View observation definition

This is a multi-purpose mode that can be used on any science target for
any 2D mapping, and meridional or zonal rasters. This mode will also be used for calibration
purposes (e.g. pointing). The number of rows and columns and the stepsize of the raster map is adaptable to the target angular size. Jupiter: Investigation of the global and regional stratospheric
composition and temperature of Jupiter, and pointing calibration. For 2D maps, meridional
scans and zonal scans, two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels
(16 bits coding). Moon monitoring: Investigation of the spatial distribution of Galilean moons
atmospheric species (+ monitoring), and calibration. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds
over 210 channels (16 bits coding). Flybys: Mapping of Galilean Moons’ surface properties
and atmospheric composition, temperature, and winds. Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds
over 210 channels (16 bits coding). GCO: (1) Investigation of Ganymede’s atmospheric
composition, temperature, and winds, and surface properties by scanning from limb to limb with
the along-track mechanism across the ground-track using the antenna mechanism ( 72 ). Two
CTS spectra are recorded for 10 seconds over 130 channels (16 bits coding). (2) Tomographic
investigation of Ganymede’s atmospheric and surface composition, temperature, and winds by
scanning along-track from 30km to +30km of the nadir axis with 9 steps, using the rocker
mechanism ( 4.3 ), and with 1.5 sec integration time for two CTS spectra over 130 channels
(16 bits coding). In all cases, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are recorded for 0.1
second. During GCO, this implies that two CCH measurements are separated by 1/2 beam at
1200 GHz. Position-switch calibration method (the OFF position is observed after each ON of
the map is observed).




Jupiter: Scheduling: d1–d3 for pointing calibration and global maps,
d1/d2 for meridional scan, d1 for zonal scan. Repetition: depends on science goal priorities.
Moon monitoring: when Galilean moons are well-resolved (angular diameter >2mrad). Flyby:
This mode will be continuously used during phase IV, and phases I and III of the flybys between
 12hrs and  6hrs from CA. GCO-500: this mode will be used in configuration (1) continuously
for 5 orbits (i.e. 16-hrs) and then cycled equally with SWI MOON LIMB SCAN PS,
SWI MOON LIMB STARE PS, and SWI MOON NADIR STARE PS. Scheduling and repetition
of configuration (2) depends on science goal priorities.
any rule that is used to schedule the observation: repetition rules, continuous (plasma instruments), one-off, every orbit, every day, etc
conditions that make the observation not possible (e.g. thruster firing)
