UVS_IO_TORUS_SCAN | Map emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's equator, scanned N-S across one ansa of the torus, then move in four steps to the other ansa, repeating the N-S motion each time | UVS |
UVS_IO_TORUS_SCAN | Map emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's rotation pole, scanned E-W across the torus | UVS |
MAJ_GCO500_LIMB | Mapping of selected areas on the dayside limb at resolutions of about 300 m at different latitudes (~30° in lat/lon from the nadir) to study variability of the exospheric processes (sputtering, photodissociation, sublimation). MAJIS scanning at different latitudes of the diurnal limb; a minimum of 3 (north,equat,south) x 2 (dawn, dusk) positions.
Pointing: S/C limb tracking at locations where the slit is tangent to the limb
satellite orientation: Off-nadir orientation, Slit tangent to the limb
Duration: 600 sec per cube | MAJIS |
UVS_SAT_TRANSIT | Measure absorption of Jupiter airglow by satellite atmospheres as they transit Jupiter's disk, to constrain satellite atmospheric composition and variability.
Pointing: nadir (Point slit N-S on Jupiter's disk and wait for moon to transit) | UVS |
MAG_CONTINOP | measure the magnetic field in normal mode (at a rate of 32 vectors/s) continuously | JMAG |
SWI_SAFE | Mode used for USO stabilization prior to warm-up. As it takes several weeks to stabilize the USO, the latter should remain ON all the time in the science phase. Mode into which the instruments switches autonomously in case of an instrument anomaly is detected or if no more science operations are in the queue. Mode to be used during downlink. Only housekeeping telemetry is generated in this mode. | SWI |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_7 | Mode with only NIM on (ion) from PEP-Lo. Required for avoiding switching on/off NIM once per day during downlinks. Good for long surveys of the ionosphere.
PEPLo Sensors ON: NIM ion on, only | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_6 | Mode with only NIM on (neutral) from PEP-Lo. Required for avoiding switching on/off NIM once per day during downlinks. Good for long surveys of the exosphere.
PEPLo Sensors ON: NIM neutral on, only | PEPLO |
UVS_IO_TORUS_STARE | Monitor emissions from the Io torus. Slit aligned parallel with Jupiter's equator. | UVS |
UVS_JUP_AP_LIMB_SCAN | Monitoring auroral and airglow emissions in limb scans which requires a continuous S/C motion to point to limb and scan over planetary limb, using the AP port. Observation performed in pixel list mode to reach a time resolution of 0.001 s. | UVS |
UVS_JUP_AP_AIRGLOW_STARE | Monitoring auroral and airglow emissions in stare mode using the Airglow Port (AP). Slit held along Jupiter' s North/South and on the central meridian, while Jupiter rotates below S/C creating a map. Histogram mode. | UVS |
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_001 | Monitoring auroral emissions and surface reflectance during GCO. Limited spectral resolution. | UVS |
MAJ_JovianRING_MOSAIC | Mosaicking the 2 ring ansa from 90000 to 230000 km. 3 overlapping cubes of 20 vertical lines performed by the scanner (or S/Cslew if compatible with JANUS). This requires re-pointing between individual cubes.
Pointing: OFF-NADIR, S/C pointing projected ring plane, S/C depointing required for the two ansa
Satellite orientation: Maintaining the horizontal orientation of MAJIS slit, MAJIS scan mode activated for vertical sampling (20 vertical lines) centered on the rings, S/C depointing required for mosaicking each ansa (3 overlapping cubes to perform a radial mosaic of one ansa of the rings with radial distance from 90000 to 230000 km)
Duration: 1200 sec (excluding the S/C repointings) | MAJIS |
GAL_WARMUP_GAN | needed right before ANY science observation from GALA during Ganymede phase
Duration: 90min | GALA |
JAN_IDLE | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization before observations or between two observation phases that are too close to switch the instrument OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_CONFIG_ALLOFF | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are OFF) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_CONFIG_ALLON | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are ON) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_OFF | No observations, instrument OFF. | JANUS |
UVS_DECONTAMINATION | Not a true observation, but included so other instruments are aware that our heaters are on | UVS |
MAJ_SAT_DISK_SCAN | Observation of a distant satellite dayside or nightside surface. Satellite offset required for pointing then disk coverage is achieved using the internal pointing mirror scanning in the Y (N-S) direction.
