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SWI_POINTING_ACS_CCH: Determination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the ACS 1 & 2 and the CCH 1 & 2.Integration time on the ACS and CCH are 1s and 0.1s, respectively.SWI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1* Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) *Good for high quality, extended survey * Macro: 118 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings) * Macro: 122PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (magnetopause/bow shock crossings, injection events, moon wakes/microsignatures) * Macro: 121 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_2*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys with JNA/JENI imaging and high time (plume) resolution for NIMPEPLO
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1*Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) * Macro: 110 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode * Macro: 148b Sensors ON: JENI, JoEE.PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode *Can work on flybys * Macro: 117 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
MAJ_JUP_DISK_MOSAICA series of several MAJIS_JUP_DISK_SCAN or MAJIS_JUP_DISK_SLEW Spacecraft has to be re-pointed between individual acquisitions. POinting type: YS, NADIR with offset around Y (‘ nadir offset MAJIS scan’’) satellite orientation: HORIZONTAL (preferred) Duration: 3 x (scan-duration + turnaround Y duration). Scan duration from 20 to 40 min depending on the distance from Jupiter. Turnaround ~50 minMAJIS
MAJ_STANDBYAfter switch-on of MAJIS, the Boot SW automatically starts, and performs the primary boot from the PROM (Init fugitive BSW mode). After processor modules initialization, the Boot software goes to STANDBY mode. By default, the ASW Image0 (stored in MRAM0 = ASM0) is autonomously loaded after a timeout of 30 seconds. MAJIS then enters into ASW init Mode and then into SAFE mode. In STANDBY Mode, all channels are off, and only DPU HK SID1 are received. MAJIS needs to be maintained in STANDBY mode using the TC(17,1) in the following cases : - upload (using service 6) of new ASW images (or CUSW, or firmware) into MRAM: FCP-MAJ-070 describes the maintenance process. - upload a new BROWSE Table FCP-MAJ-060 into MRAM - select ASW Image1 and then start ASW Image 1 instead of teh default ASW Image0. FCP-MAJ-062 - any other update of MRAM using service 6MAJIS
SWI_OFFAll instrument subsystems including the DPU will be switched off. Consequently there will be no housekeeping data and no telemetry. The instrument will be in this mode during launch and cruise phase, except during calibration campaigns (e.g. planet flybys).SWI
PEL_OFF_1All sensors off, only survival heaters on PEP-Lo off (e.g. TCM, WOL periods)PEPLO
SWI_ALLAN_ACS_FSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_ACSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 sSWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CCHAllan variance characterization of the CCH 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 0.1 s.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CTSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_CTS_FSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
UVS_JUP_MONITORING_HPAs above, more of an auroral focus. 2-hour observations fit in between the AP monitoring observationsUVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_HPAs UVS_SAT_SURF_AP but using the high resolution port for improved spatial resolution in key surface regionsUVS
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_BURST_1Burst in-situ mode for magnetosphere, CA of moon flybys (if NIM offl), Short duration events (magnetopause/bow shock crossings, injection events, moon wakes/microsignatures) PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEIPEPLO
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_1Burst in-situ mode, Ganymede phase. CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings). All instruments on, NIM in neutral mode (response of ionosphere to charged particles). PEP Hi on, all in-situ PEPLo Sensors ON: All sensors ON, NIM neutral mode, JNA ion modePEPLO
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_2Burst in-situ mode, Ganymede phase. CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings). All instruments on, NIM in neutral mode (response of ionosphere to charged particles). PEP Hi on, all in-situ PEPLo Sensors ON: All sensors ON, NIM, JNA ion modePEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere. CA of moon flybys with JNA/JENI imaging (if NIM off) PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEI, JNAPEPLO
MAG_BURST_FIB_FOBBurst observation mode without scalar sensorJMAG
MAG_CALROLLCampaign of spacecraft rolls to allow calibration of J-MAG magnetic field measurements. J-MAG will take data in gradiometer mode continuously while the spacecraft rolls about two principal axes, in regions where the Jovian magnetic field is >100 nT. Spacecraft rolls about two principal axes. 3 rolls of 360° about first axis at 0.5 rev/hr, then 3 rolls about the second axis (also at 0.5 rev/hr). The spacecraft rotation axes must always make an angle with the ambient magnetic field between 20° and 160°.JMAG
