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PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (8 sectors)PEPLO
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode. Can work on flybys, if NIM off. PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEIPEPLO
PEL_OFF_1All sensors off, only survival heaters on PEP-Lo off (e.g. TCM, WOL periods)PEPLO
PEL_STBY_1Different STBY versions may include different sensors on, in Low voltagePEPLO
RIM_CALLISTO_FLYBYRIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processing.RIME
RIM_EUROPA_FLYBYRIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processingRIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_FLYBYRIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processing.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N1_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N2_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N2): in low vertical resolution (LR) mode until 9km depth in the Jovian side of Ganymede considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_1Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_2Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N3_4Ganymede Nominal Acquisitions (N3) in high vertical resolution (HR) mode until 4km depth in the anti-Jovian side of Ganymede in order to complete the SRM on high-interest targets considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_N4Passive Radar Acquisitions on Jovian side of Ganymede.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_1Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 1.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_2Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km considering on-board processing with presuming factor Np of 2.RIME
RIM_GANYMEDE_O1_4Ganymede Optional Acquisitions (O1) in low vertical resolution (LR) mode at high penetration depth until 15km processing with presuming factor Np of 4.RIME
RPW_DLRPWI observation during downlink windowsRPWI
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radar_mode_3The RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_mode_3 mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s); - Radio mode TBDRPWI
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radio_burstThe RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s) - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements.RPWI
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radio_FullThe RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_Full mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s); - Makes detailed radio emissions from Jupiter as well as moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Will also support RIME measurements, giving the background natural radio emissions. Monitor the radio emission spectrum as well as polarization.RPWI
RPW_IN_SITU_LOW_RADIO_FULLThe RPWI In-situ_low + Radio_Full mode - Makes continuous In-situ_low mode, the lowest in-situ possible power and TM, which implements only the Mutual Impedance sweeps and DC electric field measurements; - Makes detailed radio emissions from Jupiter as well as moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Will also support RIME measurements, giving the background natural radio emissions. Monitor the radio emission spectrum as well as polarization.RPWI
RPW_In_situ_normal_Radar_mode_3The RPWI In-situ_normal + Radio_mode_3 mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_normal mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slows modes, In-situ_normal mode adds short durations snapshots if electric and magnetic fields at higher frequencies (LF – 763 smpl/s, MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s - Radio mode TBDRPWI
RPW_In_situ_normal_Radio_burstThe RPWI In-situ_normal + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_normal mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ modes, In-situ_normal mode adds short durations snapshots if electric and magnetic fields at higher frequencies (LF – 763 smpl/s, MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements.RPWI
RPW_IN_SITU_NORMAL_RADIO_FULLThe RPWI In-situ_normal + Radio_Full mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_normal mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ modes, In-situ_normal mode adds short durations snapshots if electric and magnetic fields at higher frequencies (LF – 763 smpl/s, MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s - Makes detailed radio emissions from Jupiter as well as moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Will also support RIME measurements, giving the background natural radio emissions. Monitor the radio emission spectrum as well as polarization.RPWI
RPW_In_situ_slow_Radar_mode_3The RPWI In-situ_slow + Radio_mode_3 mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_slow mode measurement, the basic in-situ modes; - Radio mode TBDRPWI
RPW_In_situ_slow_Radio_burstThe RPWI In-situ_slow + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_slow mode measurement, the basic in-situ modes; - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements.RPWI
RPW_IN_SITU_SLOW_RADIO_FULLThe RPWI In-situ_slow + Radio_Full mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_slow mode measurement, the basic in-situ modes; - Makes detailed radio emissions from Jupiter as well as moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Will also support RIME measurements, giving the background natural radio emissions. Monitor the radio emission spectrum as well as polarization.RPWI
RPW_INITRPWI Transient mode while instrument is initialising after being powered onRPWI