Pointing: NADIR-P with possible offset around Y, YS, MAJIS scan (‘Nadir scan’).
Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit perpendicular to the ground-track
Duration: 30min | MAJIS |
MAJ_Ring_Occultation | Observation of a star occulted by the rings
Scan windowing of 9 lines centered on the star (1 scan step = 1/3 MAJIS IFOV) possible
Pointing: Inertial. For each occultation, transit of TBD min
Satellite orientation: Inertial pointing of the S/C towards the position of the star to maintain MAJIS slit fixed on it. These occultation observations need to be consolidated in the future (star atlas, signal, Tint, S/C inertial capabilities). Scan mirror can be used to mitigate APE drift | MAJIS |
MAJ_GCO5000_AURORA | Observations at auroral latitudes (30-35° N-S), at least in the dawn and dusk sides of Jovian magnetosphere.
Mapping at spatial resolution of about 1 km using the MAJIS scan
Pointing: S/C limb; no requirements on the slit orientation
Saletllite orientation: Off-nadir orientation | MAJIS |
MAJ_GCO500_HR | Observations in true push-broom of specific targets on the surface using motion compensation with the scanner
30 km cross-track x 8.7 km along-track @ 75 m/pixel
30 km cross-track x 17.4 km along-track @ 150 m/pixel (spatial binning x2)
Pointing: Nadir pointing, NYS ( ‘motion compensation PB’)
Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit perpendicular to the ground-track
Duration: One acquisition: 60 sec; switch-on procedure: 10 minutes (TBC) | MAJIS |
MAJ_JUP_DISK_SCAN | Observations of Jupiter clouds and spectroscopy of minor gases.
Scanning the instrument slit over Jovian disk (vertical direction) by means of internal pointing mirror, both dayside and nightside. Aims to cover at least the entire equatorial region (-30°:+30°) during low inclination phases and the polar regions during high inclination phase.
Duration: typically 20min/cube, max 30 min/cube, assuming 2.1 s per line | MAJIS |
MAJ_JUP_DISK_SLEW | Observations of Jupiter clouds and spectroscopy of minor gases.
Scanning the instrument slit over Jovian disk (vertical direction) by means of the S/C slew. aims to cover the entire equatorial region (-30°:+30°)
Pointing: OFF_NADIR, CONTINUOUS SLEW (« continuous S/C scan »)
Satellite orientation: HORIZONTAL
Duration: 20 min per cube | MAJIS |
JAN_SCI_SLEW | Observations of multiple frames in (m x n) positions targeted with a raster pointing of the S/C made with a continuous slew. The raster is done with continuous slew approach: images are acquired while the S/C is slewing; slew rate shall be adapted with the instrument angular sampling and the integration time. To be used while in J orbit or during FBs (out from CA phase) | JANUS |
JAN_SCI_RASTER | Observations of multiple frames in (m x n) positions targeted with a raster pointing of the S/C. The raster is done with a stop-and-go approach: the S/C maintain an inertial pointing allowing images acquisitions, then perform a slew to the new position and repeat the cycle till the (m x n) raster is completed. To be used while in J orbit or during FBs (out from CA phase).
Children observation defined during scenarios:
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_1_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant)
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_2_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant)
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_S007_01_S00P01.def
JAN_SCI_PB | Observations of single or multiple frames with a pointing offset wrt to nominal S/C pointing (e.g., wrt nadir-looking while in G orbit, during FB or while in Jupiter orbit) | JANUS |
MAJ_MainRING _HighPhase | Observations of the main rings (2 ansa) at high phase (forward scattering light), no tracking of azimuthal structure, no spatial binning to increase spatial resolution.
