EUR_CAL_GAN_TRANSIT_PR | Triple transit in front of Jupiter | WGX |
508_Pas | Test opportunity segment Pasiphae | Working Group 2 |
SUN_OCC | Solar occultation by Jupiter, as seen from the SC. | Working Group 4 |
RINGSPIRAL_MP | RINGSPIRAL_MP (medium phase: JANUS Def) | Working Group 2 |
RINGSPIRAL_HP | RINGSPIRAL_HP (high phase, Janus def) | Working Group 2 |
SHADOWEDGE | rings SHADOWEDGE. Imaging of the ring region intersected by the planetary shadow at moderate
elevation and very high phase. Especially for the very faint gossamer rings and the Thebe
extension | Working Group 2 |
HIGHPHPROFILE | rings high phase profile (JANUS DEF) | Working Group 2 |
RINGMOSAIC | RINGMOSAIC (Janus definition). impression of the extent of the whole ring
system | Working Group 2 |
RINGMATTER | RINGMATTER. Observations of the main rings and the gossamer rings, imaging the ring ansae from moderately large elevation.
The moderatly large elevation will reveal azimuthal structure in the rings and the presence of clumps at the resolution limit of the imaging. | Working Group 2 |
RING_LP | Ring low phase | Working Group 2 |
RING_HP | Ring high phase | Working Group 2 |
MAJIS_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | MAJIS |
NAVCAM_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | NAVCAM |
UVS_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | UVS |
JMAG_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | JMAG |
RPWI_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | RPWI |
3GM_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder Segment to accomodate the detailed scenario observation plan generation process. | 3GM |
SOC_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder for SOC Rider Observation | SOC |
GALA_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder for JUICE SOC Observations. | GALA |
JANUS_RIDER_OBSERVATION | Placeholder for JUICE SOC Observations. | JANUS |
RING_PHASECURV_5 | Opportunity implementation in geopipeline
SC distance to Jupiter larger than 8e5 km
SC elevation above the rings lower than 0.5 deg
Only one Ansae tested for phase conditions - value must be between 5 deg and 10 deg | Working Group 2 |
RING_PHASECURV_10 | Opportunity implementation in geopipeline
SC distance to Jupiter larger than 8e5 km
SC elevation above the rings lower than 0.5 deg
Only one Ansae tested for phase conditions - value must be between 10 deg and 20 deg | Working Group 2 |
JUPITER_PERIJOVE | Jupiter observations | Working Group 4 |
IO_TOR_DUST | Io torus dust | Working Group 2 |
IO_ECLIPSE | Io observation while Io is in eclipse. | Working Group 2 |
JUPITER_FD_WOL_FB | In the last week before the fly-by a WOL slot shall be combined with the
TCM slot at To– 3 days (i.e. a single 3-hr slot). Another 2-hour WOL slot shall be reserved at To + 12 hours. | GENERIC |
JUPITER_TAIL | In situ search for signatures of local magnetic reconnection in the Jovian magnetotail | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_GM | In situ mapping of global configuration and monitoring dynamics of the Jovian magnetospheric environment.
corotation should be in the FoV of PEP/JDC or PEP/JEI.
Conditions for coverage:
◦ Minimum angle less than about 11.25 deg (half-azimuthal sector size) of a JEI or JDC pixel from corotation
◦ Boresight angle of JDC or JEI less than ˜90 deg
Conditions for ideal coverage:
◦ Minimum angle less than about 11.25 deg (half-azimuthal sector size) of a JEI or JDC pixel from corotation
◦ Boresight angle less than ˜75 deg (JEI) or 70 deg (JDC): corotation away from the FoV edge
JDC is preferred for monitoring corotation, over JEI, when possible. | Working Group 3 |
GANYMEDE_GM | In situ mapping of global configuration and monitoring dynamics of Ganymede's magnetospheric environment | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_PDT | In situ Jupiter particle distribution transition region observation.
Maximize pitch angle coverage for PEP/JEI, JDC,JoEE, JENI (ion mode) | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_NULL | In situ Jupiter magnetic null search | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_CPS | In situ Jupiter current/plasma sheet observation | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_CB | In situ Jupiter corotation breakdown region and plasma transport observation. Maximize the intervals for which co-rotation is measured to build spatial and temporal coverage of corotation profiles across the magnetosphere and also in the local moon environments. | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_CP | In situ Jupiter corotation breakdown region and plasma transport observation. Maximize the intervals for which co-rotation is measured to build spatial and temporal coverage of corotation profiles across the magnetosphere and also in the local moon environments.