RPW_OBSOLETE_In_situ_low_Radar_mode_3The RPWI In-situ_low + Radio_mode_3 mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_low mode measurement, the lowest in-situ possible power and TM, which implements only the Mutual Impedance sweeps and DC electric field measurements; - Radio TBDRPWI
RPW_OBSOLETE_In_situ_low_Radio_burstThe RPWI In-situ_low + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_low mode measurement, the lowest in-situ possible power and TM, which implements only the Mutual Impedance sweeps and DC electric field measurements; - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements.RPWI
RPW_STANDBYRPWI Safe mode where the instrument can survive indefinitely and where memory patch, dump and check commands are acceptedRPWI
SWI_2D_MAP_FS_V1Same as SWI 2D MAP PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_2D_MAP_OTFSimilar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence, i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once.SWI
SWI_2D_MAP_OTF_CCH_V1Similar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence, i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once.SWI
SWI_2D_MAP_OTF_V1Similar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence, i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once.SWI
SWI_2D_MAP_PS_V1This is a multi-purpose mode that can be used on any science target for any 2D mapping, and meridional or zonal rasters. This mode will also be used for calibration purposes (e.g. pointing). The number of rows and columns and the stepsize of the raster map is adaptable to the target angular size. Jupiter: Investigation of the global and regional stratospheric composition and temperature of Jupiter, and pointing calibration. For 2D maps, meridional scans and zonal scans, two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). Moon monitoring: Investigation of the spatial distribution of Galilean moons atmospheric species (+ monitoring), and calibration. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). Flybys: Mapping of Galilean Moons’ surface properties and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: (1) Investigation of Ganymede’s atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties by scanning from limb to limb with the along-track mechanism across the ground-track using the antenna mechanism ( 72 ). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). (2) Tomographic investigation of Ganymede’s atmospheric and surface composition, temperature, and winds by scanning along-track from 30km to +30km of the nadir axis with 9 steps, using the rocker mechanism ( 4.3 ), and with 1.5 sec integration time for two CTS spectra over 130 channels (16 bits coding). In all cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. During GCO, this implies that two CCH measurements are separated by 1/2 beam at 1200 GHz. Position-switch calibration method (the OFF position is observed after each ON of the map is observed).SWI
SWI_5POINT_CROSS_FS_V1Same as SWI 5POINT CROSS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time onsource. For Jupiter, two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). For moon monitoring, two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). For both cases, and in parallel, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. Frequency-switch calibration method for CTS data.SWI
SWI_5POINT_CROSS_PS_V1Investigation of the Jovian and Galilean moon atmospheric composition, and Galilean surface properties by means of rough raster mapping. The stepsize is such that the opposite ends of the cross are separated by the size of the target in the given direction. For Jupiter, two CTS spectra are recorded every 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). For moon monitoring, two CTS spectra are recorded every 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). For both cases, and in parallel, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded every 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_ACS_FSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_CTS_FSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_ACSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 sSWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CCHAllan variance characterization of the CCH 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 0.1 s.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CTSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s.SWI
SWI_DIAGNOSTICDiagnostic activity is allowed in this mode, including activation and control of sub-units, and service 6.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_RASTER_FS_V1Same as SWI JUP LIMB RASTER PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_RASTER_PS_V1Investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric winds, temperature and composition, targeting one (or more) molecular line(s) at the planetary limb with a 3  resolution in latitude. The investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric dynamics (winds) requires measuring the Doppler shifts induced by zonal winds on strong lines. The observations require a very high signalto- noise ratio ( 100) and a very high spectral resolution (100kHz). Similar requirements for the investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric chemical inventory and temperature as a function of latitude. At each limb position, a short  10-point across-limb scan of the continuum emission is performed with the CCH to derive a posteriori the instrument pointing. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_STARE_FS_V1Same as SWI JUP LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_JUP_LIMB_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Jupiter’s stratospheric composition and temperature by targeting one (or more) molecular line(s) at the planetary limb. The retrieval of vertical profiles require a very high signal-to-noise ratio ( 100) and a very high spectral resolution (100kHz). A coarser spectral resolution (i.e. 500kHz) is sufficient for detections. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and implies numerous repetitions. A short  10-point across-limb scan of the continuum emission is performed with the CCH to derive a posteriori the instrument pointing. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MECHANISMCheck of mechanism response to commands. Integration time on the CTS is 10 seconds.SWI