Pointing: OFF-NADIR, S/C pointing centered on the extremity of main rings, S/C depointing required for the two ansa
Satellite orientation: Maintaining the MAJIS slit parallel to radial axis of main rings, MAJIS scan mode activated for vertical sampling (20 vertical lines) centered on the rings
Duration: 400 sec (excluding the S/C repointing to the other ansae) | MAJIS |
MAJ_MainRING _LowPhase | Observations of the main rings (2 ansa), no tracking of azimuthal structure, 20 vertical lines
pointing: OFF-NADIR, S/C pointing centered on the extremity of main rings, S/C depointing required for the two ansa
Satellite orientation: Maintaining the MAJIS slit parallel to radial axis of main rings, MAJIS scan mode activated for vertical sampling centered on the rings (20 vertical lines)
Duration:400 sec (excluding the S/C repointing to the other ansae) | MAJIS |
MAJ_MainRING _PhaseCurve | Observations of the main rings at various phase angles (N angles), one ansae (always the same), 20 vertical lines
Pointing: S/C pointing ring plane at 1.8 R_J (extremity of main rings)
Satellite orientation: OFF-NADIR, Ring plane while maintaining horizontal orientation of MAJIS slit, MAJIS scan mode activated for vertical sampling centered on the rings (20 lines)
Duration: 200 sec for one observations at a given phase angle | MAJIS |
UVS_IRR_SAT | Obtain reflectance spectra of irregular satellites | UVS |
SWI_STANDBY | Only the instrument DPU will be switched on and be able to accept instrument commands. Only housekeeping telemetry is generated in this mode. | SWI |
MAG_BURST | Operation of J-MAG in burst mode (measurement at rate of 128 vectors/s) starting 10 minutes before and ending 10 minutes after a predicted crossing of a thin current sheet in Ganymedes magnetosphere (magnetopause/magnetotail current sheet). | JMAG |
RIM_GANYMEDE_N4 | Passive Radar Acquisitions on Jovian side of Ganymede. | RIME |
PEH_OFF_1 | PEP-Hi off
* Macro: 0 | PEPHI |
SWI_SCIENCE | Place holder:
one of the ASW mode, where the science script will be run ( i.e. from SWI_TSYS_CTS down to SWI_MOON_NADIR_STARE_FS) during the mission | SWI |
UVS_JUP_ROLL_SCAN | Point to nadir. Rotate about nadir so that we scan a circle (or a fraction of a circle - e.g. covering the auroral regions) over Jupiter's disk. Rotation rate ~0.1 degree per second | UVS |
UVS_SAT_SURF_AP | Pushbroom observations near flyby closest approach to investigate surface composition | UVS |
GAL_HR_TARGET_GAN | Region of Interest Observation at Ganymede | GALA |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_3 | Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase. CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption). Good for high quality, extended survey in charged particles. NIM, JNA off.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEI on, JNA & NIM off | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_2 | Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase. CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption). Good for high quality, extended survey. All instruments on, NIM in ion mode (response of ionosphere to charged particles).
PEPLo Sensors ON: All sensors ON, NIM, JNA ion mode | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1 | Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase. CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption). Good for high quality, extended survey. All instruments on, NIM in neutral mode (response of exosphere to charged particles).
PEPLo Sensors ON: All sensors ON, NIM neutral mode, JNA ion mode | PEPLO |
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1 | Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode. Can work on flybys, if NIM off.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (8 sectors), JNA | PEPLO |
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1 | Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode. Can work on flybys, if NIM off.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC, JEI | PEPLO |
UVS_JUP_MONITORING_AP | Replaces previous monitoring stare. We perform a slow scan across the disk: assume 3 seconds per slit width, so 0.033 / s scan rate | UVS |
RIM_EUROPA_FLYBY | RIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processing | RIME |
RIM_CALLISTO_FLYBY | RIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processing. | RIME |
RIM_GANYMEDE_FLYBY | RIME flyby observations or observations without on-board processing. | RIME |
RPW_DL | RPWI observation during downlink windows | RPWI |
RPW_STANDBY | RPWI Safe mode where the instrument can survive indefinitely and where memory patch, dump and check commands are accepted | RPWI |
RPW_INIT | RPWI Transient mode while instrument is initialising after being powered on | RPWI |
MAJ_Amalthea | S/C pointing Amalthea preferentially near maximal elongation of (2.54 R_J), 2 hemispheres, MAJIS spatial windowing (16 rows)
pointing: OFF-NADIR, S/C pointing Amalthea at 2.54 R_J while maintaining horizontal orientation of MAJIS slit
satellite orientation: Maintaining horizontal orientation of MAJIS slit, MAJIS scan mode activated for vertical sampling centered on the satellite (10 lines)
Duration: 100 sec for one hemisphere | MAJIS |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_5 | Same as PEP_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_1 but with lowest performance in JDC, JEI for max power savings while PEP-Lo is no (JEI 4 sectors, JDC low power). NIM, JNA off. Low power mode for Ganymede, good for long duration surveys.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI 4 sectors, JNA & NIM off | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_2 | Same as PEP_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1 but with low performance in JDC, JEI to limit power (JE 4 sectors, JDC low power). NIM neutral, JNA on. Low power mode for Ganymede, good for long duration surveys with multiple instruments.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JEI: 4 sectors, JDC: LP, NIM: Neutral mode | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_3 | Same as PEP_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1 but with low performance in JDC, JEI to limit power (JEI 4 sectors, JDC low power). NIM ion, JNA on. Low power mode for Ganymede, good for long duration surveys with multiple instruments.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JEI: 4 sectors, JDC: LP, NIM: Ion mode | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_4 | Same as PEP_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1 but with low performance in JDC, JEI to limit power (JEI 4 sectors, JDC low power). NIM ion, JNA on. Low power mode for Ganymede, good for long duration surveys with multiple instruments.