3GM_BISTATIC_RADARCharacterization of the surface by determination of roughness, dielectric constant of surface material and material density. The chosen antenna points towards surface, radio signal reflects from surface and received on ground. USO unmuted. The HAA shall be ON to calibrate the sloshing potentially excited by pointing the HGA toward a moon’s Surface.3GM
UVS_NC_STARECharacterize the Io/Europa neutral clouds in the immediate vicinity of the satellite. Center satellite in slit. Align the slit with the satellite orbital planeUVS
SWI_MECHANISMCheck of mechanism response to commands. Integration time on the CTS is 10 seconds.SWI
JAN_SCI_LIMBChildren observations defined during scenarios │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_HAZES │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_HIGHPHASE │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_POLAR_SOUTHJANUS
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_2Configuration just before moon CA (flyby) Legacy description (when it was called PEP_FLYBY_APPROACH): Moon environment monitoring: plasma moments, energetic particle spectra and pitch angle distributions (low time resolution). Moon imaging (JNA) & Europa torus (JNA imaging + in-situ) if near Europa. High altitude exosphere (NIM) Sensors on: all Corotation in JEI or JDC FoV Full pitch angle coverage (JDC, JEI, JoEE, JENI ions) Moon in JNA FoV Angle of NIM_THERMAL_1 or THERMAL_2 from JUICE_EUROPA_RAM or JUICE_GANYMEDE_RAM or JUICE_CALLISTO_RAM velocity less than 60 degPEPLO
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_HPConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_APConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
MAJ_SAT_LIMB_TRACKContinuous stare observation of a satellite limb during flyby using inertial pointing from satellite, dayside or nightside. Additional offsets within limb by means of internal pointing mirror. Scanning with MAJIS internal mirror. (--> ‘track limb’). Pointing: S/C limb tracking (‘track limb’) satellite otientation: SLIT tangent to the limb (slit not aligned with S/C motion) Duration: 60minMAJIS
UVS_JUP_DEFAULTdefault pointing to be inserted at the start and end of the timelineUVS
SWI_POINTING_ACSDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the ACS 1 & 2. Integration time on the ACS is 1s.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CCHDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CCH 1 & 2. Integration time on the CCH is 0.1s.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CTS_CCHDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CTS 1 & 2 and the CCH 1 & 2. Integration time on the CTS and CCH are 1.5s and 0.1s, respectively.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CTSDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CTS 1 & 2. Integration time on the CTS is 1.5s.SWI
SWI_DIAGNOSTICDiagnostic activity is allowed in this mode, including activation and control of sub-units, and service 6.SWI
PEH_STBY_1Different STBY versions may include different sensors on, in Low voltage * Macro: 100PEPHI
PEL_STBY_1Different STBY versions may include different sensors on, in Low voltagePEPLO
MAJ_GCO5000_REGIONALDuring circular phase (~120 days), regional mapping of the surface of Ganymede, bridging the gap in resolution between systematic global mapping and HR ROI's observed at GCO-500. 750 m/pix (no spatial binning), 300x300 km swaths Pointing type: YS, NADIR Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit at a slant with the ground track except at the equator Duration: 6minMAJIS
MAJ_GEO5000During elliptical phase (~15 days before and after circular phase), mapping of selected areas (~40) at intermediate to high resolutions: 50 to <750 m/pix, bridging the gap in resolution between systematic mapping (MAJIS_GCO5000_global) and GCO ROIs (MAJIS_GCO500_HR). Pointing: YS, NADIR satellite orientation: MAJIS slit at a slant with the ground track except at the equator Duration: from 35 min to 4H (Table 8 from budget report v2.1)MAJIS
