July 7, 2022, 11:50 a.m. |
mcosta (Marc Costa) |
MCS 22/07/07: Updated Power profile to match the mode. From mode combination SCI_FIB_FOB_FSC [from JUI-ICL-MAG-UM-SE-26_i2_r3 -Tab 4.6]. :: [{'changed': {'fields': ['Comments', 'Log', 'change_reason']}}, {'changed': {'name': 'power profile', 'object': 'Start 00:00:00 SCI_FIB_FOB_FSC 17.32 [Watt]', 'fields': ['Mode', 'User Defined Power (Watts)', 'User Defined Comment']}}, {'changed': {'name': 'data profile', 'object': 'Start 00:00:00 User Defined 8952.0 [bit/s]', 'fields': ['User Defined Comment']}}] |
Sept. 4, 2023, 1:17 p.m. |
mcosta (Marc Costa) |
Updated with new mnemonic and mode. :: [{'changed': {'fields': ['Mnemonic', 'Name', 'Comments', 'References', 'change_reason']}}, {'changed': {'name': 'power profile', 'object': 'Start 00:00:00 S_B_FIBFOBFSC 13.3 [Watt]', 'fields': ['Mode']}}, {'changed': {'name': 'data profile', 'object': 'Start 00:00:00 S_B_FIBFOBFSC 8968.0 [bit/s]', 'fields': ['Mode', 'User Defined Data Rate (bit/s)', 'Comment']}}] |