PEPLo Sensors ON: JEI: 4 sectors, JDC: LP, NIM: Ion mode | PEPLO |
PEL_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_LOW_1 | Same as PEP_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_3 but with low performance in JDC, JEI to limit power (JEI 8 sectors, JDC low power). NIM, JNA off. Low power mode for Ganymede, good for long duration surveys
PEPLo Sensors ON: JDC_LP, JEI (8 sectors) | PEPLO |
SWI_2D_MAP_FS_V1 | Same as SWI 2D MAP PS, except a frequency-switch calibration mode is
used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration time on-source. If
the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for
the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_5POINT_CROSS_FS_V1 | Same as SWI 5POINT CROSS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration time onsource.
For Jupiter, two CTS spectra are recorded for 60 seconds over 10000 channels (16 bits
coding). For moon monitoring, two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 seconds over 210 channels
(16 bits coding). For both cases, and in parallel, two CCH measurements (20 bits coding) are
recorded for 0.1 second. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to
pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. Frequency-switch calibration method for
CTS data. | SWI |
SWI_JUP_LIMB_RASTER_FS_V1 | Same as SWI JUP LIMB RASTER PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration time
on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute
ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_JUP_LIMB_STARE_FS_V1 | Same as SWI JUP LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration time
on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute
ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_MOON_LIMB_SCAN_FS_V1 | Same as SWI MOON LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration
time on-source. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits
coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and
a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. If the purity of the spectral
band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_MOON_LIMB_STARE_FS_V1 | Same as SWI MOON LIMB STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration
time on-source. Flyby: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 210 channels (16 bits
coding). GCO: Two CTS spectra are recorded for 30 sec over 130 channels (16 bits coding) and
a different altitude (5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 km) is scanned every orbit. If the purity of the spectral
band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_NADIR_STARE_FS_V1 | Same as SWI NADIR STARE PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration time
on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to pre-compute
ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. | SWI |
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_ACS_FS_V1 | Same as SWI SPECTRAL SCAN ACS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration
time on-source. The ACS does not allow to pre-compute ON/OFF before downlink. A single
execution can cover up to 11 tunings. | SWI |
SWI_SPECTRAL_SCAN_CTS_FS_V1 | Same as SWI SPECTRAL SCAN CTS PS, except a frequency-switch calibration
mode is used instead of position-switch. It enables spending 100% of the integration
time on-source. If the purity of the spectral band is good enough, there is an option to precompute
ON-OFF for the CTS before downlink. A single execution can cover up to 9 tunings. | SWI |
UVS_JUP_HP_AIRGLOW_STARE | Same as UVS_JUP_AP_AIRGLOW_STARE but for High spatial resolution Port (HP). Monitoring auroral and airglow emissions in stare mode using the Airglow Port (AP). Slit held along Jupiter' s North/South and on the central meridian, while Jupiter rotates below S/C creating a map. Histogram mode. | UVS |
UVS_JUP_HP_LIMB_SCAN | Same as UVS_JUP_AP_LIMB_SCAN but through the HP port | UVS |