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_3Far approach from moon (flyby), NIM background measurements Legacy description from PEP_FLYBY_FAR_APPROACH_NIM_BACKGROUND: NIM background measurements part of switch on procedure. Moon environment monitoring: plasma moments, energetic particle spectra and pitch angle distributions (low time resolution). Europa torus (JNA imaging + in-situ) if near Europa Sensors on: all Corotation in JEI or JDC FoV Full pitch angle coverage (JDC, JEI, JoEE, JENI ions)PEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_4Far approach from moon (flyby), NIM thermal, low resolution Legacy description from PEP_FLYBY_FAR_APPROACH_LOW_RATE Moon environment monitoring: plasma moments, energetic particle spectra and pitch angle distributions (low time resolution). Europa torus (JNA imaging + in-situ) if near Europa Sensors on: all Corotation in JEI or JDC FoV Full pitch angle coverage (JDC, JEI, JoEE, JENI ions)PEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_5Far approach from moon (flyby), NIM thermal, medium resolution Legacy description from PEP_FLYBY_FAR_APPROACH_MEDIUM_RATE Moon environment monitoring: plasma moments, energetic particle spectra and pitch angle distributions (low time resolution). Europa torus (JNA imaging + in-situ) if near Europa Sensors on: all Corotation in JEI or JDC FoV Full pitch angle coverage (JDC, JEI, JoEE, JENI ions) Moon in JNA FoV Angle of NIM_THERMAL_1 or THERMAL_2 from JUICE_EUROPA_RAM or JUICE_GANYMEDE_RAM or JUICE_CALLISTO_RAM velocity less than 60 degPEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_2Far approach from moon (flyby), setting up NIM filamentPEPLO
MAJ_SAT_LIMB_SCANFlyby observations of the satellite dayside or nightside limbs with vertical (N-S) slews across track, during yaw-steering phase. Satellite offsets to limb around Y-axis (E-W) before each observation, then satellite offsets around X axis (N-S) between each slit acquisition or continuous slew pointing. Pointing: S/C slew scan centred a limb ( ‘Limb slew scan mode’). Satelliteo orientation: Slit tangent to the limb Duration: 60minMAJIS
MAJ_SAT_DISK_SLEWFlyby observations of the satellite surface with vertical (N-S) slews across track, during yaw-steering phase. One or two slews (pole to pole) necessary to complete dayside coverage. Satellite offset around Y-axis (E-W) before each observation, then satellite offsets around X axis (N-S) between each slit acquisition. Pointing: NADIR Pointing, YS, S/C scan (slew) with offset around Y (‘mosaic mode’ tbc). MAJIS slit perpendicular to the ground-track. Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit perpendicular to the ground-track Duration: 30 minMAJIS
MAJ_FLYBY_MEDRESFlyby observations of the satellite surface with vertical (N-S) slews or MAJIS scan providing medium spatial resolution (e.g.resolution from 3 km to 1 km/pixel for Ganymede). Perform when the S/C moves slowly from approach YS phase to PB phase and during PB phase. Pointing: NYS, NADIR or OFF_NADIR after offset around Y ( ‘motion compensation PB’). Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit across track. Satellite offsets around Y (off-track pointing) axis or around X axis (for slew). Duration: a few minutes maximumMAJIS
UVS_JUP_HP_STELL_OCCFor bright stars, use the High spatial resolution port (HP) for higher contrast of star signal to Jupiter background signal. Used also as calibration reference standards.UVS
UVS_JUP_AP_STELL_OCCFor moderately bright stars. Stars serve as a point source to provide good vertical resolution on Jupiter’s atmosphere. The field of view is pointed to a given RA and DEC and pointing held for an extended amount of time. The majority of the data can be omitted except for that of the star on the detector, so these can be done within a good data budget. Full spectral coverage. Note: Here, “moderate, histogram mode”, but pixellist or histogram mode low or high possible.UVS
GAL_MONITORING_GANGALA will measure the time of flight between firing and receiving the returned laser signal during Ganymede phaseGALA
GAL_LR_FB_ALBEDOGALA will passively measure the reflectance of the illuminated hemisphere of the satellite during flyby nadir phase.GALA will operate in passive albedo mode (DiagRx)GALA
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_1Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_2Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_4Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
UVS_CALIBRATIONGeneric calibration observation - may include star stare, flip ridealong, or dark/radiation observations. Data rate is an estimated average.UVS
3GM_GRAVITY_FLYBYSGravity measurement during flyby requires the use of the MGA. KaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement USO assumed to be ON during the full tour: this should be defined in the scenario set-up and not at 3GM observation approach. HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement. The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up.3GM
3GM_GRAVITY_GCO500_200Gravity measurement during GCO500 and GCO200 will use the HGA during downlink sessions. If not possible, it will use the MGA. KaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement. USOis OFF during this phase (except in case of BSR opportunity). HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement. The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up.3GM
GAL_HR_FBHigh resolution data acquisition around FB closest approach. GALA will measure the time of flight between firing and receiving the returned laser signalGALA