SWI_MOON_LIMB_SCAN_FS_V1Same as SWI MOON LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_MOON_LIMB_SCAN_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds. Flyby: The atmospheric limb is rapidly scanned to achieve 5km vertical resolution. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 1.5 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: The atmospheric limb is scanned up and down rapidly with 10 km altitude steps and with 1.5 sec integration time for two CTS spectra over 130 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_LIMB_STARE_FS_V1Same as SWI MOON LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_MOON_LIMB_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds). Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_FS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ surface properties and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties. This mode can also be used to characterize surface polarization by pointing 45 off-nadir, after rotating the S/C by 90 around its nadir axis. It can also serve for solar occultation experiments to observe a weak molecular line in the atmosphere of Jupiter, a Galilean Moon, or the Europa torus. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). In both cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 sec, so that they are separated by maximum 1/2 beam at 1200 GHz. Solar occultation: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of Galilean Moons’ surface properties and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties. This mode can also be used to characterize surface polarization by pointing 45 off-nadir, after rotating the S/C by 90 around its nadir axis. It can also serve for solar occultation experiments to observe a weak molecular line in the atmosphere of Jupiter, a Galilean Moon, or the Europa torus. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). In both cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 sec, so that they are separated by maximum 1/2 beam at 1200 GHz. Solar occultation: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding), and two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1 second. Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_NADIR_STARE_FS_V1Same as SWI NADIR STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink.SWI
SWI_NADIR_STARE_PSInvestigation of the atmospheric composition (and temperature) of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_NADIR_STARE_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition (and temperature) of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits coding). Position-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_OFFAll instrument subsystems including the DPU will be switched off. Consequently there will be no housekeeping data and no telemetry. The instrument will be in this mode during launch and cruise phase, except during calibration campaigns (e.g. planet flybys).SWI
SWI_POINTING_ACSDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the ACS 1 & 2. Integration time on the ACS is 1s.SWI
SWI_POINTING_ACS_CCH: Determination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the ACS 1 & 2 and the CCH 1 & 2.Integration time on the ACS and CCH are 1s and 0.1s, respectively.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CCHDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CCH 1 & 2. Integration time on the CCH is 0.1s.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CTSDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CTS 1 & 2. Integration time on the CTS is 1.5s.SWI
SWI_POINTING_CTS_CCHDetermination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the CTS 1 & 2 and the CCH 1 & 2. Integration time on the CTS and CCH are 1.5s and 0.1s, respectively.SWI
SWI_SAFEMode used for USO stabilization prior to warm-up. As it takes several weeks to stabilize the USO, the latter should remain ON all the time in the science phase. Mode into which the instruments switches autonomously in case of an instrument anomaly is detected or if no more science operations are in the queue. Mode to be used during downlink. Only housekeeping telemetry is generated in this mode.SWI
SWI_SCIENCEPlace holder: one of the ASW mode, where the science script will be run ( i.e. from SWI_TSYS_CTS down to SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_FS) during the missionSWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_ACS_FS_V1Same as SWI SPECTRAL SCAN ACS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. The ACS does not allow to pre-compute ON/OFF before downlink. A single execution can cover up to 11 tunings.SWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_ACS_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. The whole frequency range available to SWI is scanned. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two ACS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 1024 channels. Position-switch calibration method. A single execution can cover up to 16 tunings.SWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_CTS_FS_V1Same as SWI SPECTRAL SCAN CTS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending  100% of the integration time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to precompute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. A single execution can cover up to 9 tunings.SWI