UVS_JUP_HP_SCAN_MAP | Same as UVS_JUP_AP_SCAN_MAP but for High spatial resolution Port (HP). Scan the UVS slit in the cross slit direction across a region (e.g., auroral (N or S)) or entire disk using the Airglow (AP) port, scan at a constant rate across Jupiter to produce a map. Observation performed in pixel list mode to reach a time resolution of 0.001 s. | UVS |
UVS_JUP_AP_SCAN_MAP | Scan the UVS slit in the cross slit direction across a region (e.g., auroral (N or S)) or entire disk using the Airglow (AP) port, scan at a constant rate across Jupiter to produce a map. Observation performed in pixel list mode to reach a time resolution of 0.001 s. | UVS |
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_AP | Search for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations. | UVS |
UVS_SAT_LIMB_STARE_HP | Search for faint atmospheric emissions by building signal to noise through long integrations. | UVS |
UVS_SAT_LIMB_SCAN_AP | Similar to disc scan observations, but holding the pointing relative to the limb during flyby sequences. | UVS |
UVS_SAT_LIMB_SCAN_HP | Similar to disc scan observations, but holding the pointing relative to the limb during flyby sequences. | UVS |
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_003 | Similar to observation 001 but with increased spectral resolution to achieve < 2 nm resolution between 100 and 200 nm as specified in SciRD | UVS |
UVS_GCO_HISTOGRAM_002 | Similar to observation 001 but with Increased time sampling to capture auroral morphology and variability | UVS |
SWI_2D_MAP_OTF_CCH_V1 | Similar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence,
i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once. | SWI |
SWI_2D_MAP_OTF_V1 | Similar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence,
i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once. | SWI |
SWI_2D_MAP_OTF | Similar to SWI 2D MAP PS, but using an on-the-fly recording sequence, i.e. the OFF position per map row is only observed once. | SWI |
UVS_EUR_SCAN_HIGH_RES_OBSOLETE | Similar to UVS_DISK_SCAN but higher resolution.
pointing: start at -1.5 satellite radii from the satellite centre, scan in the direction perpendicular to the slit across the disk, ending at +1.5 satellite radii from the centre | UVS |
UVS_IO_SCAN | Similar to UVS_DISK_SCAN, but including extra emission lines e.g. from S and Cl. Also requires different spatial binning since Io is more distant | UVS |
GAL_GAN_OFF_POINTING | specific observation for polar geometry with off-pointing w.r.t Nadir during GCO500.
Only to be executed TBD time. Similar profile than GAL_MONITORING_GAN but with off nadir pointing request | GALA |
SWI_TSYS_ACS_CCH | Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with
the ACS & CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1
second. A single execution can cover up to 15 tunings. | SWI |
SWI_TSYS_ACS_CCH_V1 | Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with
the ACS & CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1
second. A single execution can cover up to 15 tunings. | SWI |
SWI_TSYS_ACS_V1 | Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with
the ACS 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on ACS is 1 second. A
single execution can cover up to 16 tunings. | SWI |
SWI_TSYS_CCH_V1 | Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with
the CCH 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. A single execution can cover up to 16
tunings. | SWI |
SWI_TSYS_CTS_V1 | Spectral scan to measure the system temperature spectra of the 2 bands with
the CTS 1 & 2 by observing the hot load and cold sky. Integration time on CTS is 2 seconds. A
single execution can cover up to 15 tunings. | SWI |
MAJ_BORESIGHT_ALIGNEMENT | Star sequence for geometrical calibration.
A star is initially pointed using the MAJIS boresight, then MAJIS is operated with the scan mechanism at high resolution (1/3 of IFOV) over 18 lines centered in the star. Then this operation is successively observed after 4 S/C repointings of 1.5° around X and Y.
