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UVS_JUP_MONITORING_HPAs above, more of an auroral focus. 2-hour observations fit in between the AP monitoring observationsUVS
UVS_JUP_ROLL_SCANPoint to nadir. Rotate about nadir so that we scan a circle (or a fraction of a circle - e.g. covering the auroral regions) over Jupiter's disk. Rotation rate ~0.1 degree per secondUVS
UVS_JUP_SP_SOL_OCCThe large solar disc and the substantial distance from Jupiter mean that this will not provide the same vertical resolution as stellar occultations, but are useful for measurements of minor/trace constituents due to high S/N. This uses a fixed scan through the Solar Port (SP) at a selected RA and DEC, holding the pointing for an extended amount of time. Note: Here histograms, but pixellist mode possible.UVS
UVS_NC_STARECharacterize the Io/Europa neutral clouds in the immediate vicinity of the satellite. Center satellite in slit. Align the slit with the satellite orbital planeUVS
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_APConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_HPConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_SCAN_APSimilar to disc scan observations, but holding the pointing relative to the limb during flyby sequences.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_SCAN_HPSimilar to disc scan observations, but holding the pointing relative to the limb during flyby sequences.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_APSearch for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_HPSearch for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations.UVS
UVS_SAT_SOL_OCCUVS solar port stares at Sun as the satellite occults it.UVS
UVS_SAT_STELL_OCCUVS airglow port stares at a fixed RA and DEC as the satellite occults the star.UVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_APPushbroom observations near flyby closest approach to investigate surface compositionUVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_HPAs UVS_SAT_SURF_AP but using the high resolution port for improved spatial resolution in key surface regionsUVS
UVS_SAT_TRANSITMeasure absorption of Jupiter airglow by satellite atmospheres as they transit Jupiter's disk, to constrain satellite atmospheric composition and variability. Pointing: nadir (Point slit N-S on Jupiter's disk and wait for moon to transit)UVS

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