traj_rp | Distance of perijove |
traj_inc | Trajectory inclination |
traj_ecc | Trajectory eccentricity |
ssc_sza | Solar zenith angle at Jovian sub-S/C point |
ssc_phase | Solar phase angle at Jovian sub-S/C point |
ssc_lon | Sub-S/C Jovian longitude |
ssc_lat | Sub-S/C Jovian latitude |
ssc_io_lon | Sub-S/C Io longitude |
ssc_io_lat | Sub-S/C Io latitude |
ssc_ganymede_lon | Sub-S/C Ganymede longitude |
ssc_ganymede_lat | Sub-S/C Ganymede latitude |
ssc_europa_lon | Sub-S/C Europa longitude |
ssc_europa_lat | Sub-S/C Europa latitude |
ssc_callisto_lon | Sub-S/C Callisto longitude |
ssc_callisto_lat | Sub-S/C Callisto latitude |
ssc_alt | S/C altitude above Jupiter |
sp_body_dist_rbody | Distance to Jupiter |
sp_body_dist | Distance to Jupiter |
ses | Sun-Earth-S/C angle |
sc_mag_lon | S/C magnetic longitude |
sc_mag_lat | S/C magnetic latitude |
sc_jup_sc_ama_ang | Angle Jupiter-Amalthea as seen from S/C |
ring_sun_elevation | Sun elevation above the rings |
ring_sc_elevation | S/C elevation above the rings |
pitch_angle | Angle S/C +Z axis to local B field |
phase2thyone | Thyone-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2themisto | Themisto-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2thelxinoe | Thelxinoe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2thebe | Thebe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2taygete | Taygete-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2sponde | Sponde-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2praxidike | Praxidike-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2pasithee | Pasithee-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2orthosie | Orthosie-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2mneme | Mneme-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2magaclite | Magaclite-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2lysithea | Lysithea-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2leda | Leda-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2kore | Kore-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2kalyke | Kalyke-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2kallichore | Kallichore-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2kale | Kale-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2isonoe | Isonoe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2iocaste | Iocaste-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2io | Io-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2himalia | Himalia-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2herse | Herse-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2hermippe | Hermippe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2helike | Helike-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2hegemone | Hegemone-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2harpalyke | Harpalyke-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2ganymede | Ganymede-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2eurydome | Eurydome-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2europa | Europa-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2euporie | Euporie-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2eukelade | Eukelade-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2euanthe | Euanthe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2erinome | Erinome-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2elara | Elara-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2cyllene | Cyllene-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2chaldene | Chaldene-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2carpo | Carpo-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2callisto | Callisto-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2callirrhoe | Callirrhoe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2autonoe | Autonoe-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2arche | Arche-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2aoede | Aoede-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2amalthea | Amalthea-S/C solar phase angle |
phase2aitne | Aitne-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255073 | 55073-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255072 | 55072-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255071 | 55071-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255070 | 55070-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255069 | 55069-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255068 | 55068-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255067 | 55067-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255066 | 55066-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255065 | 55065-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255064 | 55064-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255063 | 55063-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255062 | 55062-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255061 | 55061-S/C solar phase angle |
