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SWI_ALLAN_CTS_FSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CTSAllan variance characterization of the CTS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1.5 s.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_CCHAllan variance characterization of the CCH 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 0.1 s.SWI
SWI_ALLAN_TOTAL_ACSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 sSWI
SWI_ALLAN_ACS_FSAllan variance characterization of the ACS 1 & 2 by integrating on the cold sky. Integration time is 1 s. Frequency-switch calibration method.SWI
PEL_OFF_1All sensors off, only survival heaters on PEP-Lo off (e.g. TCM, WOL periods)PEPLO
SWI_OFFAll instrument subsystems including the DPU will be switched off. Consequently there will be no housekeeping data and no telemetry. The instrument will be in this mode during launch and cruise phase, except during calibration campaigns (e.g. planet flybys).SWI
MAJ_STANDBYAfter switch-on of MAJIS, the Boot SW automatically starts, and performs the primary boot from the PROM (Init fugitive BSW mode). After processor modules initialization, the Boot software goes to STANDBY mode. By default, the ASW Image0 (stored in MRAM0 = ASM0) is autonomously loaded after a timeout of 30 seconds. MAJIS then enters into ASW init Mode and then into SAFE mode. In STANDBY Mode, all channels are off, and only DPU HK SID1 are received. MAJIS needs to be maintained in STANDBY mode using the TC(17,1) in the following cases : - upload (using service 6) of new ASW images (or CUSW, or firmware) into MRAM: FCP-MAJ-070 describes the maintenance process. - upload a new BROWSE Table FCP-MAJ-060 into MRAM - select ASW Image1 and then start ASW Image 1 instead of teh default ASW Image0. FCP-MAJ-062 - any other update of MRAM using service 6MAJIS
MAJ_JUP_DISK_MOSAICA series of several MAJIS_JUP_DISK_SCAN or MAJIS_JUP_DISK_SLEW Spacecraft has to be re-pointed between individual acquisitions. POinting type: YS, NADIR with offset around Y (‘ nadir offset MAJIS scan’’) satellite orientation: HORIZONTAL (preferred) Duration: 3 x (scan-duration + turnaround Y duration). Scan duration from 20 to 40 min depending on the distance from Jupiter. Turnaround ~50 minMAJIS
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ monitoring mode *Can work on flybys * Macro: 117 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_1*Regular magnetosphere in-situ & ENA imaging monitoring mode * Macro: 148b Sensors ON: JENI, JoEE.PEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_LOW_1*Low power in-situ mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments) * Macro: 110 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_LOW_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_NOMINAL_1*Low power in-situ & ENA imaging mode (e.g. downlink, non-prime/low priority science sgments * Macro: 142 Sensors ON: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEL_JUPITER_IN_SITU_IMAGING_BURST_2*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys with JNA/JENI imaging and high time (plume) resolution for NIMPEPLO
PEH_JUPITER_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, magnetosphere *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (magnetopause/bow shock crossings, injection events, moon wakes/microsignatures) * Macro: 121 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_BURST_1*Burst in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys *Short duration events (e.g. boundary crossings) * Macro: 122PEPHI
PEH_GANYMEDE_IN_SITU_NOMINAL_1* Regular in-situ mode, ganymede phase *CA of moon flybys later in the mission (higher power consumption) *Good for high quality, extended survey * Macro: 118 Sensors: JENI, JoEEPEPHI
SWI_POINTING_ACS_CCH: Determination of absolute pointing offset between S/C and SWI (for the 2 bands) recording continuum maps with the ACS 1 & 2 and the CCH 1 & 2.Integration time on the ACS and CCH are 1s and 0.1s, respectively.SWI

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