CP stands for corotation profile | Working Group 3 |
GANYMEDE_WAKE | In situ Ganymede wake observation | Working Group 3 |
EUROPA_WAKE | In situ Europa wake observation | Working Group 3 |
EUROPA_TOR_IS | In situ Europa torus observation | Working Group 3 |
CALLISTO_WAKE | In situ Callisto wake observation | Working Group 3 |
JUPITER_ENA | Imaging of Jupiter's magnetosphere in energetic neutral atoms (ENAs).Maximize pitch angle coverage with PEP JEI,JDC,JoEE, JENI (ion mode)
a) JENI has a broad FoV and captures Jupiter and the Io/Europa torus and magnetosphere at most times. No special pointing design required for JENI besides requiring an approximate nadir pointing (considerable offsets can still be acceptable)
b) JNA disk-shaped/slit FoV has a slight offset from the XZ spacecraft plane, meaning that during nadir pointing, it images preferentially the northern or southern extension of the Europa/Io torus, whereas Jupiter may be in the edge or outside of the FoV, especially at large distances. Scans (small rotations around Sc-X) or periods with stable, small offset of the SC-xz plane from Nadir can help to better image stronger emissions from the equatorial torus | Working Group 3 |
In situ Ganymede ionosphere observation | Working Group 3 |
GANYMEDE_RPWI_PASSIVRAD | Ganymede passive radar opportunity for RPWI | Working Group 1 |
GANYMEDE_FB_RS | Ganymede flyby remote sensing | Working Group 2 |
GANYMEDE_FLYBY_RIME_JS | Ganymede active radar opportunity, jovian side | Working Group 1 |
GANYMEDE_FLYBY_RIME_AJS | Ganymede active radar opportunity, anti-jovian side | Working Group 1 |
JUPITER_FD_WOL | Flight dynamics wheel off-loading slot, outside of Flyby preparation and recuperation | GENERIC |
GANYMEDE_ENA | Far approach energetic neutral atom imaging of Ganymede | Working Group 3 |
EUROPA_ENA | Far approach energetic neutral atom imaging of Europa | Working Group 3 |
CALLISTO_ENA | Far approach energetic neutral atom imaging of Callisto | Working Group 3 |
SUN_OCC_ET | Event tool support segment definition | GENERIC |
FLYBY_ET | Event tool support segment definition | GENERIC |
TRANSIT_ET | Event tool support segment definition | GENERIC |
EARTH_OCC_ET | Event tool support segment definition | GENERIC |
STELLAR_OCC_ET | Event tool support segment definition | GENERIC |
In situ Europa ionosphere observation | Working Group 3 |
EUROPA_RPWI_PASSIVRAD | Europa passive radar opportunity for RPWI | Working Group 1 |
EUROPA_FB_RS | Europa Flyby remote sensing | Working Group 2 |
EUROPA_FLYBY_RIME_JS | Europa active radar opportunity, jovian side | Working Group 1 |
EUROPA_FLYBY_RIME_AJS | Europa active radar opportunity, anti-jovian side | Working Group 1 |
EARTH_OCC_INGRESS | Earth occultation by Jupiter. Ingress | Working Group 4 |
EARTH_OCC_EGRESS | Earth occultation by Jupiter. Egress | Working Group 4 |
GAN_CAL_TRANSIT_PR | Double transit in front of Jupiter (Ganymede, Callisto) | WGX |
GAN_EUR_TRANSIT_PR | Double transit in front of Jupiter (Europa, Ganymede) | WGX |
EUR_CAL_TRANSIT_PR | Double transit in front of Jupiter (Europa, Callisto) | WGX |
TRAJECTORY_SEGMENT | defined segment for moon coverage tool export functionnality | GENERIC |
CHAR_IRR1 | Characterization irregular moons group 1 (see list below) | Working Group 2 |
CHARACTERIZATION_IRR2_SINOPE | Characterization irregular moon Sinope | Working Group 2 |
CHARACTERIZATION_IRR2_PASIPHAE | characterization irregular moon Pasiphae | Working Group 2 |
CHARACTERIZATION_IRR_ELARA | Characterization irregular moon Elara | Working Group 2 |
CHARACTERIZATION_IRR2_ANANKE | Characterization irregular moon ANANKE | Working Group 2 |
In situ Callisto ionosphere observation | Working Group 3 |
CALLISTO_RPWI_PASSIVRAD | Callisto passive radar opportunity for RPWI | Working Group 1 |
CALLISTO_FB_RS | Callisto Flyby remote sensing | Working Group 2 |
CALLISTO_FLYBY_RIME_JS | Callisto active radar opportunity, jovian side | Working Group 1 |
CALLISTO_FLYBY_RIME_AJS | Callisto active radar opportunity, anti-jovian side | Working Group 1 |
ASTRO_IRR2_PASIPHAE | astrometry measurement with inertial pointing to moon Pasiphae | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_THEMISTO | Astrometry irregular moon THEMISTO | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_TAYGETE | Astrometry irregular moon TAYGETE | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_LYSITHEA | Astrometry irregular moon LYSITHEA | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_LEDA | Astrometry irregular moon LEDA | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_KALLICHORE | Astrometry irregular moon KALLICHORE | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_HIMALIA | Astrometry irregular moon HIMALIA | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_CHALDENE | Astrometry irregular moon CHALDENE | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR1_CARPO | Astrometry irregular moon CARPO | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR2_CARME | Astrometry irregular moon Carme | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_IRR2_ANANKE | Astrometry irregular moon Ananke | Working Group 2 |
ASTRO_INNER | Astrometry inner moons | Working Group 2 |
JMAG_CALROLL | 5 calibration roll needed by JMAG. 2 as soon as possible after JOI. 3 during phase 5: one at the start of phase 5, the last 2 as late as possible before GOI | WGX |
IO_MONITORING | - JANUS minimum distance = 7.00e+05 km
- MAJIS minimum distance = 8.00e+05 km
- SWI minimum distance = 6.00e+05 km (able to resolve target when angular size is > 1 mrad)
| Working Group 2 |