JAN_SCI_RASTER | Observations of multiple frames in (m x n) positions targeted with a raster pointing of the S/C. The raster is done with a stop-and-go approach: the S/C maintain an inertial pointing allowing images acquisitions, then perform a slew to the new position and repeat the cycle till the (m x n) raster is completed. To be used while in J orbit or during FBs (out from CA phase).
Children observation defined during scenarios:
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_1_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant)
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_PART_2_S007_01_S00P01.def (name non compliant)
│ ├── JAN_SCI_RASTER_IO_TRANSIT_001_S007_01_S00P01.def
JAN_SCI_PB | Observations of single or multiple frames with a pointing offset wrt to nominal S/C pointing (e.g., wrt nadir-looking while in G orbit, during FB or while in Jupiter orbit) | JANUS |
JAN_SCI_LIMB | Children observations defined during scenarios
JAN_OFF | No observations, instrument OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_IDLE | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization before observations or between two observation phases that are too close to switch the instrument OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_CONFIG_ALLON | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are ON) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF. | JANUS |
JAN_CONFIG_ALLOFF | No observations, but instrument ON for thermal stabilization of the complete electronics (PEU and detector are OFF) and for setting the observation sequences and between two observation sequences that are too close to switch the detector OFF. | JANUS |
GAL_WARMUP_GAN | needed right before ANY science observation from GALA during Ganymede phase
Duration: 90min | GALA |
GAL_MONITORING_GAN | GALA will measure the time of flight between firing and receiving the returned laser signal during Ganymede phase | GALA |
GAL_LR_FB_ALBEDO | GALA will passively measure the reflectance of the illuminated hemisphere of the satellite during flyby nadir phase.GALA will operate in passive albedo mode (DiagRx) | GALA |
GAL_IDLE | Transition from OFF to IDLE mode (and IDLE to OFF) | GALA |
GAL_HR_TARGET_GAN | Region of Interest Observation at Ganymede | GALA |
GAL_HR_FB | High resolution data acquisition around FB closest approach. GALA will measure the time of flight between firing and receiving the returned laser signal | GALA |
GAL_GAN_OFF_POINTING | specific observation for polar geometry with off-pointing w.r.t Nadir during GCO500.
Only to be executed TBD time. Similar profile than GAL_MONITORING_GAN but with off nadir pointing request | GALA |
3GM_OCCULTATION | The radio science experiment 3GM, with its dual-frequency radio links (X and Ka-band) referenced to an ultrastable oscillator (USO), is performed as JUICE spacecraft moves in and out of occultation. Occultations occur throughout the jovian tour, but their phasing is not always synchronized with the timing of dedicated Jupiter observations by the other orbiter experiments. USO unmuted, HAA in NOMINAL SCIENCE.
Note that 2 other options exist for torus occultations but are not (yet) defined in the database | 3GM |
3GM_GRAVITY_TOUR | KaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement
USO assumed to be ON during the full tour: this should be defined in the scenario set-up and not at 3GM observation approach.
HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement.
The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up. | 3GM |
3GM_GRAVITY_GCO500_200 | Gravity measurement during GCO500 and GCO200 will use the HGA during downlink sessions. If not possible, it will use the MGA. KaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement. USOis OFF during this phase (except in case of BSR opportunity). HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement. The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up. | 3GM |
3GM_GRAVITY_FLYBYS | Gravity measurement during flyby requires the use of the MGA.
KaT and HAA should be operating during gravity measurement
USO assumed to be ON during the full tour: this should be defined in the scenario set-up and not at 3GM observation approach.
HAA should be in STANDBY mode at least 48 hours before the gravity measurement.
The observation should start with 1 hour of HAA in CALIBRATION mode. KaT starts with 10min of warm-up. | 3GM |
3GM_BISTATIC_RADAR | Characterization of the surface by determination of roughness, dielectric constant of surface material and material density. The chosen antenna points towards surface, radio signal reflects from surface and received on ground.
USO unmuted.
The HAA shall be ON to calibrate the sloshing potentially excited by pointing the HGA toward a moon’s Surface. | 3GM |