View segment definition

CReMA 3.0, CReMA 3.1, CReMA 3.2





Observation Definitions


Implementation in scheduler:
Slots of 1 hours of moon ephemerides once per day (right now between 2 downlinks, TODO: to be when there are no 1 downlink per day)
Slots can only be included during potential WG3 opportunity windows
Slots must be expanded +/- 30 minutes if not before/after fd_tcm, fd_wol or dl_ segments
Moon ephemerides priority rules:
--> if possible, the selected slot should be scheduled during visibility of MLG but outside DL windows (information regarding visibility and donwlink window time are computed by the geopipeline and provided in mission_timeline_event_file_X_Y (X_Y: crema version) file available from the timeline tool
--> if more than one option exists, then the scheduling priority should be
JUPITER_FD_EPHEM_GAN has priority over JUPITER_FD_EPHEM_CAL and both have priority over JUPITER_FD_EPHEM_EUR.
- SWI contribution taken as averaged moon monitoring rate of 0.33 kbps (1/16 of the rate 5.33 kbps, email from T. Cavalie on 28/09/2020).
FD: assumption of 3 images per slot , 37.09 Mbits (email from Daniele Gherardi on 30/09/2020)