MAJ_FLYBY_HRHigh resolution pubshbroom flyby observations of satellite dayside surfaces bracketing closest approach. Satellite offsets around Y (off-track pointing) axis during or prior to observation allow near-nadir pointing of specific regions. Motion compensation or MAJIS scan is achieved using the MAJIS internal pointing mirror depending on the S/C speed and distance. Binning can be applied may be required near C/A. Pointing: NYS, NADIR or OFF_NADIR after offset around Y (‘motion compensation PB’). Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit across track, Satellite offsets around Y (off-track pointing) axis possible. Duration: 20 to 130 secMAJIS
UVS_GCO_HPHigh spatial resolution observations of Ganymede's aurora to look for small scale featuresUVS
PEH_IDLE_1IDLE may include a sensor on HV but not taking science data, values to be updated * Macro: 100PEPHI
PEL_IDLE_1IDLE may include a sensor on HV but not taking science data, values to be updatedPEPLO
MAJ_SAFEInitiated after ASW loading All channels are off and no PE HK are generated. Only ME HK are generated (only DPU ON) From SAFE it is possible 1) to switch OFF MAJIS, 2) to change the status of MAJIS to DIAG1 or SERVICE mode Duration: less than 5minMAJIS
SWI_MOON_LIMB_SCAN_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds. Flyby: The atmospheric limb is rapidly scanned to achieve 5km vertical resolution. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 1.5 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: The atmospheric limb is scanned up and down rapidly with 10 km altitude steps and with 1.5 sec integration time for two CTS spectra over 130 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_LIMB_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds). Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ surface properties and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties. This mode can also be used to characterize surface polarization by pointing 45 off-nadir, after rotating the S/C by 90 around its nadir axis. It can also serve for solar occultation experiments to observe a weak molecular line in the atmosphere of Jupiter, a Galilean Moon, or the Europa torus. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). In both cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 sec, so that they are separated by maximum 1/2 beam at 1200 GHz. Solar occultation: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_FS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ surface properties and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties. This mode can also be used to characterize surface polarization by pointing 45 off-nadir, after rotating the S/C by 90 around its nadir axis. It can also serve for solar occultation experiments to observe a weak molecular line in the atmosphere of Jupiter, a Galilean Moon, or the Europa torus. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). In both cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 sec, so that they are separated by maximum 1/2 beam at 1200 GHz. Solar occultation: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric composition and temperature by targeting one (or more) molecular line(s) at the planetary limb. The retrieval of vertical profiles require a very high signal-to-noise ratio ( 100) and a very high spectral resolution (100kHz). A coarser spectral resolution (i.e. 500kHz) is sufficient for detections. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and implies numerous repetitions. A short  10-point across-limb scan of the continuum emission is performed with the CCH to derive a posteriori the instrument pointing. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_RASTER_PS_V1Investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric winds, temperature and composition, targeting one (or more) molecular line(s) at the planetary limb with a 3  resolution in latitude. The investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric dynamics (winds) requires measuring the Doppler shifts induced by zonal winds on strong lines. The observations require a very high signalto- noise ratio ( 100) and a very high spectral resolution (100kHz). Similar requirements for the investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric chemical inventory and temperature as a function of latitude. At each limb position, a short  10-point across-limb scan of the continuum emission is performed with the CCH to derive a posteriori the instrument pointing. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_NADIR_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition (and temperature) of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_NADIR_STARE_PSInvestigation of the atmospheric composition (and temperature) of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_ACS_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. The whole frequency range available to SWI is scanned. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two ACS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 1024 channels. Position-switch calibration method. A single execution can cover up to 16 tunings.SWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_CTS_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. The whole frequency range available to SWI is scanned. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16bit coding). Position-switch calibration method. A single execution can cover up to 13 tunings. Pointing Type: S/C: nadir or limb. Instrument: nadir or limb, using the SWI mechanism if S/C points nadir and to reach the moonsSWI
