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UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_003Similar to observation 001 but with increased spectral resolution to achieve < 2 nm resolution between 100 and 200 nm as specified in SciRDUVS
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_002Similar to observation 001 but with Increased time sampling to capture auroral morphology and variabilityUVS
UVS_EUR_SCAN_HIGH_RES_OBSOLETESimilar to UVS_DISK_SCAN but higher resolution. pointing: start at -1.5 satellite radii from the satellite centre, scan in the direction perpendicular to the slit across the disk, ending at +1.5 satellite radii from the centreUVS
UVS_IO_SCANSimilar to UVS_DISK_SCAN, but including extra emission lines e.g. from S and Cl. Also requires different spatial binning since Io is more distantUVS
UVS_JUP_SP_SOL_OCCThe large solar disc and the substantial distance from Jupiter mean that this will not provide the same vertical resolution as stellar occultations, but are useful for measurements of minor/trace constituents due to high S/N. This uses a fixed scan through the Solar Port (SP) at a selected RA and DEC, holding the pointing for an extended amount of time. Note: Here histograms, but pixellist mode possible.UVS
UVS_JUP_HP_FEATURE_SCANTo assess the evolution of discrete phenomena (e.g., H Ly-alpha bulge, plumes, auroral features,…) using the HP port and pixellist mode.UVS
UVS_SAT_STELL_OCCUVS airglow port stares at a fixed RA and DEC as the satellite occults the star.UVS
UVS_SAT_SOL_OCCUVS solar port stares at Sun as the satellite occults it.UVS
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1* Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) *Good for high quality, extended survey * Macro: 118 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings) * Macro: 122PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (magnetopause/bow shock crossings, injection events, moon wakes/microsignatures) * Macro: 121 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1*Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) * Macro: 110 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode * Macro: 148b Sensors ON: JENI, JoEE.PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode *Can work on flybys * Macro: 117 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_STBY_1Different STBY versions may include different sensors on, in Low voltage * Macro: 100PEPHI
PEH_IDLE_1IDLE may include a sensor on HV but not taking science data, values to be updated * Macro: 100PEPHI
PEH_OFF_1PEP-Hi off * Macro: 0PEPHI

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