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MAJ Jupiter Stellar Occultation
MAJIS will acquire several “subcubes” (number depends upon planet's speed over the sky) around the (fixed) star position, at different angular distances between the star and the planet's limb during the ingress/egress.
Each sub-cube spans over several lines (around 6, less if S/C capability allows it) to compensate for possible pointing inaccuracies.
Bright far moons can be used instead of stars as sources to decrease the repetition integration (and therefore spatial sampling) as the orbital velocity ranges from ~ 5 km/s at apojove to ~ 13 km/s at perijove
satellite orientation: LIMB TANGENT (preferred, otherwise VERTICAL), to minimize straylight
About 10min
66 sec (max) for each subcube. Time interval between sub-cubes as small as possible for better vertical coverage. Total number of cubes depends upon relative angular speed between star and limb.




Observations constrained by availability of bright stars in IR (or satellites). Antares and Pollux are the best candidates (late type and close to the ecliptic). Spica and Regulus are bright but very blue. Adjusting the optimal integration times to be used during stellar occultations shall be performed during instrument boresight checks during the cruise where stars are used as targets (see MAJIS_BORESIGHT_ALIGNEMENT). If slit pointing is compatible, UVS co-ride for observing UV bright stars is also an option.
any rule that is used to schedule the observation: repetition rules, continuous (plasma instruments), one-off, every orbit, every day, etc
conditions that make the observation not possible (e.g. thruster firing)