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_CTS_PS_V1Investigation of the atmospheric composition of Jupiter and the Galilean moons. The whole frequency range available to SWI is scanned. This mode is nominally meant for deep integrations and requires numerous repetitions (e.g. monitoring of the moons). Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16bit coding). Position-switch calibration method. A single execution can cover up to 13 tunings. Pointing Type: S/C: nadir or limb. Instrument: nadir or limb, using the SWI mechanism if S/C points nadir and to reach the moonsSWI
SWI_STANDBYOnly the instrument DPU will be switched on and be able to accept instrument commands. Only housekeeping telemetry is generated in this mode.SWI
SWI_TSYS_ACS_CCHSpectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with the ACS & CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1 second. A single execution can cover up to 15 tunings.SWI
SWI_TSYS_ACS_CCH_V1Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with the ACS & CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1 second. A single execution can cover up to 15 tunings.SWI
SWI_TSYS_ACS_V1Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with the ACS 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1 second. A single execution can cover up to 16 tunings.SWI
SWI_TSYS_CCH_V1Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with the CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. A single execution can cover up to 16 tunings.SWI
SWI_TSYS_CTS_V1Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with the CTS 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on CTS is 2 seconds. A single execution can cover up to 15 tunings.SWI
SWI_UNLOCKLaunch lock release (on antenna & rocker mechanisms) is allowed only in this mode.SWI
SWI_WARMUPWarm-up mode.SWI
UVS_CALIBRATIONGeneric calibration observation - may include star stare, flip ridealong, or dark/radiation observations. Data rate is an estimated average.UVS
UVS_DECONTAMINATIONNot a true observation, but included so other instruments are aware that our heaters are onUVS
UVS_EUR_SCAN_HIGH_RES_OBSOLETESimilar to UVS_DISK_SCAN but higher resolution. pointing: start at -1.5 satellite radii from the satellite centre, scan in the direction perpendicular to the slit across the disk, ending at +1.5 satellite radii from the centreUVS
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_001Monitoring auroral emissions and surface reflectance during GCO. Limited spectral resolution.UVS
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_002Similar to observation 001 but with Increased time sampling to capture auroral morphology and variabilityUVS
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_003Similar to observation 001 but with increased spectral resolution to achieve < 2 nm resolution between 100 and 200 nm as specified in SciRDUVS
UVS_GCO_HPHigh spatial resolution observations of Ganymede's aurora to look for small scale featuresUVS
UVS_IO_SCANSimilar to UVS_DISK_SCAN, but including extra emission lines e.g. from S and Cl. Also requires different spatial binning since Io is more distantUVS
UVS_IO_TORUS_SCANMap emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's equator, scanned N-S across one ansa of the torus, then move in four steps to the other ansa, repeating the N-S motion each timeUVS
UVS_IO_TORUS_SCANMap emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's rotation pole, scanned E-W across the torusUVS
UVS_IO_TORUS_STAREMonitor emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's equator.UVS
UVS_IRR_SATObtain reflectance spectra of irregular satellitesUVS
UVS_JUP_AP_AIRGLOW_STAREMonitoring auroral and airglow emissions in stare mode using the Airglow Port (AP). Slit held along Jupiter' s North/South and on the central meridian, while Jupiter rotates below S/C creating a map. Histogram mode.UVS
UVS_JUP_AP_LIMB_SCANMonitoring auroral and airglow emissions in limb scans which requires a continuous S/C motion to point to limb and scan over planetary limb, using the AP port. Observation performed in pixel list mode to reach a time resolution of 0.001 s.UVS
UVS_JUP_AP_SCAN_MAPScan the UVS slit in the cross slit direction across a region (e.g., auroral (N or S)) or entire disk using the Airglow (AP) port, scan at a constant rate across Jupiter to produce a map. Observation performed in pixel list mode to reach a time resolution of 0.001 s.UVS
UVS_JUP_AP_STELL_OCCFor moderately bright stars. Stars serve as a point source to provide good vertical resolution on Jupiter’s atmosphere. The field of view is pointed to a given RA and DEC and pointing held for an extended amount of time. The majority of the data can be omitted except for that of the star on the detector, so these can be done within a good data budget. Full spectral coverage. Note: Here, “moderate, histogram mode”, but pixellist or histogram mode low or high possible.UVS
UVS_JUP_DEFAULTdefault pointing to be inserted at the start and end of the timelineUVS
UVS_JUP_HP_AIRGLOW_STARESame as UVS_JUP_AP_AIRGLOW_STARE but for High spatial resolution Port (HP). Monitoring auroral and airglow emissions in stare mode using the Airglow Port (AP). Slit held along Jupiter' s North/South and on the central meridian, while Jupiter rotates below S/C creating a map. Histogram mode.UVS

1 2 3 220 observation definitions