View observation definition

UVS Jupiter AP Stellar Occultation
For moderately bright stars. Stars serve as a point source to provide good vertical resolution on Jupiter’s atmosphere. The field of view is pointed to a given RA and DEC and pointing held for an extended amount of time. The majority of the data can be omitted except for that of the star on the detector, so these can be done within a good data budget. Full spectral coverage. Note: Here, “moderate, histogram mode”, but pixellist or histogram mode low or high possible.




- Event driven (both ingress and egress). Robust campaign in the first year (esp. apoapsis phase), additional one in following years as a function of available and practical in the planning. At least 50 occultations covering as wide a range of latitudes as possible. Repeat some latitudes to search for temporal variability and detection of any wave activity. - Synergistic observations with MAJIS & SWI + one JANUS image of the star to help nail down the timing of the event
any rule that is used to schedule the observation: repetition rules, continuous (plasma instruments), one-off, every orbit, every day, etc
conditions that make the observation not possible (e.g. thruster firing)