phase255060 | 55060-S/C solar phase angle |
nno_elev_ang | New Norcia topocentric elevation |
mlg_elev_ang | Malargue topocentric elevation |
loc_time | Local time at Jovian sub-S/C point |
jup_sol_elon | Angle S/C-Jupiter/S/C-Sun vectors |
jup_io_sc_ang | Angle Jupiter-Io-S/C |
jup_gan_sc_ang | Angle Jupiter-Ganymede-S/C |
jup_eur_sc_ang | Angle Jupiter-Europa-S/C |
jup_cal_sc_ang | Angle Jupiter-Callisto-S/C |
io_ang_diam | Io angular diameter |
ganymede_ang_diam | Ganymede angular diameter |
europa_ang_diam | Europa angular diameter |
eur_sol_elon | Angle S/C-Europa/S/C-Sun vectors |
dust_ram_sc_vel | Angle dust ram to S/C Velocity |
dust_impact_vel | Dust impact speed |
dss63_elev_ang | DSN-63 topocentric elevation |
dss43_elev_ang | DSN-43 topocentric elevation |
dss14_elev_ang | DSN-14 topocentric elevation |
dist2thyone | S/C distance to Thyone |
dist2themisto | S/C distance to Themisto |
dist2thelxinoe | S/C distance to Thelxinoe |
dist2thebe | S/C distance to Thebe |
dist2taygete | S/C distance to Taygete |
dist2sponde | S/C distance to Sponde |
dist2praxidike | S/C distance to Praxidike |
dist2pasithee | S/C distance to Pasithee |
dist2orthosie | S/C distance to Orthosie |
dist2mneme | S/C distance to Mneme |
dist2magaclite | S/C distance to Magaclite |
dist2lysithea | S/C distance to Lysithea |
dist2leda | S/C distance to Leda |
dist2kore | S/C distance to Kore |
dist2kalyke | S/C distance to Kalyke |
dist2kallichore | S/C distance to Kallichore |
dist2kale | S/C distance to Kale |
dist2jupiter | S/C distance to Jupiter |
dist2isonoe | S/C distance to Isonoe |
dist2iocaste | S/C distance to Iocaste |
dist2io_br | S/C distance to Io |
dist2io | S/C distance to Io |
dist2himalia | S/C distance to Himalia |
dist2herse | S/C distance to Herse |
dist2hermippe | S/C distance to Hermippe |
dist2helike | S/C distance to Helike |
dist2hegemone | S/C distance to Hegemone |
dist2harpalyke | S/C distance to Harpalyke |
dist2ganymede_br | S/C distance to Ganymede |
dist2ganymede | S/C distance to Ganymede |
dist2eurydome | S/C distance to Eurydome |
dist2europa_br | S/C distance to Europa |
dist2europa | S/C distance to Europa |
dist2euporie | S/C distance to Euporie |
dist2eukelade | S/C distance to Eukelade |
dist2euanthe | S/C distance to Euanthe |
dist2erinome | S/C distance to Erinome |
dist2elara | S/C distance to Elara |
dist2cyllene | S/C distance to Cyllene |
dist2cs | S/C distance to current sheet |
dist2chaldene | S/C distance to Chaldene |
dist2carpo | S/C distance to Carpo |
dist2callisto_br | S/C distance to Callisto |
dist2callisto | S/C distance to Callisto |
dist2callirrhoe | S/C distance to Callirrhoe |
dist2autonoe | S/C distance to Autonoe |
dist2arche | S/C distance to Arche |
dist2aoede | S/C distance to Aoede |
dist2amalthea | S/C distance to Amalthea |
dist2aitne | S/C distance to Aitne |
dist255073 | S/C distance to 255073 |
dist255072 | S/C distance to 255072 |
dist255071 | S/C distance to 255071 |
dist255070 | S/C distance to 255070 |
dist255069 | S/C distance to 255069 |
dist255068 | S/C distance to 255068 |
dist255067 | S/C distance to 255067 |
dist255066 | S/C distance to 255066 |
dist255065 | S/C distance to 255065 |
dist255064 | S/C distance to 255064 |
dist255063 | S/C distance to 255063 |
dist255062 | S/C distance to 255062 |
dist255061 | S/C distance to 255061 |
dist255060 | S/C distance to 255060 |
ceb_elev_ang | Cebreros topocentric elevation |
callisto_ang_diam | Callisto angular diameter |
bitrate_xmax | Maximum bit rate in X band |
bitrate_total | Maximum bit rate total |
bitrate_kamax | Maximum bit rate in Ka band |
beta_angle | Angle between S/C Ganymede orbit plane normal vector and Sun direction |
b_field_strength | Strength of the B field at S/C location |
ansa2_phase | Solar phase angle at Ansa2 |
ansa1_phase | Solar phase angle at Ansa1 |
ang_size | Jupiter angular radius |
ang_sc_z_2_jup | Angle between S/C +Z axis and Jupiter center direction |
ang_sc_z_2_io | Angle between S/C +Z axis and Io center direction |
ang_sc_z_2_gan | Angle between S/C +Z axis and Ganymede center direction |
ang_sc_z_2_eur | Angle between S/C +Z axis and Europa center direction |
ang_sc_z_2_cal | Angle between S/C +Z axis and Callisto center direction |
ang_sc_hga_2_sun | Angle HGA to Sun |
ang_sc_hga_2_earth | Angle HGA to Earth |
ang_nim_fov_ram_gan | Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Ganymede |
ang_nim_fov_ram_eur | Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Europa |
ang_nim_fov_ram_cal | Angle NIM boresight to S/C velocity vector wrt Callisto |
ang_jei_corotation | Angle JEI to corotation direction |
ang_jdc_corotation | Angle JDC to corotation direction |
ang_diameter | Jupiter angular diameter |
alt2io | S/C altitude at Io |
alt2ganymede | S/C altitude at Ganymede |
alt2europa | S/C altitude at Europa |
alt2callisto | S/C altitude at Callisto |