Pointing : inertial
Satellite orientation: S/C pointing the star and MAJIS scans
Duration: 18 to 180 sec per position (5 positions in total)+ stabilization time for repointing not taken into account | MAJIS |
MAJ_JUP_EVENT_MONITORING | Study of the evolution of unusual phenomena in Jupiter atmosphere, especially in their zonal evolution MAJIS will acquire several “subcubes” with limited number of lines (about 80) as follows:
1. a series of sub-cubes (from 1 to 4) is acquired with the scan mirror to get the coverage of a limited latitude region at all longitudes on the visible side of the planet. Satellite is re-pointed before acquiring each sub-cube
2. the series at previous point is repeated at fixed time intervals (in the order of 1 h, TBC) to monitor the temporal evolution.
Pointing type: YS, Series of OFF-NADIR pointings (‘off-nadir scan mode’)
satellite orientation: HORIZONTAL
160 sec for each sub-cube.
Time between series defines actual temporal sampling and is variable (zero data rate here).
Total duration about 5 h (1/2 of rotation period) | MAJIS |
MAJ_GCO5000_GLOBAL | Systematic mapping performed with cross-track binning by 4 during circular phase (~120 days)
3 km/pixel, 300x300 km swaths, spatial binning x 4.
Pointing: YS, Nadir
Satellite orientation: MAJIS slit at a slant with the ground track except at the equator
Duration: 4H per orbit (one cube: 6 min) | MAJIS |
UVS_JUP_SP_SOL_OCC | The large solar disc and the substantial distance from Jupiter mean that this will not provide the same vertical resolution as stellar occultations, but are useful for measurements of minor/trace constituents due to high S/N. This uses a fixed scan through the Solar Port (SP) at a selected RA and DEC, holding the pointing for an extended amount of time. Note: Here histograms, but pixellist mode possible. | UVS |
MAJ_JUP_LIMB_SCAN | The MAJIS pointing mirror is used to scan the atmosphere of Jupiter over the limb up to 1500km. Exposure times are optimized for weak limb emissions.
The scan mirror step of 1/10 MAJIS IFOV shall constrain the spatial sampling provides a spatial supersampling adequate to reconstruct, by deconvolution, the signal vertical profile at sub-pixel scale.
Observations consists in sets of max. 8 cubes at different latitudes, around the limb of the planet.
Duration: Typically 20 min for each cube (110 lines), assuming 11 s per line | MAJIS |
MAJ_JUP_HIGH_FREQ_MONITORING | The observing type is designed to study the evolution of atmospheric features at high temporal frequency as well as to map specific atmospheric features at regional scale.
Scanning of features on the Jovian disc, on dayside as well as on nightside, with limited latitudinal coverage.
MAJIS will acquire one or more several “subcubes” with a limited number of lines (about between 64 and 160)
Duration: between 84 and 315 s for each cube, assuming 2.1 s per line | MAJIS |
3GM_OCCULTATION | The radio science experiment 3GM, with its dual-frequency radio links (X and Ka-band) referenced to an ultrastable oscillator (USO), is performed as JUICE spacecraft moves in and out of occultation. Occultations occur throughout the jovian tour, but their phasing is not always synchronized with the timing of dedicated Jupiter observations by the other orbiter experiments. USO unmuted, HAA in NOMINAL SCIENCE.
Note that 2 other options exist for torus occultations but are not (yet) defined in the database | 3GM |
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radio_burst | The RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s) - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements. | RPWI |
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radio_Full | The RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_Full mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s); - Makes detailed radio emissions from Jupiter as well as moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Will also support RIME measurements, giving the background natural radio emissions. Monitor the radio emission spectrum as well as polarization. | RPWI |
RPW_In_situ_burst_Radar_mode_3 | The RPWI In-situ_burst + Radio_mode_3 mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_burst mode measurement. In addtion to in-situ_slow modes, In-situ_burst mode adds continuous measurements of electric and magnetic fields at higher cadence (763 smpl/s) as well as more frequent snapshots at higher frequencies (MF - 50 ksmpl/s and HF - 312 ksmpl/s); - Radio mode TBD | RPWI |
RPW_OBSOLETE_In_situ_low_Radio_burst | The RPWI In-situ_low + Radio_burst mode: - Makes continuous In-situ_low mode measurement, the lowest in-situ possible power and TM, which implements only the Mutual Impedance sweeps and DC electric field measurements; - Makes full plasma wave measurements and high-time resolution monitoring up to 1.6MHz as well as cover the low frequency and DC electric field and density measurements. | RPWI |