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dist2thyoneS/C distance to Thyone
dist2themistoS/C distance to Themisto
dist2thelxinoeS/C distance to Thelxinoe
dist2thebeS/C distance to Thebe
dist2taygeteS/C distance to Taygete
dist2spondeS/C distance to Sponde
dist2praxidikeS/C distance to Praxidike
dist2pasitheeS/C distance to Pasithee
dist2orthosieS/C distance to Orthosie
dist2mnemeS/C distance to Mneme
dist2magacliteS/C distance to Magaclite
dist2lysitheaS/C distance to Lysithea
dist2ledaS/C distance to Leda
dist2koreS/C distance to Kore
dist2kalykeS/C distance to Kalyke
dist2kallichoreS/C distance to Kallichore
dist2kaleS/C distance to Kale
dist2jupiterS/C distance to Jupiter
dist2isonoeS/C distance to Isonoe
dist2iocasteS/C distance to Iocaste
dist2io_brS/C distance to Io
dist2ioS/C distance to Io
dist2himaliaS/C distance to Himalia
dist2herseS/C distance to Herse
dist2hermippeS/C distance to Hermippe
dist2helikeS/C distance to Helike
dist2hegemoneS/C distance to Hegemone
dist2harpalykeS/C distance to Harpalyke
dist2ganymede_brS/C distance to Ganymede
dist2ganymedeS/C distance to Ganymede
dist2eurydomeS/C distance to Eurydome
dist2europa_brS/C distance to Europa
dist2europaS/C distance to Europa
dist2euporieS/C distance to Euporie
dist2eukeladeS/C distance to Eukelade
dist2euantheS/C distance to Euanthe
dist2erinomeS/C distance to Erinome
dist2elaraS/C distance to Elara
dist2cylleneS/C distance to Cyllene
dist2csS/C distance to current sheet
dist2chaldeneS/C distance to Chaldene
dist2carpoS/C distance to Carpo
dist2callisto_brS/C distance to Callisto
dist2callistoS/C distance to Callisto
dist2callirrhoeS/C distance to Callirrhoe
dist2autonoeS/C distance to Autonoe
dist2archeS/C distance to Arche
dist2aoedeS/C distance to Aoede
dist2amaltheaS/C distance to Amalthea
dist2aitneS/C distance to Aitne
dist255073S/C distance to 255073
dist255072S/C distance to 255072
dist255071S/C distance to 255071
dist255070S/C distance to 255070
dist255069S/C distance to 255069
dist255068S/C distance to 255068
dist255067S/C distance to 255067
dist255066S/C distance to 255066
dist255065S/C distance to 255065
dist255064S/C distance to 255064
dist255063S/C distance to 255063
dist255062S/C distance to 255062
dist255061S/C distance to 255061
dist255060S/C distance to 255060
ceb_elev_angCebreros topocentric elevation
callisto_ang_diamCallisto angular diameter
bitrate_xmaxMaximum bit rate in X band
bitrate_totalMaximum bit rate total
bitrate_kamaxMaximum bit rate in Ka band
beta_angleAngle between S/C Ganymede orbit plane normal vector and Sun direction
b_field_strengthStrength of the B field at S/C location
ansa2_phaseSolar phase angle at Ansa2
ansa1_phaseSolar phase angle at Ansa1
ang_sizeJupiter angular radius
ang_sc_z_2_jupAngle between S/C +Z axis and Jupiter center direction
ang_sc_z_2_ioAngle between S/C +Z axis and Io center direction
ang_sc_z_2_ganAngle between S/C +Z axis and Ganymede center direction
ang_sc_z_2_eurAngle between S/C +Z axis and Europa center direction
ang_sc_z_2_calAngle between S/C +Z axis and Callisto center direction
ang_sc_hga_2_sunAngle HGA to Sun
ang_sc_hga_2_earthAngle HGA to Earth
ang_nim_fov_ram_ganAngle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Ganymede
ang_nim_fov_ram_eurAngle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Europa
ang_nim_fov_ram_calAngle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Callisto
ang_jei_corotationAngle JEI to corotation direction
ang_jdc_corotationAngle JDC to corotation direction
ang_diameterJupiter angular diameter
alt2ioS/C altitude at Io
alt2ganymedeS/C altitude at Ganymede
alt2europaS/C altitude at Europa
alt2callistoS/C altitude at Callisto

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