View segment definition

CReMA 3.0, CReMA 3.1, CReMA 3.2, CREMA_5_0, CREMA_5_0b23_1, CREMA_5_1_150lb_23_1, CREMA_5_1_150lb_23_1_a3, CREMA_5_1_150lb_23_1_b2
Working Group 4





Observation Definitions


~every 3 days when outside other main WG4 segments
Opportunity implementation in geopipeline
->segment duration: 10 h total
Segments driven by Perijove + repetition pattern
-> One segment +-5 of each perijove
-> Repetition pattern: one segment every 3 days (adjustable, try show 2 day pattern also) until next apojove and previous reached
-> Offset segments (other than Perijove ones) overlapping with Malargue visibility - and make sure to end segments 30 mn before the closest visibility start or to start segment 30 mn after the closest visibility end -> this can lead to non ideal spacing pattern TBC -

On top of the usual monitoring segments, additional high latitudes monitoring segments are identified, driven by Latitude
-> at maximum absolute latitude, only when sub-sc latitude at Jupiter > 5deg or < -5 deg
-> can overlap with downlink windows (to be adjusted by hand)

FINAL FILTERING CRITERIA [NOTE: Perijove driven segments untouched!!]
-> if a segment falls within +- 12h hours of a moon closest approach -> one attempt to move by 24 h ours, if not better -> removed
-> if Sun-Jupiter angular distance below 15 deg and sun not eclipsed by Jupiter-> one attempt to move by 24 h ours, if not better -> removed
-> if segments falls within solar conjunction period-> removed
-> if segments falls within sun eclipse by Jupiter -> removed