIC
SPICE_ATT_JUPITER_TOURDefault attitude during the Tour phaseGENERIC
SPICE_ATT_TRANSFER_COLDDefault attitude during cruise phaseGENERIC
SPICE_ATT_TRANSFER_HOTDefault attitude during cruise phase applicable during the hot phasesGENERIC
EARTH_OCCEarth occultation by JupiterWorking Group 4
J_AURORA Working Group 4
JA_INCLJupiter Atmosphere Inclined segments: at maximum (Northern) and/or minimum (Southern) latitudes. Pointing target uis Jupiter although pointing details are TBD (track, limb etc...)Working Group 4
JA_MJupiter Atmosphere Monitoring segments: at regular interval during the tour. Pointing taregt is Jupiter, although pointing type is TBD (slew scan, raster, nadir etc)Working Group 4
JA_PE_OBSJA_PE generic for link obs<-> segmentsWorking Group 4
JA_PE1test 3_2Working Group 4
JA_PE10 Working Group 4
JA_PE11 Working Group 4
JA_PE12 Working Group 4
JA_PE13work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE14 Working Group 4
JA_PE15work-aroudn for aegmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE16 Working Group 4
JA_PE17Jupiter Atmosphere prime segment around perijove pass. Pointing target is Jupiter although pointing details are TBD (track, limb, nadir etc)Working Group 4
JA_PE18 Working Group 4
JA_PE19work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE2 Working Group 4
JA_PE20 Working Group 4
JA_PE21JA_PE21Working Group 4
JA_PE22 Working Group 4
JA_PE23work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE24 Working Group 4
JA_PE25JA_PE25Working Group 4
JA_PE26 Working Group 4
JA_PE27work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE28 Working Group 4
JA_PE29work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE3 Working Group 4
JA_PE30 Working Group 4
JA_PE31work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE32 Working Group 4
JA_PE33work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE34 Working Group 4
JA_PE35work around for segmentation schedulerWorking Group 4
JA_PE36 Working Group 4
JA_PE37 Working Group 4
JA_PE38 Working Group 4
JA_PE39 Working Group 4
JA_PE4 Working Group 4
JA_PE40 Working Group 4
JA_PE41 Working Group 4
JA_PE42 Working Group 4
JA_PE43 Working Group 4
JA_PE44 Working Group 4
JA_PE45 Working Group 4
JA_PE46 Working Group 4
JA_PE47 Working Group 4
JA_PE48 Working Group 4
JA_PE49 Working Group 4
JA_PE5 Working Group 4

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