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UVS_SAT_LIMB_SCAN_HPSimilar to disc scan observations, but holding the pointing relative to the limb during flyby sequences.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_APSearch for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations.UVS
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_HPSearch for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations.UVS
UVS_SAT_SOL_OCCUVS solar port stares at Sun as the satellite occults it.UVS
UVS_SAT_STELL_OCCUVS airglow port stares at a fixed RA and DEC as the satellite occults the star.UVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_APPushbroom observations near flyby closest approach to investigate surface compositionUVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_HPAs UVS_SAT_SURF_AP but using the high resolution port for improved spatial resolution in key surface regionsUVS
UVS_SAT_TRANSITMeasure absorption of Jupiter airglow by satellite atmospheres as they transit Jupiter's disk, to constrain satellite atmospheric composition and variability. Pointing: nadir (Point slit N-S on Jupiter's disk and wait for moon to transit)UVS
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings) * Macro: 122PEPHI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1* Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) *Good for high quality, extended survey * Macro: 118 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_IDLE_1IDLE may include a sensor on HV but not taking science data, values to be updated * Macro: 100PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (magnetopause/bow shock crossings, injection events, moon wakes/microsignatures) * Macro: 121 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode * Macro: 148b Sensors ON: JENI, JoEE.PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1*Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) * Macro: 110 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode *Can work on flybys * Macro: 117 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_OFF_1PEP-Hi off * Macro: 0PEPHI
PEH_STBY_1Different STBY versions may include different sensors on, in Low voltage * Macro: 100PEPHI

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