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UVS_IO_TORUS_SCANMap emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's equator, scanned N-S across one ansa of the torus, then move in four steps to the other ansa, repeating the N-S motion each timeUVS
UVS_GCO_HPHigh spatial resolution observations of Ganymede's aurora to look for small scale featuresUVS
UVS_CALIBRATIONGeneric calibration observation - may include star stare, flip ridealong, or dark/radiation observations. Data rate is an estimated average.UVS
UVS_JUP_AP_STELL_OCCFor moderately bright stars. Stars serve as a point source to provide good vertical resolution on Jupiter’s atmosphere. The field of view is pointed to a given RA and DEC and pointing held for an extended amount of time. The majority of the data can be omitted except for that of the star on the detector, so these can be done within a good data budget. Full spectral coverage. Note: Here, “moderate, histogram mode”, but pixellist or histogram mode low or high possible.UVS
UVS_JUP_HP_STELL_OCCFor bright stars, use the High spatial resolution port (HP) for higher contrast of star signal to Jupiter background signal. Used also as calibration reference standards.UVS
UVS_JUP_DEFAULTdefault pointing to be inserted at the start and end of the timelineUVS
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_APConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
UVS_SAT_DISK_SCAN_HPConstruct spectral image cubes of multiple atmospheric emission line features (up to 1024 selectable spectral bins with a minimum of 3 key emissions: H Lya, OI 130.4 nm, OI 135.6 nm), with repeated scans to investigate highly time-variable auroral dynamics.UVS
UVS_NC_STARECharacterize the Io/Europa neutral clouds in the immediate vicinity of the satellite. Center satellite in slit. Align the slit with the satellite orbital planeUVS
UVS_SAT_SURF_HPAs UVS_SAT_SURF_AP but using the high resolution port for improved spatial resolution in key surface regionsUVS
UVS_JUP_MONITORING_HPAs above, more of an auroral focus. 2-hour observations fit in between the AP monitoring observationsUVS
PEP_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode. Can work on flybys, if NIM off. PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEI PEPHi Sensors ON: JENI_Ion, JoEEPEPHI
PEP_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode. Can work on flybys, if NIM off. PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (8 sectors), JNA PEPHi Sensors ON: Option 1: JENI_Combo, JoEE. Option 2: JENI_ENA, JoEEPEPHI
PEP_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere. CA of moon flybys with JNA/JENI imaging (if NIM off) PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEI, JNA PEPHi Sensors ON: Option 1: JENI_Combo, JoEE. Option 2: JENI_ENA, JoEEPEPHI

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