SWI_5POINT_CROSS_PS_V1Investigation of the Jovian and Galilean moon atmospheric composition, and Galilean surface properties by means of rough raster mapping. The stepsize is such that the opposite ends of the cross are separated by the size of the target in the given direction. For Jupiter, two CTS spectra are recorded every 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). For moon monitoring, two CTS spectra are recorded every 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). For both cases, and in parallel, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded every 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
MAG_CONTINOP_FIB_FOBJ-MAG will measure the magnetic field in normal mode (at a rate of 32 vectors/s) continuously with SCA not operatingJMAG
MAG_CONTINOP_FIB_FOB_LIGHT_ONLYJMAG mode (FIB FOB Light Only), this mode ensures that while FIB and FOB are collecting science the Scalar sensor also has power to its laser but is not collecting science data. This helps to protect the fibres from radiation damage, necessary for the Europa phase due to its radiation environment.JMAG
MAJ_JUP_AURORAL_MAPPINGJupiter Auroral Mapping Scanning of the instrument slit over Jovian polar regions, from polar limb to approx. 50°N/S latitudes, with exposure times optimized for weak auroral emissions. Note: similar to MAJIS_JUP_DISK_SCAN but for high latitudes during high inclination phase Duration: typically, 40 min (200 lines <-> typical size of latitudes where polar ovals are observed)MAJIS
3GM_GRAVITY_TOURKaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement USO assumed to be ON during the full tour: this should be defined in the scenario set-up and not at 3GM observation approach. HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement. The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up.3GM
MAJ_GCO5000_LIMBLatitudinal scanning of the diurnal limb at 1 km at different latitudes; study of the variability of the exospheric processes (sputtering, photodissociation, sublimation). Observe polar (north/south) and equatorial latitudes ; perform long-term and high-temporal-resolution monitoring. Pointing: S/C limb tracking at locations where the slit is tangent to the limb Satellite orientation: Off-nadir orientation, Slit tangent to the limb Duration: 600secMAJIS
SWI_UNLOCKLaunch lock release (on antenna & rocker mechanisms) is allowed only in this mode.SWI
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_3Legacy description from PEP_FLYBY_CLOSEST_APPROACH: Local moon-magnetosphere interaction observation: plasma moments, energetic particle spectra and pitch angle distributions (high time resolution for short term variations) Europa imaging (JNA). Dense exosphere (NIM) Sensors on: all Corotation in JEI or JDC FoV Full pitch angle coverage (JDC, JEI, JoEE, JENI) Moon in JNA FoV Angle of NIM_NEUION_S0 from JUICE_EUROPA_RAM or JUICE_GANYMEDE_RAM or JUICE_CALLISTO_RAM velocity less than 5 deg at CA Solar panel rotation angle (SADM) SADM > 74° or SADM < -74° Moon in JNA FoVPEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_1Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science segments). PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (4 sectors), JNAPEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (8 sectors)PEPLO
MAJ_SERVICEMAJIS in service MODE (1 or 2 channels with FPE/FPA off + AUX w/o loads) SERVICE Mode as soon as one or two channels are switched ON (PE and AUX) From SERVICE, it is possible to return to SAFE mode or to change the status of MAJIS to DIAG2, DIAG3 or SCIENCE Duration: less than 10minMAJIS
MAJ_JUP_STELLAR_OCCMAJIS will acquire several “subcubes” (number depends upon planet's speed over the sky) around the (fixed) star position, at different angular distances between the star and the planet's limb during the ingress/egress. Each sub-cube spans over several lines (around 6, less if S/C capability allows it) to compensate for possible pointing inaccuracies. Bright far moons can be used instead of stars as sources to decrease the repetition integration (and therefore spatial sampling) as the orbital velocity ranges from ~ 5 km/s at apojove to ~ 13 km/s at perijove satellite orientation: LIMB TANGENT (preferred, otherwise VERTICAL), to minimize straylight duration: About 10min 66 sec (max) for each subcube. Time interval between sub-cubes as small as possible for better vertical coverage. Total number of cubes depends upon relative angular speed between star and limb.MAJIS

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