Imaging of Jupiter's magnetosphere in energetic neutral atoms (ENAs).Maximize pitch angle coverage with PEP JEI,JDC,JoEE, JENI (ion mode)
a) JENI has a broad FoV and captures Jupiter and the Io/Europa torus and magnetosphere at most times. No special pointing design required for JENI besides requiring an approximate nadir pointing (considerable offsets can still be acceptable)
b) JNA disk-shaped/slit FoV has a slight offset from the XZ spacecraft plane, meaning that during nadir pointing, it images preferentially the northern or southern extension of the Europa/Io torus, whereas Jupiter may be in the edge or outside of the FoV, especially at large distances. Scans (small rotations around Sc-X) or periods with stable, small offset of the SC-xz plane from Nadir can help to better image stronger emissions from the equatorial torus