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JAN_SCI_PBObservations of single or multiple frames with a pointing offset wrt to nominal S/C pointing (e.g., wrt nadir-looking while in G orbit, during FB or while in Jupiter orbit)JANUS
JAN_SCI_RASTERObservations of multiple frames in (m x n) positions targeted with a raster pointing of the S/C. The raster is done with a stop-and-go approach: the S/C maintain an inertial pointing allowing images acquisitions, then perform a slew to the new position and repeat the cycle till the (m x n) raster is completed. To be used while in J orbit or during FBs (out from CA phase). Children observation defined during scenarios: │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_AMALTHEA_HIGH_RES │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_AURORAS │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_FEATURES │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_GLOBAL_MAP │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_HIGH_RES_MAP_JOINED_SET_003_S007_01_S00P01.def │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_HIGH_RES_MAP │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_1_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant) │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_2_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant) │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_S007_01_S00P01.def │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_LIGHTING_MAP │ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_POLAR_SOUTHJANUS
JAN_SCI_SLEWObservations of multiple frames in (m x n) positions targeted with a raster pointing of the S/C made with a continuous slew. The raster is done with continuous slew approach: images are acquired while the S/C is slewing; slew rate shall be adapted with the instrument angular sampling and the integration time. To be used while in J orbit or during FBs (out from CA phase)JANUS
JAN_OFFNo observations, instrument OFF.JANUS
JAN_CONFIG_ALLONNo observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are ON) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF.JANUS
JAN_CONFIG_ALLOFFNo observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are OFF) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF.JANUS
JAN_IDLENo observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization before observations or between two observation phases that are too close to switch the instrument OFF.JANUS
JAN_SCI_LIMBChildren observations defined during scenarios │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_HAZES │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_HIGHPHASE │ ├── JAN_SCI_LIMB_POLAR_SOUTHJANUS

9 observation definitions